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syntax (ordered by approximate descending ease of typing):

a/b/c: infix, prefix, postfix/unattached (todo in many entries i wrote it prefix/infix/postfix)

-	subtraction/unary negation, 'opposite' semantic prefix when applied to punctuation/boundary? infixify?   note: also valid within identifiers						
=	__set//; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation
()  	parens//  ; note: x( )x is parens parameterized by x
;   	eol (actually, EndOfParagraph; EOL can only be typed with a newline)//
'   	option type unwrap with args/option type wrap/option type unwrap ; also, quote labels ("'LABELA") NOTE: can make more general, about WRAPPERS rather than just error handling (see eg 'dire' library), where lone ' with no arguments is just a special case
,   	(autoconstructor-contexting)separator/lazy/strict
.   	same as prefix/.keyword eg "attribute access"; and maybe when before punctuation, 'fold'/when after punctuation, elementwise/map? infixify?
/   	bind ie label
--	tight binding -1, eg 0..4-- == 0..(4-1) (more useful: 0..x--); OR maybe comment-to-EOL
;;	comment to EOL
''      ?string
,,	implicitly put current group inside of a []; and also inside []:multidim separator/?/?
..  	path literals (can be indexed into to get reified links)/?/?  OR range (eg 1..3 == [1 2])
//	comment to EOL?; OR mb separator between guard and branch in switch statement and similar constructs ; arrow in data or logical context? or is that /?; Haskell '$', or do we use ',' for that?
!	/strict? parallelize? anti-parallelize? get started now (eager evaluation)? unlifted? golang-style channel?/  assertion 'ensures' (mb that's '!:')?
%	division; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation, NOT implying associativity. Probably not: in/elem/member (Python's "in" = math's 'elem'), that's %%
&	logical and?/impurity, aliasing | addressof/; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation
*       multiply/list unpacking, like in python? infixify?/get multiple return arguments as a graph (or should that be postfix []?); syntactic sugar to imitate variadic functions (variable number of arguments) by enclosing the rest of the subexpression in []; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation, implying associativity
_   	dummy arg (in argspec) or anonymous autolambda autovariable/privacy (unexported)/? ; as an identifier prefix, 'private'
+	concat (and addition)/infixify?/?  mb infix + is short for parameterized parens around a single element, eg e+x is short for e( x )e ; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation, mb implying associativity
{}   	block (like parens, but doesnt autoclose, and also defines a scope; within non-code context, enters code context)
:	grouping bind? type annotation to EOL?  range constructor (as in Octave)? slicing (as in Octave, Python, Go)
"	?string
<   	less than/?/?; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation; also mb <T> for generic types?
>   	greater than/?/?; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation
<>    generic types?
?   	?/metavariable?/? requires? hypothetical assertion (mb that's '?:')?  ; as prefix in type annotations, mb 'option-ify' eg '?string' is like 'Maybe String'
[]	graph constructor; enters data context		note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61	
|   	pipe? logical or?	reverse direction of composition, eg x.f1.f2 / / / Haskell's '$' (later: no, we have , for that)         ; also mb custom operator prefix when combined with punctuation  note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61
@   	?/view? node label eg node annotation of color 'name' eg Haskell-style at-binding?/? , forall?			note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61	
#	comment-to-EOL, at least on first few lines? or ##? | ?/default collapse? footnote defn|len/footnote use? view? reserved for DSLs? |strict	note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61							
$   	extension sigil prefix? ?/metaquote? /interpolate? metavariable? antiquote?	note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61	
\   	escape EOL or other character				note: not in T.61
`	argspec? infixify? autocoerce			not in T.61
^   	(eol?) annotation, general prefix for anything having to do with meta/node annotation (x^annotationType:annotation)? type annotation (loose binding; annotates thing to its left; but don't we already have capitalized AST annotations for that?)? /?	note: not in T.61
~   	autocoerce? general prefix (or postfix?) for sorta, similar, exception to the rules (but not exception as in error handling), shortcut, special literals				note: not in T.61, apparently hard to type
!!	'programmer promises' (mb that's '!!:')
%%  	Python's in/elem/member? probably not: python's interpolation operator, possibly with syntactic sugar for x % (a,b)?; also Hoon's evaluate-with-changes? 
&&      logical AND?
**	exponentiation?	
__  	as an identifier prefix: reserved for the language
___  	as an identifier prefix: reserved for the language implementation
++	tight binding +1, eg 0..x++ == 0..(x+1)
::  	type annotation to EOG (end of group, eg EOL or close parens or close bracket) (would like a single char for this?), or separation grouping a b :: c d == (a b) (c d)? 'such that' separating a variable introduction from the rest (or is that accomplished by putting the variable introduction in backquotes?)?
<< >> 	type annotation? character meta, or use <<< >>> for that?
@@	forall? the other stuff @ is mb used for?			       note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61
##	?/comment-to-EOL? far footnote?/far footnote?  note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61
$$	anon fn helper? replace-with-changes/interpolation operator?/?/?	  	       note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61
||	pipeline? logical OR?		       note: not in ISO 646, but is in T.61
^^	edge annotation? quote?
"""	HERE document/multiline string//
${}     interpolation of arbitrary expressions (as opposed to single identifiers)
""[]	autostringify array constructor
-#      lazy

^+	label?
^.^	reified edge/path literal?
...	reified edge/path literal?

<P P>	ternary operators; P is a string of allowable punctuation; eg x<|y|>z (what is the privilaged 'default' x<y>z then? mb sign(y(x,z)? eg the 'spaceship operator' would be equal to x<->z? or maybe something metaprogrammy)
<x>	infixify
<->	perl spaceship operator (binary operator: compare and return -1, 0, or 1)?
<=>	perl spaceship operator (binary operator: compare and return -1, 0, or 1)?

:=	function definition

?( )?	enters logic context
?- 	question/answer (Q ?- A means 'question Q answered by A')
|-	single turnstile (inference)
|=	double turnstile (entailment)
<:	subtype (mb; this is common use but conflicts with our use of ':' to mean type annotation)
<.	subtype (mb)? in/member/elem?
<-	subtype (mb)
?:	hypothetical assertion
!:	assertion
!!:	'programmer promises' assertion
!<:	'decreasing' loop annotation
!!<:	'programmer promises' 'decreasing' loop annotation
->:	 logical 'implies' operator
?>:	 pre-condition
!>:	 post-condition
!!>:	 'programmer promises' post-condition
^mbnonterminating    annotation that some loop might not terminate

lowercase    variable; cannot be string-matched by metaprogramming
UPPERCASE    label; or, annotation that is not also an identifier
Capitalized  language/DSL (macro) keyword? or Ruby-style keyword? or, annotation that is also an identifier
x, x1, ..    default variable names for anonymous functions (should this be _, _1, ..? yes, probably)
X, X1, ..    some sort of metaprogrammy variable names (ie these are treated as Capitalized, not UPPERCASE)

potential alpha ids for some things you might think would be punctuation:
div	division (but mb %)
pow	exponentiation (but mb **)

.+ append to list ([1 2] .+ 3 == [1 2 3]   (should we also have a CONS, that preappends at location 0, or is APPEND enough? mb +. is cons, .+ is append?) BUT this would conflict with using prefix . as 'elementwise' (syntactic metaoperator for map) as in OCTAVE
+- and -+: cons and append? but then postfix - isnt a generic 'marker'.. mb that's okay though, make you use a 'section' to mark punctuation, eg (+)- for a marked '+'. Should it be 0 +- [1 2] but [1 2] -+ 3, or should the list be on the left in both cases? 0 +- [1 2] but [1 2] -+ 3 is not totally irregular, the way to remember it is that in both cases, the left-to-right position of the elements is the same as they will be in the resulting list
+, and ,+: cons and append? but then , is not lazy/strict

|- list comprehension
|/ list comprehension filter
|> list comprehension reduce


infixify: mb:

&? or mb just those of them without other functions (we only need one at each precedence level after all, and we'd like to use eg & for something else)

'such thats' in patterns (mb something like '?-' ?)

J-style forks

need syntax to turn 'for' (foreach), which is by default parallel, into sequential

similarrly, need notation for reduce when it is non-commutative or even non-associative (fully sequential), because by default reduce is parallel and unordered

See also the older version, [1], which has a bunch of things which are looking for syntax.

probably should reserve a prefix for metaprogrammable punctuation; how about ^

compiler directives

metadata directives


numeric range constructor (1..10, i..10, 1.5..3..(.1), etc)

mb a general sigil prefix to mean 'platform-x', eg platform function call, eg platform fork (eg if the 'platform' sigil were '$' and 'fork' were fork, then $fork)

do we want a separate sigil for type annotation, or is ^ enough?

todo: is there something that does Haskell's a b $ c d $ e f == a b (c d (e f))? (ps is that even how $ works in haskell?). If colons are doing grouping separation already, then perhaps ,, is open to could do this?

pipes: reverse composition, and stream pipe (should

be rev compose instead of OR and could be OR?)

quantifiers (note that they also need variable to bind, and should have the possibility of having something like the 'slash operator' attached for mutual independence)

implies? material implies? non-material implies? iff?

subset, superset

definition (as opposed to assignment, equivalence, or a provisionally true fact)

giving a situation/context/time argument to a fluent (time-dependent fact function eg datomic, situation calculus)

'therefore' (there dots in a triangle)

union, intersection, complement


'is reducible to' (do we just use

- for this?)

'equivalence class of'

open interval, closed interval


inner product

conjugate transpose



conditional probabilities

derivative, integral

exists! (exactly one of)

matrix product

tensor product

composition (eg relational composition R;S)

transitive closure-like (eg ^* in regexps)

laziness/evaluation style

note: in earlier versions i looked at presence in ISO 646 and T.61 as one measurement of 'easy to type'. But [] is not in ISO 646 (but it is in T.61), and i think {} is not even in T.61. I think we can't really do without frequent [] and {}, and any programmer already has to get a keyword to work with these for other languages. So maybe i should start ignoring ISO 646 and T.61.

note: it seems that a common pattern is for the infix variant of something to mean one thing, and for the prefix/postfix variants to mean two things completely unrelated to the infix variant, but related to each other. Which suggests that we separate the above table into 2 (infix, and prefix/postfix).
