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Review-type opinions



UI Tips

alt-enter to switch between windowed and fullscreen graphics

right panel->functions->orbit lines ON (press A when highlighting that option) this shows lines around stellar bodies that tell you how close you can get before dropping out of supercruise

it's quicker to alt-tab in and out of Elite (eg to use websites that suggest trade routes) if you are in Borderless mode. Unfortunately, if your graphics card, like mine, is weak, then fullscreen gives much better performance.

the 'navigation' tab on the left DOES NOT always show all possible jumps -- if there are a ton of possible jumps, some will be missing (this is particularly annoying if you are in a wing and someone is telling to jump to some particular place). Instead, use the routing functionality of the Galaxy Map.

This is annoying because at least on my computer, the Galaxy Map is really slow to load.

With the Steam Controller

notes on steam controller:


that means that for elite, i've found that:

This is too bad, because it's much more fun to use the gyro for roll and pitch. The gyro is precise.

Control bindings

apparently the "classic context" and "default context" have a hardcoded radial context menu that you can't access in the other modes (how do you get the menu? hold down A? hold down X?)

ok i confirmed that personally. when using 'classic context' or 'default context' you can hold down any of X, Y, A, B to get a description overlay of what these things do. In fact, you CAN even start with eg 'default context', edit it to get a 'custom' control scheme, and the description overlay still works! The catch is that if your custom control scheme started out as a 'default context', you cannot modify any of the items that show up in the context menu (the game prevents you if you try).

The differences between 'default context' and 'classic context' are:

in default context:

(from [1])


if you try to start with Default Context and then bind the throttle to RS vertical (right stick), it won't work. But if you start with Advanced Control Pad or Advanced Control Pad 2, it will.

If you start with Advanced Control Pad or Advanced Control Pad 2 and try to bind something to an ABXY key, or an ABXY key combo, it prints the ABXY key two or three times, eg "B" becomes "B+B+B". This doesn't work well; eg if you activate the thing bound to a B combo, you also often activate the thing bound to B alone.


diff -u /media/winshare/AdvancedControlPad?.binds /media/winshare/AdvancedControlPad?2.binds >ADC_ADC2_diffs.txt

  1. note: lots of false positives this way but with -u1 is misses too many, eg when secondary is on a line below primary, which is a line below the opening thingee. Also there may be false negatives here for similar reasons. Really i guess we'd prefer an xml diff but i couldn't find an open source, ubuntu one in 2 minutes and i don't have time to look further.

grep -i -v primary ADC_ADC2_diffs.txt

grep -v secondary grep -v \"grep -v \@grep -v advancedcontrolpad tr -d \+-\<\>[:blank:]
sort -fu

grep -i -v primary ADC_ADC2_diffs.txt

grep -v secondary grep -v \"grep -v \@grep -v advancedcontrolpad tr -d \+-\<\>[:blank:]
sort -fu grep -v cam grep -v headlook

BackwardKey? BackwardThrustButton?_Landing CycleFireGroupNext? CycleFireGroupPrevious? CycleNextHostileTarget? CycleNextPanel? CycleNextSubsystem? CycleNextTarget? DeployHardpointToggle? DeployHeatSink? DisableRotationCorrectToggle? EjectAllCargo? FireChaffLauncher? FocusCommsPanel? FocusLeftPanel? FocusRadarPanel? FocusRightPanel? ForwardKey? GalaxyMapOpen? GunsightSystem? HMDReset HyperSuperCombination? IncreaseEnginesPower? KeyboardLayoutenGBKeyboardLayout? LandingGearToggle? LateralThrustRaw? MicrophoneMute? MouseReset? Pause PitchDownButton? QuickCommsPanel? RadarDecreaseRange? RadarIncreaseRange? RadarRangeAxis? SelectHighestThreat? SelectTarget? SelectTargetsTarget? SetSpeed? SetSpeedMinus? SetSpeedZero? ShowPGScoreSummaryInput? Supercruise SystemMapOpen? TargetNextRouteSystem? TargetWingman? ThrottleAxis? ToggleButtonUpInput? ToggleCargoScoop? ToggleFlightAssist? ToggleReverseThrottleInput? UI_Back UIFocus UI_Select UI_Up UseAlternateFlightValuesToggle? UseBoostJuice? UseShieldCell? WingNavLock? YawAxisRaw?

false positives in the above include (but i think are not limited to):

CycleFireGroupNext? CyclePreviousHostileTarget? CyclePreviousPanel? CyclePreviousSubsystem? CyclePreviousTarget? DisableRotationCorrectToggle? EjectAllCargo? ForwardKey? GunsightSystem? HMDReset IncreaseEnginesPower? LateralThrustRaw? MouseReset? PitchDownButton? RadarRangeAxis? SetSpeedMinus? ShowPGScoreSummaryInput? SystemMapOpen? TargetNextRouteSystem? ThrottleAxis? ToggleReverseThrottleInput? UIFocus UI_Select UI_Up UseAlternateFlightValuesToggle? YawAxisRaw?

ABXY diffs (omitting camera controls and other non-flying mode stuff)

diff -u AdvancedControlPad?.binds AdvancedControlPad?2.binds

grep -B3 -A3 'Pad_X'
  1. and similar for the other keys..

both 1 and 2: A: deploy hardpoints, heat sink (different combos though), cycle next fire group B: none X: flight assist


A: previous fire group B: FSD, radar zoom, UI_Back X: setting speed to 0, cargo scoop, landing gear, look at panels (only left and right though) Y: targeting

2: A: silent running, shield cell, chaff B: targeting X: setting speeds, FSD Y: cargo scoop, landing gear, look at panels

note: in these modes it seems to me that ABXY appear only as combos, not on their own, unlike default context

compare to default context:

A: select target ahead; targeting, sensor zoom B: boost; cargo scoop, landing gear, lights, camera X: hardpoints; cycle next/prev fire group, look Y: FSD; galaxy map, silent running, flight assist, system map, FSD-choose-supercrusie, FSD-choose-hyperspace,


to summarize the differences (when i say "only X has something" i mean on the controller; sometimes it still has a keyboard key):


so should i switch from using default context to advanced control pad 2 for control schemes that want to use LS or RS axes for new things, since default context has a problem with that? i think so. the main things we lose imo are:

we lose the ability to easily access some functions in the default context button combos but nothing important (lights, camera, sensor zoom (if 2), cycle prev fire group (if 2), some looks (if 1), silent running (if 2), system map, FSD choose-supercruise vs hyperspace.

why advanced control pad 2 over advanced control pad 1?

some changes to make to advanced control pad 2:


trying to set "Interface mode: UI back": B doesn't always work; neither does "mode switch: game menu": start, (are these just hardcoded now?)


Start with "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset in Options->Controls. Make the following changes: "Weapons: deploy hardpoints": change keyboard key from ENTER to U. "Weapons: Firing deploys hardpoints": yes, "Interface mode: UI back": B (it shows up as B+B), "mode switch: game menu": start, Gyro is pitch and roll, right trackpad is yaw and vertical thrust, undergrip is lateral thrust. Note: sometimes when you return from menus the DEFAULT Action Set fails to re-engage; just go back into the m

Start with "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset in Options->Controls. Make the following changes: "Weapons: deploy hardpoints": change keyboard key from ENTER to U. "Weapons: Firing deploys hardpoints": yes, Gyro is pitch and roll, right trackpad is yaw and vertical thrust, undergrip is lateral thrust. Note: sometimes when you return from menus the DEFAULT Action Set fails to re-engage; just go back into the m

Start with "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset in Options->Controls. Make the following changes: "Weapons: deploy hardpoints": change keyboard key from ENTER to U. "Weapons: Firing deploys hardpoints": yes, "Interface mode: UI ba

set mouse controls: mouse x-axis: "roll", mouse y-axis: "pitch"


cheat sheet for ABXY:

A: weapons config B: targeting X: engine Y: look at panels, misc

A: weapons config

B: targeting:

X: engine:

Y: look at panels, and misc

select: galaxy map (todo: should change this later, this would be good for a mode shift or action set switch) start: pause/game menu (hardcoded?)

(note: according to the controls, RS click is still Mode Switches: Headlook)

todo: if this is correct, post it to

saved a copy of the Elite input config in "Custom.1.8.binds" in the winshare folder


if elite has an analog "throttle axis" set in the controls, then each time you touch the analog throttle input, it overrides the throttle setting set via the "increase throttle" and "decrease throttle" keys. If "throttle axis range" is set to "full range", then after you release the throttle input, the throttle will go back to 0. However, if if "throttle axis range" is set to "forward only", then after you release the throttle input, the throttle will go back to the middle of the blue range (in either forward or reverse, depending on the current state of the "forward only throttle reverse" control); in this case, if you want the throttle to be at zero, you can either use the "increase throttle" and "decrease throttle" keys, or you can use the "set speed to 0%" control. This may be quite useful because I don't know of another control that moves the throttle to the middle of the optimal (blue) range.


full documentation for OLD gyrostrafe:

Gyrostrafe is a Steam controller config for Elite Dangerous that attempts to take full advantage of the many axes and buttons available on the controller to offer efficient fighting and precision flying. It is somewhat based on the Advanced Controller 2 Elite Dangerous configuration preset.

Two action sets:

There is also a third action set, 'menu', that auto-activates when the mouse cursor appears, and auto-switches back to 'default' when the mouse cursor disappears. No gyro, so that you can not worry about the orientation of the controller when you are in a menu. Note: sometimes when you return from menus the DEFAULT Action Set fails to re-engage; to fix this, just go back into the menu (using START), and then use the mouse to click on RESUME.

In more detail:

default action set:

PITCH, ROLL, YAW, THROTTLE, FIRE, STOP (trackpads and undergrip): Your primary orientation control is the RIGHT trackpad, which is pitch and roll. Yaw is LEFT trackpad horizontal axis. The left and right bumpers are throttle down and throttle up. The undergrips are fire. Clicking the right trackpad stops (set throttle to 0%).

GYRO STRAFE: the gyro controls strafing; the gyro pitch is vertical strafe, and the gyro roll is horizontal strafe.

BOOST: full pull left trigger, and press the right bumper (throttle+).

ANALOG THROTTLE (left trigger): In addition to the bumpers, which push the throttle around and then leave it there, the left trigger is an analog throttle, which temporarily change the throttle but then reset it. Soft pulling the left trigger overrides the current throttle settings and adjusts it according to how hard you pull; however, this only persists as long as you hold it. When you let go of the left trigger, the throttle will reset to blue zone (NOT to where it was before you pulled the left trigger, that is lost). Note that the analog throttle can only go higher than the blue zone; to throttle slower than the blue zone you must use the

BLUE ZONE LOCK, REVERSE: At this point, the throttle will be locked to the blue zone, and if the blue zone changes (for example, because you allocate more or less pips to ENG), the throttle will adjust. To toggle between forward/reverse, click the left trackpad. If the throttle is locked to the forward blue zone and you click the left trackpad, now it will be locked to the reverse blue zone. The forward/reverse toggle also affects whether soft pulling the analog trigger pushes the throttle in the forward or reverse direction; but note that full pull of the left trigger is BOOST, which is always forward.

FLIGHT ASSIST: X+left bumper.

CURRENTLY UNUSED: right trigger

POWER ALLOCATION (analog stick): The analog stick is used as a D-pad; left is SYS, up is ENG, right is WEA, down is RST (balance power).

LOOKING AT PANELS: To look at the various panels in your ship, use Y+up/down/left/right. To look back in front, repeat the same combo that you used to look at the panel; eg to look at the comms panel, press Y+up, and then to look back in front, press Y-up again.

NOTE: you probably don't want to look at the comms panel in DEFAULT mode, as the gyro strafing can easily start typing "rrrrfffffqqqqaaa" or somesuch nonsense. Switch to 'ALTERNATE' action set with the SELECT button before looking at the comms panel.

D-PAD PANEL NAVIGATION: Being a D-PAD, the analog stick is also used to navigate in-game/in-ship and in-station panels/menus, and in various ABXY combo actions.

ABXY combos: The ABXY buttons do nothing by themselves but are used in various combos. These combos are similar to the Advanced Controlpad 2 preset (X-up/down is different). Overview:

A: weapons config B: targeting X: engine Y: look at panels, misc

Details (in the following, up/down/left/right refers to the analog stick, which is acting as a D-pad):

A: weapons config

B: targeting:

X: engine:

Y: look at panels, and misc

START goes into the 'game menu' (and pauses training). SELECT switches to the ALTERNATE action set.


Switch between DEFAULT and ALTERNATE by using SELECT. Note that whenever the mouse cursor is shown and then disappears, the controller will auto-switch back into DEFAULT.

The motivation of ALTERNATE is to turn off the gyro so that you can put the controller down for a minute, or use text entry without the gyro causing random keystrokes to be entered.

Strafing controls are absent from alternate; you probably want to use 'default' for precision flying. Alternate also lacks the analog trigger and the 'blue zone lock'.

The left trackpad is a touch menu.

Like DEFAULT, the ALTERNATE action set has:

currently unused:



In addition to the Steam Controller configuration, a custom controls configuration must be installed in Elite Dangerous using the Options->Controls menu.

(note: these are a little weird to read because i chose to minimize the changes from Advanced Control Pad 2, and instead use the Steam Controller config to do things like switch the left and right trackpads)

Go to the Options->Controls menu. Select the "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset in the PRESETS item submenu.

You may also want to change:

Now hit "APPLY" to save. You may want to backup the saved configuration file in case you screw it up; on Windows, it's in the folder USERS/your_username/AppData?/Local/Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous/Options/Bindings and has a name like Custom.1.8.binds.


bad things about gyrostrafe compared to 'advanced control pad 2' preset:


note: assigning left trackpad to 'directional pad' dpad and then assigning X to click action is not successful in causing a stop (pressing X on the keyboard does work), unless 'require click' is off




full documentation for (new) ACP2+gyrostrafe:

This is a Steam controller config for Elite Dangerous. It is based on the 'advanced control pad 2' configuration preset included with Elite, but the gyro is used for strafe.

Two action sets:


GAME MENU: START action set SWITCH: SELECT ROLL, PITCH: analog stick YAW: right trackpad horizontal STRAFE: gyro (gyro pitch is vertical strafe, gyro roll is horizontal strafe) THROTTLE-, THROTTLE+: left/right bumpers STOP: click left trackpad (also, mode shift the right trackpad into a touch menu (the menu is currently empty)) DPAD: left trackpad (touch, don't click) FIRE: trigger soft pull (note: full pull on either trigger increases power to WEAPONS) BOOST: hold throttle+ (right bumper), then click analog stick (if you do this in the reverse order, holding the analog stick first and then clicking throttle+, you still boost but you also get RST) ABXY combos: mostly like 'advanced control pad 2' (see below) except X-down and X-up are speed to -100% and 100%. undergrip left: increase power to SYS undergrip right: increase power to ENG analog stick click: RST power. Also, mode shift the buttons.

analog throttle: Right trackpad vertical is analog throttle. In addition to the bumpers, which push the throttle around and then leave it there, the vertical axis of the right trackpad is an analog throttle, which temporarily changes the throttle while you hold it but then resets it upon release. After touching the right trackpad vertical, upon release, instead of the throttle staying where it is or reverting to its setting before you touched the right trackpad vertical, the throttle becomes locked to the 'blue zone'.

BLUE ZONE LOCK: At this point, the throttle will be locked to the blue zone, and if the blue zone changes (for example, because you allocate more or less pips to ENG), the throttle will adjust. To toggle between forward/reverse, click the right trackpad. If the throttle is locked to the forward blue zone and you click the right trackpad, now it will be locked to the reverse blue zone. The forward/reverse toggle also affects whether touching the analog throttle pushes the throttle in the forward or reverse direction.

Some other key functions:

FLIGHT ASSIST: X+left bumper


LOOKING AT PANELS: Y+up/down/left/right. To look back in front, repeat the same combo that you used to look at the panel; eg to look at the comms panel, press Y+up, and then to look back in front, press Y-up again.

NOTE: you probably don't want to look at the comms panel in DEFAULT mode, as the gyro strafing can easily start typing "rrrrfffffqqqqaaa" or somesuch nonsense. Switch to 'NO GYRO' action set with the SELECT button before looking at the comms panel.

ABXY combos: The ABXY buttons do nothing by themselves but are used in various combos. These combos are the same as the Advanced Control Pad 2 preset (except that X+up/down is different). Overview:

A: weapons config B: targeting X: engine Y: look at panels, misc

Details (in the following, up/down/left/right refers to the D-pad):

A: weapons config

B: targeting:

X: engine:

Y: look at panels, and misc

When holding down ANALOG STICK, the buttons are modeshifted into four shortcuts:

A+stick: (unused) B+stick: cycle next hostile target X+stick: boost+FSD Y+stick: (unused)



In addition to the Steam Controller configuration, a custom controls configuration must be installed in Elite Dangerous using the Options->Controls menu.

(note: these are a little weird to read because i chose to minimize the changes from Advanced Control Pad 2, and instead use the Steam Controller config to do things like switch the left and right trackpads)

Go to the Options->Controls menu. Select the "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset in the PRESETS item submenu.

You may also want to change:

Now hit "APPLY" to save. You may want to backup the saved configuration file in case you screw it up; on Windows, it's in the folder USERS/your_username/AppData?/Local/Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous/Options/Bindings and has a name like Custom.1.8.binds.


if you try to mode shift the button pad, it saves the mode shift but nothing appears in 'mode shifting' when you back out.


need to be able to realloc power while keeping left thumb on the roll/pitch analog stick. Combo scheme ideas that i've tested:

Note: when mode shifting to reassign right trackpad, things are even worse if you don't require click, because you have to carefully lift your right thumb off of the right trackpad (assuming it was there to yaw) right before hitting the mode shift key. So leave the mode shifted trackpad in require click mode if you do this.

In descending order of easieness:

I'd say any of the first three there are acceptable.

The first one can be improved by making push stick RST. However, we probably also want push left stick to modeshift something so that we can do easier buttons, and we probably want either boost on push stick, or boost on (push stick)+(throttle+); but if we do that, then we can't do these things without also doing an RST. We don't want to use the trackpad clicks for these b/c they are already taken by stop and reverse, which works well (stop b/c you can take your thumb off aiming to stop, and reverse because it goes well with the analog throttle control).

If we use push stick to modeshift anything, then if we don't modeshift right trackpad to this, we probably won't modeshift right trackpad at all, which is a loss of 4 inputs. Otoh if this is our only modeshift then conceivably if we don't do this, we might modeshift right trackpad to a touch menu, although i don't see why we'd need touchmenu in the heat of battle.

My current best guess is that we should just bite the bullet and do the first one (the easy one) with push stick RST. Yes, this consumes the undergrip inputs, and yes, it gives us weird constraints like anything else we do with push stick also does an RST, and the only shortcut for WEP+ also fires, but it's the easiest, and realloc power is really important. As a bonus the modeshift right trackpad is free for something else like a touch menu. The worst thing about this is probably the impossibility of doing BOOST without RST.

But a strong contender is #3, modeshifting the right trackpad. Let me try that some more. ... ok it definitely works but it definitely requires slightly more thought because of the modeshift. Would that improve enough with training? Also the full-pull-WEP thing is great, but somewhat incompatible with this b/c you tend to full pull when you click the trackpad if you are already soft pulling, but i like the full-pull-WEP thing because it's less thought.

OK wait you CAN boost without RST in this setup, you just modeshift the left stick based on throttle+, and in the mode shift the click action isn't RST anymore. You just have to be sure to press throttle+ before clicking the left stick. But if you use the modeshift for other buttons, this still doesn't let you do those without RST.

One alternative would be to use a combo for RST instead of just left stick click. But that's annoying, since RST is very common, especially in sequence with other power realloc operations.

i think we'd better bite the bullet and do it. Push stick is the best modeshifter because we generally already have our left thumb there in combat; as modeshifters, the grips or bumpers are more confusing because that's something extra; we can't use the left trackpad click because the left thumb is busy with the stick; we can't use the right trackpad click or the buttons because the right thumb is needed to do whatever the modeshifted combo is. Power realloc really is very common and we do want to do it in the heat of battle, while moving and firing, and i have noticed that the extra thought is significant under my old control scheme, where the stick did realloc and left trackpad was yaw; i'm sure that would diminish with practice but i'm not sure the gains would be worth it here. The main remaining argument against is that it couples RST to whatever we modeshift the right trackpad and buttons to, but c'mon, we don't even have a need for that yet, which suggests that whatever we find it will be less common than power realloc. In theory it kinda sucks to consume these inputs for something that the left trackpad is doing for us already, but in fact the left trackpad is inaccessible during battle because the left thumb is busy.

so i'm gonna do it.

note: the idea that you can shift the right touchpad in conjunction with this is false; because then if you press the stick for RST, it arrests yaw and brings up the touchmenu, which is distracting. Maybe modeshift right touchpad by left touchpad click (stop).

--- Based on "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset, custom config reqd. Gyro strafes, SELECT toggles. Rt trackpad (RT) vert. axis = temp. throttle and BLUE ZONE LOCK, RT click = REV. Full pull, grips, stick click = PWR MGMT. LT click is STOP. Stick click combos.

 Also some combos with stick click and LT click. BOOST is stick click and right bumper.

Based on "Advanced Control Pad 2" preset. Gyro strafes, SELECT toggles gyro on/off. Right trackpad (RT) vertical axis is temporary throttle and "Blue zone lock", RT click is reverse. Full pull trigs, grips, and stick click are pwr mgmt. LT click is stop. Also some combos with stick click and LT click. BOOST is stick click and right bumper. Cycle next hostile is stick click and B. Boost+FSD is stick click+X. LT click turns RT into a touch menu.


note: if you edit a steam controller config and then let the controller go to sleep and then save the config, and do that a bunch of times in quick succession, it might erase the config!


note: it's much easier to use the keyboard and mouse to program a controller config, but don't let the controller go to sleep!

todo: make a picture like this to explain:

Other config stuff

turn off menu music, it gets old quick

i typically play at resolution 1920x1080, quality preset 'low'. 2560x1440, quality preset 'mid' is bearable but non-ideal for fights.



Installing 4/19/2016 beta intel graphics drivers

i have a Microsoft Surface Pro 4. I was having problems with the game getting stuck in 'preparing compute shaders' while loading. I fixed this by installing beta intel graphics drivers.

NOTE: i think the current official drivers have been updated so you shouldn't have to do this anymore.

To check your current driver date, go into Windows' Device Manager->Graphic Adapter->Properties.

install 4/19 beta intel graphics drivers:


About Death

as of this writing:

And steam controller

you have to turn on the steam controller BEFORE you start the game -- if it doesn't detect the controller upon game start, i can't figure out how to make it try again later. If the controller is on at game start then turned off during the game, it's fine, it will redetect it when it turns back on. You can tell if xinput controllers are enabled by going into Options->Controls and looking at the Presets menu; if controller are not enabled, all it has is Classic Keyboard and Mouse, Empty, and Custom, if controllers are enabled, it has many more.

Where there are PvP fights

" "Random" killings and pirating is a common occurence in populated sectors, especially Lave and Leesti. So I suggest if you want to engage in major PvP? you find a group to play with. "

PvP Combat tips


Various questions

Does boosting use more fuel? No [2]

Does failing or abandoning missions hurt you? Yes, it gives you a small amount of negative reputation with the faction you got the mission from [3]

common signal sources:

other signal sources:


Activity guides


activity guides:



misc tips

elite quickstart: Much of the stuff in Elite you can figure out, so i'll just provide a quickstart. don't play if motion sick don't bother completing the incursion training missions before starting, but do all the other training missions (you can also watch the training videos if you want) wing with friends is awesome forgiving: if you die, can buy back for (5%)?; you can sell ship parts back for what you bought; before you leave a station you sold a part to, you can rebuy a part you sold to them; many pirates don't kill you if you jettison cargo; if you can't afford to rebuy your ship you can get a free sidewinder; if worst comes to worst, you can declare bankruptcy; credits can't be stolen afaict; afaict ship can't be attacked when you are logged off always have enough credits to rebuy ship refuel whenever you land? repair whenever you can? hard to learn controls initially except reputation, breaking law no pvp trading disappointing ; otoh ur a PILOT upgrade fsd

loans; dont shoot ppl; pay fines; carry >insurance cost (even if it means selling stuff!)


if you screw up while docking within the station and the timer is going to run out, log out immediately

a comment on says that to see friends in open play, you should both be in the same system, in supercruise

course plotting doesnt tell you where to stop for fuel. must turn up cargo manually if you might take on later. must ensure that systems where you want fuel have >0 population.

strip your ship before selling it. For the things you can't strip (core internal stuff like the FSD), downgrade it as much as possible

beating interdiction:

avoiding/countering interdiction:

some Q&A on interdiction:

how to interdict:

benefits of more expensive interdictors:

about how to supercruise efficiently:

fuel scooping:

fuel scoopable stars are of types "KGBFOAM"; alternately, any single letter before 'L' is scoopable, and also 'M' and 'O' is scoopable (eg A is scoopable, Y is not scoopable, DA is not scoopable, L is not scoopable); you can see the stars' types in the galaxy map

however says that A,B,O stars are difficult to scoop from; so avoid multiletter stars and BLOATY stars.

fuel scoop: deploys automatically. You must be in supercruise, but speed doesn't matter, so once you get close enough, go as slow as you can in supercruise (30 km/hr?). Try not to drop out of supercruise b/c if you do, you may take heat damage when charging up to go back into supercruise. Faster fuel scooping if you are pointed directly at the star. The closer you get to the star, the faster the fuel scoop, but also the faster your heat increases. You probably want to stay a distance such that the heat is not increasing.

jump fastest route or most economical?

[7] computes that if you're carrying a fuel scoop, jump fastest distance and using the fuel scoop (rather than docking and refueling) is fastest

"Never, ever buy a new ship unless you have at least two times the cost of the insurance (it's called rebuy cost) left over in your account.

If you're a trader, then quadruple it." [8]

(and don't ever go below that amount either -- many players say 1x the rebuy cost, not 2x or 4x)

Note: if you see cargo floating around in space and you pick it up it is probably stolen goods. Cargo is stolen goods unless the original owner jettisoned it using 'Jettison Cargo (Abandon)' from the Cargo interface in the right panel (note: there is also a 'jettison' non-abandon option) [9]


ship progression

a sequence of ships, from low to high price, 'multipurpose' (according to ), with manuverability >=6 and a nondecreasing progression of (sum # of internal compartments), and of cargo, as of 5/29/2016:

sidewinder adder cobra mk III asp explorer python

Notes: the Asp Explorer and the Python are Medium, the previous ones are Small. The Python has less jump range than the Asp Explorer and even a bit less than the Cobra Mk III, otherwise jump range is increasing within this sequence. The Cobra Mk III has maximal speed and boost speed within this set. The Asp Explorer has the greatest number of hardpoints (by 1) but the Python has larger hardpoints, otherwise the sum # of hardpoints is also increasing within this sequence. Armor and shields is increasing within this sequence. Both starting cargo and max cargo are increasing within this sequence. This sequence is also nondecreasing in size of power plant, thrusters, FSD, life support, power distributor, sensors, and fuel tank.

If we dropped the requirement to be deemed 'multipurporse' by, would anything else fit or nearly fit in this sequence? Yes:

between sidewinder and adder: eagle and hauler

between cobra mk III and asp explorer, almost: diamondback explorer: but has slightly too low manuverability (5 instead of 6) and slightly less internal compartments and cargo than the cobra mk III imperial courier: has a similar number of internal compartments as the cobra mk III, but they are smaller, leading to less cargo space (it also has a smaller jump range than the cobra mk III) asp scout: has 1 less internal compartments, but they are larger, so the cargo space is less but almost the same. High manuverability. vulture: has 1 less internal compartments, but they are larger, so the cargo space is less but almost the same. Note that the vulture's jump range is significantly less than the Cobra Mk III. High manuverability.

between asp explorer and python: nothing. However, there are two ships in this price range with manuverability 6, the federal assault ship and the fer-de-lance. Both would fit between or almost between cobra mk III and asp explorer, yet have more/larger hardpoints and core internal slots than the Cobra Mk III (and indeed than the Asp Explorer, except for the FSD, Sensors, Fuel tank slots). Note that they have significantly less jump range than the Cobra Mk III, however.


i probably won't regret playing a single ship through the progression sidewinder->eagle->hauler->adder->cobra mk III->asp explorer. After that the Python is in many ways a logical next choice, but note the greatly reduced jump range compared to the Asp Explorer. In between the cobra mk III and the asp explorer, i should also consider the diamondback explorer and the asp scout. The diamondback explorer in fact has more and bigger hardpoints than the asp scout, including more utility hardpoints, and has slightly bigger internals, except the scout has bigger sensors; diamondback has better laden jump range, but the scout has more shields and much better manuverability.

with question marks a progression is: sidewinder->eagle->hauler->adder->cobra mk III->(diamondback explorer? less manuverability and internal compartments)->asp explorer->(python? less jump range)


my single-ship progression should be:

sidewinder->eagle->hauler->adder->cobra mk III->asp explorer

Note: "The Asp Explorer can be purchased at a 20% discount at Irkutsk station in the Alliance capital system of Alioth.[1] It can also be purchased from some stations in Li Yong-Rui controlled systems at a 15% discount. " [10]


motivation for this list:

The first thing i thought when i saw the list of ships was, well, for me the best thing about this game is that it is about being a pilot, so if i keep playing i want to eventually become an ace pilot, who wins fights due to piloting skills even if my ship is smaller than the opponent's. So that means i'll have to outmanuver other pilots. Which means i don't want to trade manuverability for anything else.

But when i looked at the ship list i saw that they must have thought of this and balanced against it, because the starting ship, the sidewinder mk I, is already one of the most manuverable ships in the game, with manuverability 8 according to ; the only ships that are more manuverable are Vulture and Eagle Mk II, and the only other ones with the same manuverability as the sidewinder are the adder, diamonback scout, and asp scout. Note that the only one of these

in the training missions i noticed that (a) manuverability is important; a human player in a manuverable ship can beat an AI in a slow, big ship, but also (b) it's not everything; a small manuverable ship that can only take a few hits is easy to beat by a largeer ship that has trouble hitting it often but can outlast it and only needs a few hits to kill it.

so i though, ok, go down a little on manuverability but still try to keep it high. I noticed that although there are few ships with manuverability >=8 (about 20% of all ships), about half the ships have manuverability >=6. So i chose that.

The next motivation is versatility. IRL i'd probably choose an occupation (eg trader, fighter, etc) and then buy a ship that is great for that occupation. But this is a game and as a new player i want to try out all the parts of the game. And i don't want to have a to re-outfit my ship or buy a new ship when i switch, because i often play with friends and want to be able to do whatever sort of thing the group feels like without making everyone wait. And as a new player i can't yet afford to have a variety of stored special purpose ships. So i looked for ships labeled 'multipurpose'.

One part of versatility is # of internal compartments. After i'd been flying my sidewinder for a few days, i was playing with a friend and he suggested that i take some lucrative (for me) mission -- but i didn't have enough cargo space. He suggested i get rid of my basic discovery scanner and SRV and put in more cargo racks, because it's relatively easy to find more starter-class scanners and SRVs, and the amount i'd get from the mission would be so much that it would be profitable even after subtracting the cost of buying them back later. So i did, and i'm glad i did, but someday i would like a vessel that has enough internal compartments to put in a little of everything; planetary approach, SRV, discovery, fuel scoop, shields, refinery, etc, and still have enough cargo to do missions and to trade.

ship loadouts


loadouts eg:

great weapons reference:

engineers quest items swap:

pulse lasers vs burst vs beam:

[11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]

all equipment reference:


about ships

official ship guide:

this guy bought a sidewinder ship at Cleve Hub, and sold it at Akerman Market, and made a profit:

a nice chart that shows you all (?) the available ships:

with hyperlinks:

in a png: shows the most popular ships

asp explorer is both most owned and most used ship most used then goes: python, vulture, anaconda, cobra, fer-de-lance most owned then goes: cobra, vulture, python, anaconda, sidewinder

pictures of ships:

ship reviews

ship purchase locations are at

Selling ships for profit in Eravate?!


reputation, legality, factions, status

todo: i dont understand what happens if you are in some system and there is eg an Alliance Enforcer and it is 'wanted' and you kill it. Clearly the government of the current system won't mind, but will the Alliance be mad at you?

also, if you kill someone who was not wanted, or do something else illegal like do a mission to blow up something at a colony, then does it reduce your reputation with the government of the system and/or the controlling faction (and if so, how much), or does it just get you in trouble?

mb see tells you the rewards for each faction

rank doesnt decay, but reputation does decay from Allied to Friendly

lets you see which factions have multiple systems, sorta:

on influencing which minor faction is in control of a system (unless it's a player-controlled minor faction, is this important for some other reason, or just for fun? i'm not sure). This stuff is called the "BGS" or "background simulation":

major faction (superpower) reputation decays from Allied to Friendly (but Friendly does not decay to Cordial) [17]. Minor faction (positive) rep doesn't decay.

Negative rep for both major and minor factions decays from Hostile to Unfriendly.

The decay takes around 20 days.

Naval rank does not decay [18]

major faction diffs

" C) It's _far_ easier to lose reputation than to gain it. If you botch one mission or inadvertently do anything to cause a red "down" arrow for a faction, it takes multiple blue "up" arrows to eventually compensate for the loss. You can dig yourself a hole that will take a _very_ long time to crawl up out of. Of special note: smuggling illegal goods or shooting at a "clean" target can cause a HUGE reputation drop if you don't pay the associated fines on time! (For example: Why is it so easy to ruin your reputation?). PAY YOUR FINES PROMPTLY, and don't freak out when you see a huge reputation swing: it might simply be temporary until you pay off the fines. Even after paying the fines, you might need to relog before you see your reputation restored correctly. "

on powerplay:

subreddits for powerplay:

on player-controlled factions:

list of player-controlled factions:

howto powerplay undermine another 'power' aligned with the same 'faction' as you:

"you can still undermine without being penalized, you just need to pop a transport ship's cargo hatch and collect the cargo that falls out, you can then turn this cargo in for merits." [19]

(out of date) list of minor factions controlling 4+ systems:

(out of date) list of minor factions controlling 8+ systems: as of Jan 2016

(out of date) list of minor factions controlling 8+ systems: as of Jan 2016

    Sirius Corporation          	independent, corporate		6?
    Kalkinja Blue Brothers		Independent	Anarchy	
    Alioth Independents			Alliance	Democracy	5?
    League of Amemait			Independent	Dictatorship
    Sanuma Gold Dynamic			Independent	Corporate
    Purple Natural Incorporated		Federation	Corporate
    Noblemen of Rikbakara		Independent	Feudal
    Innocent Cult of Syntes		Independent	Theocracy
    Dukes of Jotun			Independent	Feudal		4?
    Dukes of Mikunn			Independent	Feudal (player)	4?
    People's Kurukujiali Confederacy	Federation	Confederacy
    Liu Behueno Empire Party		Empire		Patronage	2?
    Monarchy of Kedones			Independent	Feudal		4?
    Ayorente Independent Union		Independent	Patronage
    Crom Silver Boys			Independent	Anarchy
    i Bootis Democrats			Federation	Democracy
    Imen Coordinated			Independent	Cooperative
    Workers of Fan Gong Partnership	Federation	Confederacy
    Kaurareg Silver Public Corp		Federation	Corporate
    Noblemen of Tacare			Independent	Feudal
    Defence Force of Wheemehimo		Independent	Dictatorship
    HIP 95973 Advanced Ltd		Independent	Corporate
    Attada Posse			Independent	Anarchy
    Luyten 347-14 Prison Colony		Independent	Prison Colony
    HIP 2452 Prison Colony		Empire		Prison Colony	1?
    Taoshan Crimson Ring		Independent	Anarchy
    HIP 2327 Prison Colony		Independent	Prison Colony
    United Allo Free			Federation	Democracy
    HIP 84696 Systems			Federation	Corporate
    Gogonir Corp.			Independent	Corporate

some minor factions controlling 4+ Systems [20] excluding the above:

Social Eleu Progressive Party Independent Democracy (player) 5 2.069.838.166 Chapter of Isinor Independent Theocracy 5 49.698.809 Wolf 406 Transport & Co Alliance Corporate (player) 5 17.794.250 LTT 4772 Alliance Mandate Alliance Patronage 4 3.381.837.553 Eta Draconis Gold Vision Co Alliance Corporate (player) 4 777.693.986 53 Aquarii Alliance Federation Confederacy 4 50.732.364 HIP 18527 Silver Energy PLC Empire Corporate 4 25.555.931 LTT 198 Order Independent Dictatorship 4 12.546.761 CD-44 10336 Industries Federation Corporate 4 12.357.306 LHS 2541 Alliance Combine Alliance Patronage 4 11.009.312 Kokojas Electronics Incorporated Federation Corporate 4 9.022.344 Workers of Manite Labour Union Independent Communism (player) 4 7.233.013 Yaming Labour Union Independent Communism 4 5.729.678 BD+22 4939 Purple Cartel Independent --- 4 554.673 Tojo Industries Empire Corporate 4 226.812 Raurus Silver Electronics Comms Empire Corporate 4 55.651 Peregrina aristocrats Independent Feudal 4 7.669.891

player factions:

largest factions, competing in 2016 Dangerous Games: the Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps, the Border Coalition, GalCop?, the Interstellar Communist Union and the Social Eleu Progressive Party

the ones not mentioned above:

Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps (=Wolf 406 Transport & Co - AEDC) Border Coalition ??? (leader: Dukes of Mikunn) GalCop? ??? (leader: Diamond Frogs) Interstellar Communist Union ???

(pitches: and (icu) and somewhat ; see also who's who at )

As of week 2, the groups still in contention to earn the last slot in the finals are as follows (all players):

    EG Pilots				Federation	Democracy	??elite german commands? 
    Wolves of Jonai			Independent	Dictatorship		
    Adle's Armada Coalition		Federation	Corporate
    Black Birds Sqaudron		Independent	Dictatorship
    United German Commanders Coalition	Independent	Democracy	

other ones with lots of guys from

Brazilian League of Pilots Independent Confederacy


minor faction types:

'lawless' systems means you dont get in trouble for killing clean ppl [21]

on minor factions and reputation:


" @Thisdale - There are actually several good benefits to being "Friendly" or "Allied" with the _controlling_ faction of a station:

1. New outfitting gear appears that is _not_ available when you have neutral or even friendly faction. For example, I traded in my Asp for my Clipper at the station where I turned in the delivery mission that pushed me to Baron rank. However, they had literally NONE of the upgrades I actually wanted to put on the Clipper. I mean, for pretty much every single internal slot there was no option to buy the specific module I wanted. I had to fly all the way back to my "home" station where I had Allied status with the controlling faction. There, every single advanced module I wanted was available.

2. The local system authority vessels pretty much ignore your contents with they scan you. At my Allied home base, I could blithely fly in a full load of 120 slaves (the illegal kind) and sell them off. Yes, I'm a slaver. I did it for the nookie, the nookie... But I digress, and you probably don't remember Limp Bizkit. Point being, I got scanned at the dock _every_ single time and never, ever once got shot at or fined. There was one point where dozens and dozens of return trips to that station were nothing but holds entirely full of illegal slaves. Having friends in high places pays off in this game.

3. You get more and more bulletin board missions. When you go to a new station where you're simply neutral with the faction, at first only like 3 mission options ever appear. By the time you're friendly, you'll be seeing closer to 12 possible missions to choose from. "

on major factions and naval ranks:

also, i heard that if you accidentally do an ascention mission for a LOWER rank after you do one for a HIGHER rank, the lower rank overwrites your higher rank! so don't do that

you can be 'allied' with multiple factions:


community goals (CG)

community goals threads eg:

CG (community goals) discussion:

PvP? = player vs player, in contrast to PvE? = player vs environment



elite python trading tool:

usage: (Monthly: 1M+ views / 80K+ users / 350K sessions) (Monthly: 1M+ views / 70K+ users / 280K sessions)
    EDDiscovery (Monthly: 500K+ views / 40K+ users / 100K sessions) (Monthly: 600K+ views / 50K+ users) (Monthly: 90K+ views / 25K+ users) (Monthly: 1M+ views / 35K+ users / 120K sessions)
    Maddavo Market Share (Monthly: 500K+ views / 50K+ users / 115k sessions)
    Trade dangerous via Maddavo Market Share (MMS) / EDAPI

trade computer ED-Intelligent Boardcomputer Extension TRADE COMPUTER EXTENSION MK.II edproxy

python edce

and other scripts:

EDiscovery scrapes the netlog. Recc. by Frontier [22]

and edproxy which sends it via TCP [23]

someone else also recc. similar: Captain's Log: AndDiscovered? (Android):

consider VoiceAttack? and Ocellus plugin:

automatic elite log


i can't find any official comprehensive statement on what third-party tools are allowed. The EULA seems quite restrictive, but then various employees of Frontier (such as the Community Manager) have said in their official capacity that various things are legit (examples: use of their companion API is legit [24]; use of a 'space dust' mod that changes graphics but not in a gameplay aiding way is legit [25]), and Frontier even created an official forum to discuss such things [26].





Up to four people can temporarily be together in a 'wing'. Being in a wing together helps you stay on the same server instance when you are in the same system (although if you start in a different instance this may not be immediate; perhaps going into supercruise helps?). Wings provide some UI functionality to make coordination easier. Invitations to wings are managed in the Comms panel. You can tell that you are in a wing because icons for each wingman will appear on the top of the screen. When you logoff, you leave your wing.

Wingmen also get bonuses for certain actions performed when in the same system:

Bounties earned while in a wing are shared between each wingman who landed any hits on the target, provided they are present when the vessel was destroyed [29]

Scans performed by any wingman are shared with all wingmen in the system. But exploration data (at least, maybe all scans) is only shared when wingman are not only in the same system, but also in range of each other (so that they see each other in the Contacts tab)

When following a wingman who is dropping from supercruise into normal space, you don't have to get as close as usual before you can drop [30]

It can be tricky to follow your wingman while jumping. However, this is essential, because you want to be able to jump in and assist your wingman if they are interdicted en route.

I don't know of any way to tell the Galaxy Map to plot a route that can be followed by all wingmen. If you are targeting a jump that your wing cannot follow, in the Nav panel on the line for the jump it will say 'EXCESS WING'. I think the easiest thing to do is to determine which wingman has the smallest jump range and then have them ('the leader') plot the route.

Then have everyone in the wing use the relevant keybindings to Select Wingman 1/2/3, and then onec the leader is selected, use the relevant keybinding for Select Wingman's Target to target their target.

If a wingman drops to normal space (voluntarily or via interdiction), you probably wish to follow them. If you are within radar distance of the wingman whom you want to follow to normal space, you can target them and/or their 'low wake' in Contacts after they drop (if you had them targeting, then your target will automatically switch to their low wake when they drop). The low wake disappears after a few minutes however. A wingman may set a 'wing beacon signal' while in normal space from the Functions tab on the right panel, item 'Beacon'; this creates a targetable contact that does not disappear, however it's very inconvenient to be fiddling with the Functions tab in the middle of a fight (i dunno if you can just leave Beacon on the whole time you are in a wing, todo).

In sum, the following procedure is suggested to follow wingmen during jumps:

And the following procedure is suggested to follow wingmen into normal space:

Wingman nav lock

Instead of the previous procedure, you could use 'wingman nav lock' as follows. I don't recommend this.

Then have everyone in the wing engage 'wingman nav lock' (in the Comms panel) onto that wingman. The idea is that your jumping is slaved to theirs. This will make crosshairs appear around the wingman to whom you are slaved. Wingman nav lock is kind of tricky; for it to work, you must be in the same system as the wingman at the time that they jump, and the jump must be within your jump range, and you must either be in range of them when they jump (navlock crosshairs are cyan, not red), or you must go towards their 'high wake' after they jump until it is within range. You will start charging only after this condition is met, so there is a significant delay between when the leader jumps and the others jump; using the Select-Wingman-then-Select-Wingman's-Target procedure is preferred for this reason. The 'high wake' doesn't seem to appear if you weren't in the system with them when they jumped, so the leader must wait for their wingmen to appear in the next system before jumping again; preferably not moving much from where they arrived, so that the wingmen will be able to immediately find you on their radar when they arrive. The position indicator below your wingmen icons can be misleading in my experience, so if you are the leader it is best to get verbal confirmation from your wingmen that they have arrived in the system and can see you on radar before jumping.

Wingman nav lock will also automatically drop you down to normal space when the leader drops, again presuming you are in range. This can save time (because you don't have to fully approach eg a station and slow sufficiently), but it can also waste time because you sometimes you end up in normal space ~30km from the leader (and hence from whatever they are interacting with in normal space), rather than ~8km as is more typical.

I have not yet determined how to prevent this from happening, nor have i decided whether wingman nav lock saves time or wastes time overall when dropping to normal space.

I've also had problems where i went into supercruise and immediately dropped back into normal space as if following the navlocked wingman, even though that wingman was in supercruise -- the wingman was recently in normal space so i'm guessing there was some server latency or something like that here.

i don't like wingman nav lock.


rares has a tool to find a station selling a given piece of equipment in their outfitting the so-called 'great loop' of rare trade goods:,52,23,72,62,51,83,99,71,8,9,87,58,10,26,29,65,20,101,4,98,49,28,96,48,37,38,24,93,75,46,44,60,89,55,77,79,30,1,36,13,84,31,25,6,81,70,18,47,67,68,73,63,14,3,43,91,92,33,27,64,80,45,22,19,97,41,86,16,66&name=Full%20Optimized

rare 'crack run':

and other tips:

note that there are said to be a lot of player pirates around Lave, Leesti, Diso

rares that no longer seem to be available as of 2016/6/9:

Baltah'sine (Baltha'sine Vacuum Krill ) Witchhaul Coquim

some that are still available: 39 tauri (tauri chimes) wuthielo ku (wuthielo froth) karsuki ti (karsuki locusts) jaroua:mccool (jaroua rice) leesti:george lucas (azure milk AND leesti evil juice) diso:shifnalport (diso ma corn) Uszaa: (Uszaian tree grub)

rares can indeed spawn in quantities of 2-4 sometimes:

in ALD (much empire) space:

afaict there is no database that is updated as fast as the other commodity availability/prices that tells you which rares are still available



systems with convenient RES locations:

" "Random" killings and pirating is a common occurence in populated sectors, especially Lave and Leesti. So I suggest if you want to engage in major PvP? you find a group to play with. "

port icons and landing pad sizes:

'compromised NAV beacons': "offering a similar bounty hunting enviroment as Hazardous RES zones, CNAVs spawn many small attack craft with a much higher probability of being in a wing, as opposed to HRES spawns of single large targets. The spawn rate of ships in a CNAV is naturally far greater than that of a HRES, and includes a larger variety of ships...CNAVs are MUCH BETTER FOR ADVANCING COMBAT RANK THAN HRES SITES. As combat rank is determined by how many hostile ships of certain ranks you destroy " [31]

note: i found one on the path from 39 tauri to HIP 18527 with a jump range of about 10-12, i forgot which system. Maybe closer to HIP 18527?

Why are there a lot of players around Lave? Some ppl claim that there is a much higher chance of player pirates interdicting you around Lave, Leesti, and Diso.





thread for finding people to play with, also lists various chat services:






" Inara Wings is a place for you to find other pilots or groups to fly with. Most have a teamspeak or discord for you to use so you can talk to other members, set up trade wings or w/e else you want to do. There are tons of groups from srv racers to hardcore pvpers. Find a group that suits your needs/wants and have fun. Inara also allows you to track your own progress in the game, find modules and ships for sale near you, share screenshots and a whole lot of other things. It is a great website. Use it :D

ED database will give you trade routes near you based on your current balance, where you are etc. It is a great way to find a profitable trade route with ease. There is a load of other information on eddb. Check it out.

Coriolis allows you to put together a ship build. If you click on the word "standard" on the top left, there are a bunch of different options with regards to outfitting. This will min max your ship for exploring,trading etc. Give them a go and see what you come up with. " --