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(bayle: i disagree with that one; asm.js is a bytecode, that's the whole point)

" Regarding bytecode: I promise asm.js is vastly simpler than the simplest bytecode format you can specify. The Java Virtual Machine specification is 606 pages. asm.js spec is 22. Not having to specify any semantics at all, or a binary encoding, actually makes things a lot simpler for both implementers and users.

" Also OdinMonkey? is not built from scratch --- it reuses certain foundations (IR, regalloc, codegen) which saved I'd say more than a day or two of work "

 None. Vyacheslav Egorov • 13 hours ago

I'd see you implement big integers in JS without Math.imul. Necessary for cryptography.

Or data compression. Browser makers obstinately refuse to add any decent compressors. JPEG, PNG and zlib are ancient. You don't want to use floating-point arithmetic because it may have different rounding (or something) on target device. So integer arithmetic it is.