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examples of good design patterns: PIPELINE and LAYERED ARCHITECTURE

characteristics of BIG BALL OF MUD pattern: "These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and repeated, expedient repair. Information is shared promiscuously among distant elements of the system, often to the point where nearly all the important information becomes global or duplicated. The overall structure of the system may never have been well defined. If it was, it may have eroded beyond recognition."

"Architecture is a long-term concern..If you think good architecture is expensive, try bad architecture."

"an immature architecture can be an advantage in a growing system because data and functionality can migrate to their natural places in the system unencumbered by artificial architectural constraints. Premature architecture can be more dangerous than none at all, as unproved architectural hypotheses turn into straightjackets that discourage evolution and experimentation."

" Shantytowns are squalid, sprawling slums. Everyone seems to agree they are a bad idea, but forces conspire to promote their emergence anyway. What is it that they are doing right?

Shantytowns are usually built from common, inexpensive materials and simple tools. Shantytowns can be built using relatively unskilled labor. Even though the labor force is "unskilled" in the customary sense, the construction and maintenance of this sort of housing can be quite labor intensive. There is little specialization. Each housing unit is constructed and maintained primarily by its inhabitants, and each inhabitant must be a jack of all the necessary trades. There is little concern for infrastructure, since infrastructure requires coordination and capital, and specialized resources, equipment, and skills. There is little overall planning or regulation of growth. Shantytowns emerge where there is a need for housing, a surplus of unskilled labor, and a dearth of capital investment. Shantytowns fulfill an immediate, local need for housing by bringing available resources to bear on the problem. Loftier architectural goals are a luxury that has to wait.

Maintaining a shantytown is labor-intensive and requires a broad range of skills. One must be able to improvise repairs with the materials on-hand, and master tasks from roof repair to ad hoc sanitation. However, there is little of the sort of skilled specialization that one sees in a mature economy. "

" Skill: Ralph Johnson is fond of observing that is inevitable that "on average, average organizations will have average people". One reason for the popularity and success of BIG BALL OF MUD approaches might be that this appoach doesn't require a hyperproductive virtuoso architect at every keyboard. "

big ball of mud pattern: "You need to deliver quality software on time, and under budget....

Therefore, focus first on features and functionality, then focus on architecture and performance. "

" What does this muddy code look like to the programmers in the trenches who must confront it? Data structures may be haphazardly constructed, or even next to non-existent. Everything talks to everything else. Every shred of important state data may be global. There are those who might construe this as a sort of blackboard approach [Buschmann 1996], but it more closely resembles a grab bag of undifferentiated state. Where state information is compartmentalized, it may be passed promiscuously about though Byzantine back channels that circumvent the system's original structure.

Variable and function names might be uninformative, or even misleading. Functions themselves may make extensive use of global variables, as well as long lists of poorly defined parameters. The function themselves are lengthy and convoluted, and perform several unrelated tasks. Code is duplicated. The flow of control is hard to understand, and difficult to follow. The programmer’s intent is next to impossible to discern. The code is simply unreadable, and borders on indecipherable. The code exhibits the unmistakable signs of patch after patch at the hands of multiple maintainers, each of whom barely understood the consequences of what he or she was doing. Did we mention documentation? What documentation? "

"One thing that isn’t the answer is rigid, totalitarian, top-down design. Some analysts, designers, and architects have an exaggerated sense of their ability to get things right up-front, before moving into implementation. This approach leads to inefficient resources utilization, analysis paralysis, and design straightjackets and cul-de-sacs."

" Kent Beck has observed that the way to build software is to: Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast [Beck 1997]. "Make it work" means that we should focus on functionality up-front, and get something running. "Make it right" means that we should concern ourselves with how to structure the system only after we’ve figured out the pieces we need to solve the problem in the first place. "Make it fast" means that we should be concerned about optimizing performance only after we’ve learned how to solve the problem, and after we’ve discerned an architecture to elegantly encompass this functionality. "

" When it comes to software architecture, form follows function. Here we mean "follows" not in the traditional sense of dictating function. Instead, we mean that the distinct identities of the system’s architectural elements often don’t start to emerge until after the code is working. "


    organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations
    —M. Conway[2]


" [Foote & Yoder 1998a] went so far as to observe that inscrutable code might, in fact, have a survival advantage over good code, by virtue of being difficult to comprehend and change. This advantage can extend to those programmers who can find their ways around such code. In a land devoid of landmarks, such guides may become indispensable. "

" Just as it is easier to be verbose than concise, it is easier to build complex systems than it is to build simple ones. Skilled programmers may be able to create complexity more quickly than their peers, and more quickly than they can document and explain it. Like an army outrunning its logistics train, complexity increases until it reaches the point where such programmers can no longer reliably cope with it.

This is akin to a phenonmenon dubbed the PeterPrinciple? of Programming by authors on the Wiki-Wiki web [Cunninghan 1999a]. Complexity increases rapidly until the it reaches a level of complexity just beyond that with which programmers can comfortably cope. At this point, complexity and our abilities to contain it reach an uneasy equilibrium. The blitzkrieg bogs down into a siege. We built the most complicated system that can possible work [Cunningham 1999b].

Such code can become a personal fiefdom, since the author care barely understand it anymore, and no one else can come close. Once simple repairs become all day affairs, as the code turns to mud. It becomes increasingly difficult for management to tell how long such repairs ought to take. Simple objectives turn into trench warfare. Everyone becomes resigned to a turgid pace. Some even come to prefer it, hiding in their cozy foxholes, and making their two line-per-day repairs.

It is interesting to ask whether some of the differences in productivity seen between hyper-productive organizations and typical shops are due not to differences in talent, but differences in terrain. Mud is hard to march through. The hacker in the trenches must engage complexity in hand-to-hand combat every day. Sometimes, complexity wins.

Status in the programmer's primate pecking order is often earned through ritual displays of cleverness, rather than through workman-like displays of simplicity and clarity. That which a culture glorifies will flourish. "

" Yet, a case can be made that the casual, undifferentiated structure of a BIG BALL OF MUD is one of its secret advantages, since forces acting between two parts of the system can be directly addressed without having to worry about undermining the system’s grander architectural aspirations. These aspirations are modest ones at best in the typical BIG BALL OF MUD. Indeed, a casual approach to architecture is emblematic of the early phases of a system’s evolution, as programmers, architects and users learn their way around the domain [Foote & Opdyke 1995]. During the PROTOTYPE and EXPANSIONARY PHASES of a systems evolution, expedient, white-box inheritance-based code borrowing, and a relaxed approach to encapsulation are common. Later, as experience with the system accrues, the grain of the architectural domain becomes discernable, and more durable black-box components begin to emerge. In other words, it’s okay if the system looks at first like a BIG BALL OF MUD, at least until you know better. "

" The PROTOTYPE PHASE and EXPANSION PHASE patterns in [Foote & Opdyke 1995] both emphasize that a period of exploration and experimentation is often beneficial before making enduring architectural commitments.

However, these activities, which can undermine a system's structure should be interspersed with CONSOLIDATION PHASES [Foote & Opdyke 1995], during which opportunities to refactor the system to enhance its structure are exploited ... Code reviews are one mechanism one can use to expose code to daylight.

Another is the Extreme Programming practice of pair programming [Beck 2000]. "

" There are three ways to deal with BIG BALLS OF MUD. The first is to keep the system healthy. Conscientiously alternating periods of EXPANSION with periods of CONSOLIDATION, refactoring and repair can maintain, and even enhance a system's structure as it evolves. The second is to throw the system away and start over. The RECONSTRUCTION pattern explores this drastic, but frequently necessary alternative. The third is to simply surrender to entropy, and wallow in the mire. "

todo: continue reading at section "THROWAWAY CODE"