

"So the team created Contributors now register the patches on this site for final review. Several times per year committers stop their own work and make time to accept/defer/reject/apply the patches."

" Patchwork is a similar tool that is not tied to Postgres and is more suitable for general use. Patchwork supplements a mailing list by subscribing to the list just like a person would, and capturing patches from the emails. For each patch it creates a web page. It doesn’t fragment discussion because it doesn’t allow commenting through the web interface, it merely reflects any comments from the emails, and allows maintainers to mark patches with a state such as Accepted, Rejected, or Under Review. "



" You have stuff to do today, stuff to do tomorrow, and stuff you might or might not do. Each day you roll the active lists forward.

Squint, and it’s just personal Kanban, with TODO and DOING, along with PARKING. " -- [1]

" Most teams I've seen that hate Jira et al usually have an overly complicated process, with far too many "states" for a ticket, a million mandatory fields, multiple assignees, etc. This naturally results in people spending far more time in the tool, which is time they could be spending actually doing productive work. Conversely, teams that like Jira tend to have very few ticket statuses/fields. Standups are quick, sprint planning is quick, everyone wins. " -- [2]


" jvanderbot on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

Similarly, I use, and have VIM highlight "[ ]", "[x]", "[>]", "[v]", and "[-]" for bullet-journal-like TODO, DONE, Deferred, Dropped, and FAILED, respectively. "



"I use github projects with a Research/Maybe, Todo, In Progress, Testing, and Done columns. Each"

" Each item has a checklist of steps needed to complete the item. For example, I might have an item that is "Workers have an inventory" and a bunch of steps to do that "Add an inventory component, add a take item event, etc." that are markdown checkboxes. "

" I do pretty much the same manually with Kanbanflow (columns represent days, leftmost is "now/current", rightmost is whatever's pushed later to my next sprint). I combine this with a pomodoro color-code for "short/easy" (1 pomo), "medium" (2-3 pomo), "long/hard" (4+) and plan my day.

I took this from uncle Bob, you just give things a rating (unitless). "Oh, that's a 6, no less!", "oh that's a 2 at most". It's enough for development (I find it's only management that wants more 'reporting' and 'estimates', being solo I do that in medias res, i.e. on the spot). "

" I'll also often keep one text file with very tactical todos, stuff I was in the middle of typing out when interrupted, so I can quickly get back into flow state. "



ww520 on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I use an org-mode text file for simple project management. It has two sections: Todo and Release. The Todo section has the todo items; some are marked as #feature for high level functionality and as #bug for bugs. Todo's have a life cycle of TODO/WORKING/DONE/CANCELED. When a release is made, the done items are moved to the Release section. A release has two lists: Feature and Changes. The done features are moved under the Feature list and other done items are moved under the Changes list. The Todo section manages the current tasks and the Release section captures the history.

Add new feature or ideas to the end of the todo list. Add related todo's under a feature line. Add bugs as they are found. The order of the todo items is the priority. Move them around as needed. When canceling a todo, record the reason, so in case if it comes up again, you have a record of decision. That's it. It's pretty simple.

Below is a sample from one of my side projects (solo dev).




" sbov on Jan 12, 2019 [–]

Here's my setup, it's pretty similar to the other person's:

Followup: stuff that I'm blocked on (e.g. maybe I'm waiting on someone, maybe I have to let something run for some time, etc)

Doing: stuff I'm actively working on

To Do: stuff I plan to do in the near term

Inbox: everything starts here

Backlog: stuff I want to eventually do

Anything I finish I archive. "


forgotmypw on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I have a file called todo.txt, with the current tasks at the top, and everything else below that. It is in version control.

As I finish stuff, I delete it out of the file.

I add new stuff towards the top if I want to do it soon, towards the bottom if I want to save it for later.

For things which are just ideas, I have a second file called brainstorm.txt.

cacozen on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I use a todo.diff - so the text editor color codes my lines started with `+` and `-`

jvanderbot on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

Similarly, I use, and have VIM highlight "[ ]", "[x]", "[>]", "[v]", and "[-]" for bullet-journal-like TODO, DONE, Deferred, Dropped, and FAILED, respectively.

osrec on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I actually settled on 2 text markdown files. One for short term and one for long term tasks and notes. I usually have a list pending tasks and a list of done tasks in each file somewhere (usually at the top). Sometimes I include some very detailed notes in there too, giving each one it's own h2 title (##) and new sections almost always get added to the top of the file rather than the bottom. I also never delete anything, but I have an '## Archive' section at the bottom where I'll periodically move stuff to. I'll also rearrange the sections sometimes to make them all hang together better.

It gets messy, but it's flexible, and when I run it through a markdown formatter it looks fairly nice.

huydotnet on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I also use a text file to keep a daily development note, like a blog post but keep it in the project’s root just for me to see what’s I’ve done and what I’m planning to do in the next day.

muzani on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

Most tools have a lot of overhead. As a solo dev, your advantage is speed, but a little friction and grist is needed sometimes.

It takes only an hour or so to restructure it for more than one person, so cross the bridge when you get there.

For to do lists I use Sublime+PlainTasks? plugin. It's fast, sticks in your head. If you want something cloud, Workflowy might be good too.

Without a product manager or scrum master it's also easy to get into tunnel vision and stray. I sometimes enjoy having an extra person to bounce ideas off and tell me to keep on track. If it's a startup, get a co-founder, give them 10%-50% just to tell you listen to you. It seems a little unfair, but it's worked for me.

Another trick would be a design doc to remind you of design decisions. I'm happiest with this format:

geniium on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

As many other have suggested, I found ClubHouse? [1] to be the best balance for solo dev.

I have tested and worked with many. Asana, JIRA, Trello were all tested alone and with small or medium sized teams. None were as simple to use and clean as clubhouse.

It was always hard to keep the big picture while going into details with theses software. But with Clubhouse am using Iteration to define the big picture and the planning of the upcoming weeks and it just works great.

Their support team is on Slack and reactive to feedback. The software seems really progressing well and the UX is polished and well thought. They really are building a cool product.

Note that I have no affiliation of any kind with any of theses software. It's just my personal taste and experience of the last ~ 10 years of software development and project management (am a Product Owner in a software company).

Wondering what will be the next one I'll use after Clubhouse.. time will tell!

[1] see for more

eashman on Dec 31, 2019 [–]

I will second Clubhouse as a great tool. It’s far better thought out than Jira and attuned to software life cycles unlike Trello.

Pfhreak on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I use github projects with a Research/Maybe, Todo, In Progress, Testing, and Done columns. Each item has a checklist of steps needed to complete the item. For example, I might have an item that is "Workers have an inventory" and a bunch of steps to do that "Add an inventory component, add a take item event, etc." that are markdown checkboxes.

This lets me do some 'design' via listing out all the classes/touchpoints, while still giving me the flexibility to tear stuff up, shuffle it around, and not lose state.

I'll also often keep one text file with very tactical todos, stuff I was in the middle of typing out when interrupted, so I can quickly get back into flow state.

ww520 on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I use an org-mode text file for simple project management. It has two sections: Todo and Release. The Todo section has the todo items; some are marked as #feature for high level functionality and as #bug for bugs. Todo's have a life cycle of TODO/WORKING/DONE/CANCELED. When a release is made, the done items are moved to the Release section. A release has two lists: Feature and Changes. The done features are moved under the Feature list and other done items are moved under the Changes list. The Todo section manages the current tasks and the Release section captures the history.

Add new feature or ideas to the end of the todo list. Add related todo's under a feature line. Add bugs as they are found. The order of the todo items is the priority. Move them around as needed. When canceling a todo, record the reason, so in case if it comes up again, you have a record of decision. That's it. It's pretty simple.

Below is a sample from one of my side projects (solo dev).

 dejv on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

I use two paper notebooks per project: one for planning/architecture/schematics which is used for more long form writing.

Second notebook is for todo items (like add name validation for model Item). When I finish something I cross it out. I usually scan past two or three pages, so many things are left in void. Thats actually a good thing, if something is important I just write it again on fresh page + I occasionally go through wider history to check if something important was not left behind.

+ I keep Notes app open all the times with note per project. Here I keep list similar to the Todo notebook but it contains things that have to be done. Once I am done with task I delete the line.

Basically paper notebooks are for development of fresh features and Notes is for bugs and fixes of production code.

NohatCoder? on Dec 30, 2019 [–]

Fancy tools are for teams, because everyone editing todo.txt eventually gets messy. It is not like you can't use the fancy tools, but if you expect them to somehow improve your work flow, prepare to be disappointed.

The thing about working solo is that you can get away with a lot less communication and writing stuff down. Depending on your memory you probably still should put a few core ideas on paper/file. As long as you are prepared to delete as necessary, putting ideas in code right away might work.


priorization algorithm eg

" If there is downtime, it’s the top priority of everyone affected If there is an incident, it’s the top priority for an on-call agent My deployed issue waiting for my verification Reviewed pull request waiting for deployment My pull request with completed code review that requested changes Outstanding pull request waiting for code review Customer escalation received through email. For valid ones, create incident and delegate to on-call. For invalid ones, reply, apologize and provide customer support link Top issue in the sprint backlogs Any issue in the “when engineers have time” backlog "

"I advise to start with the “Todo”, “Doing” and “Done” triad and only add more if absolutely required. Moving issues from one state to another needs to be associated with an explicit action. If you add more states, make sure that you have an explicit agreement with everyone that the latest-stage ticket has the highest priority unless you want to get all tickets stuck in the most boring stage, such as “verification”."

--- rec.d by Critical Issues/ Bugs/ Features/ Improvements (although almad doesn't like issue types like Enhancement/Bug/Task/Documentation) backlog/bugs/in progress/critical/done (critical > in progress > bugs > backlog; note that 'in progress' features trump bugs but not critical)


" atoav on May 20, 2020 [–]

I've tried so many note/todo/productivity apps throughout the years and I always find myself coming back to one simple solution:


i wonder what the organizational systems fads of the past were? potential search terms:

history of fads organizational systems get organized task management tracking keeping track of time management gtd bujo moleskin notebook eisenhower trello personal productivity todo 7 habits of highly effective kanban prioritization planner zettelkasten para

organize task management track time management gtd bujo eisenhower productivity todo 7 habits kanban prioritization planner zettelkasten para

"gtd" bujo eisenhower todo kanban planner zettelkasten para covey gantt pert critical path pomodoro organizer

empty search: "gtd" bujo eisenhower todo kanban planner zettelkasten para covey gantt pert critical path

some stuff i'm aware of (this includes contemporary stuff, not just historical):


various tips:


conflicting advice, as pointed out by :

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.”
    – Mark Twain quoted in Getting Things Done
    “If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. This is another way of saying that if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most important task first.”
    – Brian Tracy, Eat That Frog!


"Salihefendic’s app Todoist once allowed levels upon levels of subtasks, but he got rid of them after noticing that only a fraction of people used them, and they were mostly just dorking around, organizing their subtasks instead of actually doing work.

Pick virtually any postulate about “the best way to get organized” and app designers will have diametrically opposing views. The app Things lets you put a due date on each task; Hurst, the founder of Good Todo, hissingly denounces due dates as a form of productivity self-harm that turns into a screenful of blinking red overdue alerts. "

"Instead of putting tasks on a list, you do “time blocking,” putting every task in your calendar as a chunk of work...Several researchers who study tasks told me they generally agreed that time blocking avoids the problems of to-do apps and lists....Though, as you might expect by this point, other productivity thinkers are equally vehement that calendars alone won’t save you. You also have to develop a Jedi-like ability to say no to your own craving to do more, more, more. Salihefendić says the people who are “really into” Todoist—and most productive—are fanatical about completing more tasks than they add."

"Paper forces you to repetitively rewrite tasks, as when, say, you transfer all last week’s undone to-dos to this week’s list, or when you erase and rewrite calendar events. That’s what I do when the productivity software I wrote for myself fails me. “Making that choice over and over again,” Carroll tells me, “is the first opportunity where you’re like, ‘Why am I doing this?’” " ---

" Consider using the “4-D” approach when dealing with incoming information.

(Hat tip to David Allen)

There’s a defined approach for doing this, which I learned about from reading David Allen’s Getting Things Done. I don’t know if Allen invented the 4-D approach or whether someone came up with it before him, but that’s how I know about it.

In his book, David Allen suggests to apply one of the following four actions to any incoming bit of information:

    Drop means read, understand, and then archive. It’s what you use for anything that doesn’t require any action on your part.
    Delegate is for things that do require action, but not from you. Make sure that it gets to the right person and is understood by them, and make a note for follow-up.
    Defer means it needs doing, and it’s you who needs to do it, but it doesn’t need doing immediately. Enter it into your task list (to use a very generic term, more on this in a bit), and clear it from your inbox.
    Do are the (typically very few) things that remain that need to be done by you, and immediately.

Following this approach does not mean that you’ll never be overwhelmed by the amount of information that you need to process. But it’ll greatly reduce that risk. “Drop” rules

“Dropping” things doesn’t mean ignoring them. You still have to read and understand what’s in them, and be able to find them later. So:

    Never delete things (except spam).
    Only archive them in a way that that keeps them retrievable in the future.
    If there something isn’t understandable to you, think it through and look for clarification.

“Delegate” rules

Delegation obviously requires that there is a person you can delegate to. This is not necessarily someone who reports to you; indeed, it might be someone you report to. (You might be asked to deal with something that you have no control over, but your manager does.) So:

    Find the right person that can get the task done.
    Preemptively send them all the information that you think they might need (and that you have access to), rather than relying on them to ask.
    Ask them to acknowledge that they have received what they need.
    Make a note to follow up to see if they need anything else, and follow through by seeing the task to completion.

Within your own team, you only ever delegate tasks, not responsibility.

    Tasks without follow-up and follow-through are a waste of people’s time.

Do not delegate, or even define, tasks that you are not prepared to follow through on. If you handwave “everyone use encrypted email from now on,” and you’re not even prepared to make that work for your own email account, you might as well just leave it.

And if you do proclaim an objective or rule and then you find yourself unable to see it through — this happens, and is no sign of ineptitude or failure — then loudly and clearly rescind it. It’s far better for you to visibly backtrack, than to be perceived as someone whose pronouncements are safe to ignore. “Defer” rules

Deferring simply means that because something you need to do doesn’t need doing immediately, you can do it at a time that suits your schedule.

This means that you’ll need to

    add the task immediately to some sort of queue (for email, this can be a folder named “Needs Reply”),
    make sure to go through that queue at a later time to prioritize (ideally, right after you’re done with your “Do” tasks, which we’ll get to in a second),
    absolutely ensure that you make time to go back and actually do your prioritized tasks, at a time you consider convenient.

“Do” rules

And finally, there’ll be your “Do” tasks — stuff that you need to do, and do immediately.

    Tell people that you’re doing them, because you’ll want to be uninterrupted. Update your chat status, put some blocked time in your calendar.
    Make sure you’ll be uninterrupted. For email, turn off all your notifications.
    Plow through all the undropped, undelegated, undeferred items in your inbox until it’s empty.

" -- [4]


stuff that needs to be organized (from the beginning of ):

e thinks you need "a task manager, digital notes app, read later app, and online calendar" [5] uses: a todo app (e uses Things 3; used to use todoist); a notes app (evernote); a team wiki (notion); a digital calendar (woven and apple calendar). E thinks the choice of calendar app is not very important b/c they all just have to view and edit an ordinary calendar. He spends the most time in his todo app; he doesn't have too many calendar events. Also email client (missive) and twist (team chat)


Dan Charnas Work Clean :

" Mise-en-place method

3 values:

    Commit to preparation.
    Commit to a process.
    Commit to be present.

10 ingredients:

    Planning is prime.
    Arranging spaces, perfecting moves.
    Cleaning as you go.
    Making first moves. Act now.
    Finishing actions.
    Slowing down to speed up.
    Open eyes and ears.
    Call and callback.
    Inspect and correct.
    Total utilisation. No waste.

" -- (i elided some of their notes, so this isn't an exact quote)

good explanation:

(tangent: here's an article about mis-en-place in restaurants and in home cooking: )

my notes (mostly on but also on and and

" Mise en place might be one of the most widely translated French phrases in the culinary lexicon, despite which, it remains one of the least understood.

"Everything in its place!" is what any culinary student and cooking enthusiast will dutifully recite when asked what mise en place means. And yes, that's a literal translation of the French words. But translation is about more than just substituting words. It's about conveying the idea behind the words. And the idea of mise en place is all about being prepared. " [6]

Professional chefs organize a kitchen team like an assembly line, with a military-ish hierarchy: " In a restaurant, cooks are assigned to various stations, each with its own specific function. A line cook may spend their whole shift sauteeing vegetables, or grilling steaks, or making salads, over and over again. Each cook is focused on one component of a given dish, not the whole thing.

As such, their focus is laser sharp. For them, mise en place is about setting up their station, ensuring all the ingredients and tools they need are within easy reach, to minimize wasted movement and extra steps. ... In a restaurant, the kitchen staff is organized into what's called a "brigade," and the military connotation is intentional. Because restaurant cooks love to imagine that they're going into battle every night.

Beyond the specialization of tasks, restaurant kitchens also have people called porters, who swoop in and gather up used mixing bowls, dirty pans and so on and take them way, so that the cook's station stays tidy. And then there are dishwashers, whose job is to wash all those dirty pots, pans and utensils.

Moreover, restaurants also have prep cooks, whose job it is to do all the peeling, trimming, slicing, mincing, chopping and whatever other work is required to make the various ingredients in a dish ready to go into the dish. " [7]

"the chef de cuisine was the commanding officer; underneath him were his lieutenants the sous-chefs; and underneath them were various chefs de partie who ran the various stations, including garde-manger (pantry), sauté (range cooking), saucier (sauces), patissier (desserts), rôtisseur (roast or grill), poissionnier (fish), and friturier (fryer)...These positions made up the culinary equivalent of a high-volume manufacturing assembly line." [8]

(this system, introduced by Escoffier, is called Brigade de cuisine)

" Just as translating a phrase or sentence from one language to another is about more than simply translating the individual words, applying the restaurant concept of mise en place in a home kitchen is not a simple 1:1 substitution. But that doesn't mean it can't be useful....while it does make sense for a restaurant cook to have all their tools, ingredients and utensils within reach at all times, it's not because that necessarily makes you a better cook. It's because restaurant kitchens are tiny, cramped spaces, where cooks work shoulder to shoulder with each other, and there's simply no way all those people can be wandering around the kitchen grabbing things. Not to mention, they're in the kitchen for eight hours. So if their squeeze bottle of chili oil is located three steps away, that means three steps over and three steps back, over and over. That's a lot of steps over an eight hour shift.

At home, it really doesn't matter if you have to walk three steps to get your squeeze bottle. You're not repeating that step hundreds of times per night. You're probably using that chili oil once, maybe twice. Rearranging your whole kitchen so that everything you need for that night's meal is within arm's reach is simply not a worthwhile goal.

Because unlike restaurant cooks, at home you have to be ready to cook, well, anything. " [9]

Commit to preparation: Have frequent times that you devote to planning. Before you start on a complex task, break it into subtasks and make a list. Commit to a process: Have processes. Commit to be present: (i'm not sure what this means in this context)

Planning is prime: Professional chefs plan out what they are going to have to do before starting to execute a recipe. At the end of each day, plan the next day. Make a list of things to do, estimate how long each of them will take (be honest with time), order them (maybe make a rough schedule?). "For your most important, recurring tasks, log out how long they take so you can make accurate predictions of how long they’ll take in the future." Also, arrive everywhere 15 mins early. Arranging spaces, perfecting moves: Professional chefs arrange the station of each kitchen worker so that they can efficently access everything they will need. Professional chefs get out, prepare, and measure each ingredient for a dish before beginning to make the dish. Professional chefs externalize their thinking into their environment. "That pan isn’t just a pan. It is also a placeholder reminding him that a dish is in process. The sizzling of the oil is the alarm bell cueing up the next step." [10]. A professional chef can use this sort of thing in place of writing reminder notes: "What is a chef to do if three things are asked of her at once? ... The chef externalizes those reminders into her environment – placing a pan for preheating, setting a bunch of parsley on the cutting board, or putting out a sauce pan for example." [11] Standardize repeated tasks; write down a list of steps and try it 3 times. For tasks that require reliability, consider reading each item on the list each time before doing it, or to make the list of steps a checklist and explictly check off each item each time you do it. Create dedicated (digital or physical) "workspaces for each of your most important projects". [12] Cleaning as you go: Professional chefs clean up as they go whenever they are able. Every hour, take one minute to straighten your physical and digital workspace. Put away (physical or digital) stuff that you aren't still using. Inspiration: "knolling": " 1. Scan your environment for anything not in use 2. Put away everything not in use 3. Group all “like” objects 4. Align or square all objects to either the surface they’re on, or the studio itself " Making first moves: Professional chefs prioritize things like turning on the oven, because it will take a long time to heat up, and you can do other things in that time. There is value in prioritizing tasks that start something that will take awhile in the background. At the beginning of each day, spend 30 mins doing tasks that unblock the work of others, eg managerial work. [13] also includes under this heading the practice of capturing todo items and thoughts into an organizational system. Finishing actions: There is value in prioritizing finishing an ongoing task which is nearly done. Also, do similar tasks in batches to minimize switching cost. Also, if you can't finish a task in one session, "tie it up" for later, eg collect resources and put them all in one place, write down any thoughts about the task that you want to remember; and as necessary: schedule the next time to work on the task, communicate to stakeholders about the task status, and do any necessary team planning eg ask for/offer help to unblock. Also, "Record all of your breaks during an immersive work section to see where you lose the most time, and to be more strategic about how and when you take breaks." [14] Slowing down to speed up: Professional chefs focus on small and precise movements, rather than focusing on moving fast. Don't panic. Open eyes and ears: ??? Call and callback: "Communication should be clear, concise, and respectful." [15] "Direct those around you by asking the right types of questions: What’s the consensus here? What’s the takeaway? What’s the next step? Who needs help? How can I help?" [16]. Explictly confirm the receipt of essential communication, and expect/request confirmation from others when you send an essential communication. Inspect and correct: Coach yourself. "For a day, keep a tally of all the errors you make, big or small. For each of the errors, write the consequence. At the end of the day, write down one thing for each that you could have done to avoid the problem." [17] Total utilisation: No waste. "Log where you lose time and resources to see how you might make better use of those resources and time periods. Create routines for when you have downtime, for when you’re distracted, for when you know you’re passing through a particular place." [18]

At the beginning of each day:

At the end of each day:


did Escoffier's Brigade de cuisine concept partially inspire factory assembly lines? If so, i couldn't find any evidence of that; i just did a few Google searches though.


explore/exploit tradeoff:

--- Tiago Forte's review procedure:

he does that once a week. He uses Things 3 (as of the time of that video) and he uses Things 3's "today" to mean "this week".

(kinda interesting to compare to my definitely today/mb today/next few days/week/weeks epochs)


tours of things 3: Tiago Forte: Francesco of Keep Productive: Peter Akkies: (shows how to do templates), (intro)

tour of omnifocus: actually just GTD intro as applied to omnifocus: intro: perspectives intro: Peter Akkies tip to use a 'next' tag for tasks that you want to do next (and then config the Today view to show everything with tag 'next'):

todo:, top ranked YouTube? omnifocus guide/hit, top ranked YouTube? todoist guide/hit, top ranked YouTube? things 3 guide/hit ; asana; dash/plus and bujo; clickup; comparison youtube videos b/t things 3, omnifocus, todoist, (asana? clickup?) list of similarities of most/all of these


project vs task: project has subtasks that you probably won't do all at once


algorithms for optimal scheduling (operations research):


ppv (pillars, pipelines, and vaults): pillars are what other people call 'areas'; categories within which projects and resources live; vaults are what Forte calls resources and what others call knowledge management (KM); stuff like notes, media; pipelines are tasks and projects and goals

his pillars (areas) are: growth, home/life, business. Some of his subareas are:

spirituality; mind expansion learning

he does it (mostly? all?) in Notion. he has 3 main dashboards: a 'PPV command center' which looks like links to PPV infrastructure; and a 'action zone' and an 'alignment zone'. Each subarea is also a dashboard.

notion databases include:

'action zone' dashboard:

'pillars' dashboard:

today action items: title, priority, done, do date, next in line (link) (for dependent tasks), client (link), content.. (link), projects (link), status, knowledge... (link), completion da...

enum for 'priority': immediate quick scheduled 1st_priority 2nd_priority 3rd_priority 4th_priority 5th_priority errand remember (note: the numbered priorities mark the main 3-5 tasks for each day)

action item (task) data structure: title do date following... next in line... note due date client project pillar (area) goal outcomes research (workspace) production pipeline done (boolean) waiting (boolean) owner created date following count


dunno if this is part of the TOOLING, but need to have a procedure to log, and investigate, debug (if the system was found to be at fault), and review every error where i miss something possibly due to disorganization. Possibly, some record of bugs that were fixed in the system should be kept as part of the system improvement project.



not sure how much this is real advice and how much it is just a pretty picture, but in, at the top of the post there is a pic of an organizer with the following sections on the page:


i read everything mentioned in this:

namely, bujo, gsd, hyatt smart notes, word notebooks, dash/plus, gowans bujo/dashplus hybrid, vardy strikethrough system, dagger rocket journal. Note that this list was made by the creator of dash/plus.




