
  1. Apps

Free apps for editing various kinds of text:

(other markdown ones to try mb: byword and iawriter and editorial; but those are not free. Some others are iwriter, write, 1writer. One person also suggested Notebooks. Everyone likes Ulysses but it's super expensive ($40 PER YEAR!). Another expensive one that some ppl like is Scrivner; Ulysses and Scrivner are more for actual book authors i think)

(other things to try are TaskPaper? format, supported by TaskMator?, TaskOnPaper?, Editorial, Drafts. Ppl also like foldingtext but it's not under development anymore and has no ios app afaict)

(also try Workflowy, Todoist, Omnifocus)

(also, not iOS, but someday try Deft for emacs)

for todo lists, other ppl like todoist and omnifocus

someone else suggests Paprika for recipies

to try:

Gris mobile game (mb also on Android)