
Difference between revision 44 and current revision

No diff available.

ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(printf "file '$PWD/%s'\n" ./*.wav) -c copy output.wav


libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf file.xlsx

to convert csv to pdf (takes forever tho; but produces output of a decent size; but poor quality):

libreoffice --headless --infilter=text --convert-to pdf file.csv


pdftk in.pdf output out.pdf user_pw password


iconv -f utf8 -t asciiTRANSLIT /tmp/t.txt


qpdf -password=<your-password> -decrypt /path/to/secured.pdf out.pdf


sudo gem install typogen sudo xargs typogen <&0


dbus-monitor --system dbus-monitor --session grep . -r /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/

echo "disable" > /sys/firmware/acpi/interrupts/gpe50


from importlib import reload


exiftool -all= image.jpg


f=filename; (tar --create $f > /run/shm/$f.tar); lzip /run/shm/$f.tar; rm -vf /run/shm/$f.tar; gpg --symmetric /run/shm/$f.tar.lz; mv /run/shm/$f.tar.lz.gpg .; rm -vf /run/shm/$f.tar.lz;

tar xovf filename.tar.lz --lzip


find . -print0

xargs -0 cmd

find -print -exec cmd '{}' \;


to make a hard drive spin down (go to sleep):

to make gpg-agent forget everything (i think):



to tell gpg-agent to reload .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf:

pkill -SIGHUP gpg-agent


hdparm -S 6 /dev/sdb


dropbox exclude


sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 down

sudo rmmod cfg80211 mwifiex mwifiex_pcie sudo rmmod cfg80211 mwifiex mwifiex_pcie sudo rmmod cfg80211 mwifiex mwifiex_pcie sudo rmmod cfg80211 mwifiex mwifiex_pcie

sudo modprobe cfg80211 sudo modprobe mwifiex sudo modprobe mwifiex_pcie

sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 up


xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources


to install a .deb from a slightly untrusted source but not run the postinstall (because you don't want them running anything with root access):

apt-get download <package> sudo dpkg --unpack <package>*.deb sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/<package>.postinst -f sudo dpkg --configure <package> sudo apt-get install -yf #To fix dependencies


sudo systemctl status sudo systemctl start sudo systemctl stop sudo systemctl is-enabled sudo systemctl enable sudo systemctl disable

more at [1]


cd ~/newwebsite; hugo hugo serve& cd ~/newwebsite; hugo; find public -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +; chmod -R a+r public; scp -rp ~/newwebsite/public/* web:; cd -


in emacs, to convert OddMuse? style link markup to Asciidoc style link markup:

(we use curly braces, which is not asciidoc syntax, only temporarily so that they don't interfere with the next regexp)

(now get rid of the temporary curly braces)

also, put blank lines immediately before lists if the lists are preceded by ordinary text (instead of headers), and replace raw image URLs with image:URL[alt text], and replace '----' with


in emacs, to convert OddMuse? style link markup to Markup style link markup:

also, change == headings == to # headings, and put blank lines immediately before lists


"I use the following incantation when authorizing folks to ssh into my servers via github public keys:

    curl[github name].keys >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"


restarting virtualbox clipboard guest addition

kill `ps -fe

grep -i clip grep vbox head -n1awk '{print $2}'`; /usr/bin/VBoxClient? --clipboard


find . -path '*.txt' -print0

xargs -0 -n1 grep -H -s crossbar


upload to PyPI?:

pip install twine python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/*


python -m virtualenv lets-go . ./lets-go/bin/activate


sudo du -schx /* --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys

sort -h


force immediate clock sync/time sync/ntp update:

sudo ntpd -qg


monitoring bandwidth usage (that works even within virtualbox, even when iptraf doesn't in some cases):

sudo nethogs enp0s3

(where 'enp0s3' is the name of the ethernet adapter)


to install something with dpkg and install its dependencies:

"After using dpkg, running the following command helped me to install the dependencies :

sudo apt-get -f install " [2]


xrandr --dpi 135

"4.12 Display (xfce4-display-settings), which is vastly improved from 4.10?"

font size and/or DPI setting in /Settings/Appearance/Settings


xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 0.9 xbacklight -set 0


securely wipe GNU/Linux files and hard drives:

  1. for a file: shred -u filename
  2. quicker but less secure (only overwrites with zeros, not random data): shred -n0 -z -u filename
  3. whole directories:
  4. find directoryname -print0
find directoryname -exec shred -uv '{}' \; rm -rf directoryname # because the previous command only removed files, not directories
xargs -0 -n1 shred -v -n0 -z -u
  1. for the whole harddrive /dev/sda: swapoff -a

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1m

  1. or for more security: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda bs=1m


cd parent_dir (dir=dir; tar -c "$dir"

lzip -o "$dir.tar")


htop atop iotop iptraf dstat mtr ping traceroute dig tcpdump tshark wireshark


sudo clamscan -r -i --cross-fs=no / > /tmp/clamscanlog.txt



y'know how there's that 'reading list' in Firefox Android? You want a list of the URLs in it?

They are inside the 'browser.db' file in your profile folder; that is, in:


where 'aery5ea9.default' is replaced by your profile folder's name. You may or may not need root to be able to access that file, i'm not sure. Anyways, if you can get that file off using adb, then if you install sqlite3, you can do:

sqlite3 browser.db 'select url from reading_list order by added_on;'

to print out a list of URLs in the order that you saved them


cat >/etc/polkit-1/rules.d/99-usb-mounting.rules 1 .ssh/authorized_keys" ---

in 'screen', to save a copy of the scrollback buffer:

ctrl-a ctrl-+ to get to command mode, then

hardcopy -h <filename>

btw why do i use screen rather than tmux? tmux had problems with using the middle button to paste, over ssh

screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] kill

sudo ln -s /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf

make any website editable

javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

rotate and play a video:

mplayer -vf rotate=2 /tmp/p8253012.avi -vo x11 -ao none -framedrop -nobps -ni -forceidx -mc 0 -vfm ffmpeg -lavdopts fast:skiploopfilter=all

--- strip audio from a video:

ffmpeg -i /tmp/MVI_0047.AVI -an -vcodec copy /tmp/MVI_0047_nosound.AVI

another way:

avconv -i MVI_0047.AVI -an -c:v copy /tmp/MVI_0047.AVI

to do a whole directory (placing the results into new subdir 'done'):

mkdir done find *.mp4 -exec sh -c 'for f do avconv -i "$f" -an -c:v copy done/"$f"; done' sh {} +

mkdir done find *.mp4 -exec sh -c 'for f do ffmpeg -i "$f" -an -vcodec copy done/"$f"; done' sh {} +


for f in *.mp4; do echo ffmpeg -i $f -an -vcodec copy `basename -s=.mp4 '$f'`_nosound.mp4; done


clip a video:

ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -ss 00:01:52 -c copy -t 00:00:10 output.mp4

lossless jpg rotate / flip:

jpegtran -outfile output.jpg -rotate 180 input.jpg

how to increase brightness, hue on videos? the following works but is too big and can't be played on xine

mencoder -o /tmp/test.avi -oac copy -ovc raw -vf eq2=1:1:-0.06:1.20 clouds/090802/p8021536.avi

to test and then deploy djangoappengine projects:

./ runserver ./ deploy


When changing email addresses, use mairix, mutt, and a standing emacs session to quickly, semiautomatedly send email to some people who have emailed my old address in the last six months:

put in .mairixrc:


initialize mairix database:


create a search folder containing every message sent to my old email address by someone other than myself in the last six months:

  mairix d:6m-

(replace and with real addresses)

put in .muttrc:

  macro index <F12> "<reply>^M^Unew email:^Mny"

(replace with the real address)

also, make sure that your sent mail is being saved in .muttrc, with something like:

  set record= =sent-mail

in emacs, type something like this into any buffer, then kill it (and yank it, if you want):


My current email address is now

You are receiving this automated email because you have recently sent an email to my old email address,, which will stop working soon -- please update your address book. Thanks, bayle

restart mutt. change to folder ~/Mail/mairixResults. go down the list until you find someone to whom you'd like to send an update, making sure their message is highlighted. hit F12. this starts a reply to the highlighted message with the subject heading as in the F12 macro definition above. now you land in emacs to type the body of the message. press F3 (begin macro definition). Yank the text of the message. Kill the buffer. You return to mutt, and the mutt macro completes execution by automatically sending the message.

Go down the list until you find someone else you wish to notify. This time, in emacs, just press F4 twice. The first press ends the macro defn, the second press executes the macro (which now includes yanking the text and closing the buffer).

For subsequent notifications, just press F4 (sometimes that didn't work for me and i had to press it twice for some reason).

Be careful not to highlight or copy or kill any text while you're doing this, or emacs might start yanking that into your outgoing message body rather than the text that you want. i'd check your sent-mail after sending the first message to make sure it went out OK (or even send the first one to yourself by sending yourself a test message, highlighting it in Mutt when your receive it, and pressing F12). I'd check sent-mail again when you are done to make sure the rest went out ok.,+git&date=all&geo=all&graph=weekly_img&sort=0&sa=N


ruby debugging

require 'ruby-debug'


SOME_VARIABLE.public_methods - Object.public_methods

screen -X hardcopy -h /tmp/t


to kill an unresponsive ssh session:

enter, ~, .


if you accidentally hit ctrl-S, things might freeze, use ctrl-Q to unfreeze

-- nearlyfreespeech commandline incremental awstats

wc /home/logs/access_log ulimit -t 300 maxlines=10000 startline=0 n=$startline; while true; do echo starting at $n; tail -n +$n /home/logs/access_log

head -n $maxlines perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/ -config=nfsn -update -LogFile?=-; n=$(($n + $maxlines)); done
  1. todo break when no more records perl /usr/local/www/awstats/cgi-bin/ -config=nfsn -update

if it doesn't say anything for more than five minutes, kill it and reduce maxlines. Supposedly awstats is already already flushing every 20000 lines but i don't see that happening.


sync heroku and github:

multiple accounts on heroku:


to get a later version of nodejs on ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs


to quickly view an HTML file from github: use just click 'raw' in github, then edit the URL to remove the first dot in



first, use firefox to go to . Hold down Page Down to scroll all the way to the bottom to get everything to load. File->Save Page As.

cat 'Bayle Shanks on Pinterest.html'

perl -lane 'if (/"(https:\/\/\/pin\/[\d]+\/)"/) {print $1;}' > pin_urls.txt

wget -p -i pin_urls.txt -H -D

or, for secret boards, go to each board in Firefox and save it as above, then filter the file to create a list of URLs as above, install the Export Cookies extension in Firefox, then restart Firefox and Tools->Export Cookies, then do:

NOTE: this no longer works! it only saves a few images near what you are currently looking at (about 60-90, for me). so you'll have to page thru while saving multiple times from your browser.

wget --load-cookies /tmp/cookies.txt -p -i pin_urls.txt -H -D


to sum a column of numbers (thanks ):

awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' mydatafile


to use xz to compress things which aren't already .xz compressed:

  1. find /l3/bshanks-salk-cp -not -name \*.xz
find /l3/bshanks-salk-cp -not -name \*.xz -print0
xargs -n1 xz
xargs -0 xz
  1. find /l3/bshanks-salk-cp -not -name \*.xz -exec xz \{\} \;


when an ssh connection freezes, here's how to kill it: type enter, then ~, then .

for a listing of other ssh escape commands, type enter, then ~, then ?


sudo apt-get install timidity rosegarden

sudo adduser ____ audio (and relogin) sudo adduser ____ pulseaudio-access (and relogin)

consider installing ubuntustudio packages

jackd -R -P4 -dalsa -r44100 -p512 -n4 -D -Chw:0 -Phw:0 &

timidity -Oj -iA &

rosegarden &

Studio->Manage MIDI devices on top right, click on Available Output "128:0 TiMidity? port 0 (write)" (sometimes you have to try 129:0 though)

sometimes have to quit and re-start jackd, timidity, rosegarden

turn volume half-way up (in your system volume setting)

click to create segment Segment -> Edit with Matrix

keyboard shortcut to play: cntl-enter keyboard shortcut to rewind to beginning: home keyboard shortcut to rewind one measure: pageup

a tutorial:


to quote a single quote within a single-quoted string in the shell: use '\

eg: echo 'Don'\t do that'

(technically, you are not putting a single quote 'within' a single quoted string, rather, you are ending the single-quoted string, then inserting the ' which is quoted via backslash, then beginning the single-quoted string againg. Thanks )


  1. (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = sys.exc_info()


echoing with sudo

echo "echo 12000 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs"

sudo sh



DigitalSea? 2 days ago

I just wanted to say thank you Linus for giving us Git. Before Git I was using SVN and while the wounds are healing, I will bear these SVN scars for many years to come. As a developer Git has made my life so much easier and not only that, thanks to Github I can help collaborate on open source projects as well as my own with ease.


plongeur 2 days ago

99% of the time I use:

I guess that's "the basics" - what command should I learn next?


mbell 2 days ago

Command to learn: - git rebase (if you learn everything you can do with this command, you'll pretty much know git inside and out)

Other useful stuff: - git diff - git diff --cached - git log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all - git cherry-pick - git stash


joe_inferno 2 days ago

git bisect is a powerful one i use to identify when a given bug was introduced


icefox 2 days ago

Install git achievements ( and get free internet points to expore them all.

Disclaimer: wrote this a few years ago and it has way more users than I ever would have thought.


abvdasker 2 days ago

I use this command constantly:

Being able to see the graph structure made it far easier for me to get a grasp git's general structure and flow on a higher level.


Aga 2 days ago

Looking at the history tree with all the branches and remote branches is a great way really understand Git.

More powerful history browsers to "lola": * gitk (graphical, developed in git's own repo) * tig (console)



vi /etc/default/rcS and uncomment FSCKFIX and change to FSCKFIX=yes touch /forcefsck


    make --eval="print-%: ; @echo $*=$($*)" print-SOURCE_FILES


before logging in to wordpress, ssh in and do:

chmod -R 775 /home/public/blog/wp-login.php

and afterwards: chmod -R 750 /home/public/blog/wp-login. in nsfn, you can 'reposses files' through their admin UI, from user 'web' to you


in nsfn, the "Identica tools" plugin, when active, upon page load, makes tons of files whose names are prefixed with "sno" in the /tmp directory.


search-and-replace in-place

perl -pe '$_ =~ s/before/after/g' -i filename.txt


total sum of known bad blocks plus not-yet-scraped bad blocks in a ddrescue logfile (requires perl and pyp to be installed):

perl -lane 'if (($F[2] eq "/")

($F[2] eq "-")) {print $F[1];}' ddrescue_logfile pyp 'int(p, base=16)sum(pp)'

but it's probably better just to use:

ddrescuelog --show-status ddrescue_logfile

some other ddrescue commands (be suer to always use a logfile with ddrescue!!! using a logfile really should be the default):

sudo ddrescue -vvvv -f /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 ddrescue_logfile_1 sudo ddrescue --data-preview --direct --sector-size=4096 -vvvv -f /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 ddrescue_logfile sudo ddrescue --data-preview --try-again --retrim --no-scrape -vvvv -f /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 ddrescue_logfile

other lists of data recovery programs:


ok, so you've used ddrescue, and it couldn't get all the blocks, so how to find out which files are damaged?

the easiest method, and the ones recommended in the ddrescue documentation, is apparently to (in the copy) fill the damaged blocks with some string that doesn't appear anywhere else, and then grep for it. But i'm concerned b/c i want to know if/how many of the filesystem/directory-containing blocks are damaged. presents another way, using sleuthkit

sudo apt-get install sleuthkit

i'll assume that the copy of the damaged filesystem is at /dev/sdb1.

First, get the 'fragment size', which is probably 4k:

$ sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb1

dumpe2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014) Fragment size: 4096
grep 'Fragment size'

4096 is written '1000' in hex.

Look in the logfile for a sector, eg:

$ head ddrescue_logfile

  1. Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.20-pre1
  2. Command line: ddrescue --reverse --direct --sector-size=4096 --data-preview --try-again --retrim --no-scrape -vvvv -f /dev/sdg1 /dev/sdb1 ddrescue_logfile ...
  3. pos size status ... 0x14C924A5000 0x00001000 ?

divide the position by the fragment size (in hex) to get the fragment:

$ echo "ibase=16; 14C924A5000/1000"


use 'blkstat'

$ sudo blkstat /dev/sdb1 86390678 Fragment: 86390678 Not Allocated Group: 2636

if it was allocated, though, then use:

$ ifind rescued.img -d 86390678

which can take a few minutes. Then use 'istat' to see which file is using that inode.

to do this in batch:

grep '.*-$' ddrescue_logfile

to query a dns server 200 times and return the RMS of the latency (RMS = root mean square, the sqrt of the average of the squares of the latency):

(for i in `seq 1 200`; do dig @

grep 'Query time'; done)awk '{s+=$4*$4} END {print sqrt(s/NR)}'


a JS bookmarklet that enables zooming:




todo: see if this helps with my hd probs:

Disabling auto suspending USB for i in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/autosuspend; do echo 2 > $i; done

Disable USB autosuspend for foo in /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/level; do echo on > $foo; done


'sudo blkid' shows you the UUIDs and locations and labels of various disk drives (you need the 'sudo' otherwise some will be hidden)




atop iotop


REISUB upon system freeze:


to forcibly sync clock:

systemctl restart systemd-timesyncd

(according to [4])


youtube-dl URL -f best


f, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(); os.close(f)

  1. note: that's OS.close(f), NOT just close(f), which will silently fail


  1. os.close(1001); os.close(1002); os.close(1003); os.close(1004); # close some files so that we can import psutil, assuming you already have too many open files

import psutil psutil.Process().open_files()


append 'activity/saved' to a Pinterest URL to see repins




"Yes, you can delete 'undeletable' apps through ADB, without rooting the device.

  pm uninstall -k --user 0 <name of package>"


pandoc -o file.pdf pandoc -t beamer -o file.pdf


find /path/to/base/dir -type d -exec chmod a+x {} +


strip exif metadata:

exiftool -all= foo.jpg

strip pdf stuff: qpdf --linearize <output1.pdf> <output2.pdf>

Remove more metadata from PDFs: dangerzone (GUI, render PDF as images, then re-OCR everything): mat2 (render PDF as images, don't OCR):


in Android, you can disable the screenshot sound by going into DND mode


" zbiko

Tip: Saving files in Emacs during an upgrade

I ran across an unfortunate error after upgrading from Emacs 25.1 to 25.2. I had an Emacs window open with unsaved files. When I tried to save them I got the message

find-coding-systems-region: Loading charset map: No such file or directory, BIG5-1

I was able to work around this with

ln -s /usr/share/emacs/25.2 /usr/share/emacs/25.1

Then save files, restart the editor and remove symlink. Just posting in case this helps someone. It might be safer, if you notice you're about to upgrade Emacs, to save files and quit first. " --


in ubuntu, to save a specific choice of kernel, edit /etc/default/grub and set


now boot again and select the one you want, it will stick


in ubuntu, to set the number of workspaces at a fixed (static) number, install and use gnome-tweaks.

you can also use this to disable animations. And you can install extensions that disable the workspace switcher.


in ubuntu, if then

cd ~/.config/dconf mv user user.bak

and relogin (thanks Gunnar Hjalmarsson)


to set keyboard shortcuts for workspaces above 4,

dconf read /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-1

to see what the shortcut for workspace 1 looks like, then

dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-5 "['<Primary>F5']"

with the value inside the single quotes replaced by what you want


dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-5 "['<Primary>F5']" dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-6 "['<Primary>F6']" dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-7 "['<Primary>F7']" dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-8 "['<Primary>F8']" dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/switch-to-workspace-9 "['<Primary>F9']"


in ubuntu, privacy->screen lock after blank for 1 hr, power->blank screen after 15 mins


note: this doesnt work for me but i put it here for my own future reference

sudo apt-get install mousetweaks

  1. turn on hover click. dwell-time is delay. threshold is pixels movement allowed setsid mousetweaks --dwell --dwell-time=1.2 --threshold=10 &
  2. kill mouse hover-click daemon mousetweaks -s


i use bibsonomy but adding bookmarks to it is too slow and cumbersome. The browser add bookmark functionality is better. So i periodically export the default Other Bookmarks folder of my browser bookmarks to bookmark.html, then run the following code to extract just that folder, then upload the resulting t.html to bibsonomy import:

perl -ne 'print if /Other Bookmark/../\/DL/' /tmp/bookmarks.html > /tmp/t.html


in Gmail, an (evolving) query to selecte messages to delete:

click the gear picture in gmail > see all settings > in the general category turn conversation view off > save

has:nouserlabels -in:sent -in:chat


to remove a label from Gmail, and delete messages from that label, and then later copy it back from local, without offlineimap deleting everything in local:


cd ~/.offlineimap; mkdir manually_archived mkdir -p manually_archived/Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?-sqlite/ manually_archived/Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?/ Repository-bsgmail-Local/FolderValidity?/ Repository-bsgmail-Remote/FolderValidity?/ FOLDERNAME=FOLDERNAME; mv Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?-sqlite/${FOLDERNAME} manually_archived/Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?-sqlite/ mv Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?/${FOLDERNAME} manually_archived/Account-bsgmail/LocalStatus?/ mv Repository-bsgmail-Local/FolderValidity?/${FOLDERNAME} manually_archived/Repository-bsgmail-Local/FolderValidity?/ mv Repository-bsgmail-Remote/FolderValidity?/${FOLDERNAME} manually_archived/Repository-bsgmail-Remote/FolderValidity?/

  1. see if we missed anything find ~/.offlineimap

Now, later, you can just add back the folder to folderfilter and it'll reupload it to Gmail


to rename filenames with search-and-replace:

for f in *; do n="$(echo $f

sed -e 's/old/new/')"; mv $f $n; done


perl -pi -e 's/#\+TODO: NEW TODO PLAN NEXT BLOCK \



" However, on machines which use GNU/Linux with KDE, I had the problem that sometimes the menus are empty. I found out that the menus can be shown if I type do M-x menu-bar-open or <f10> (which is the commands shortcut). To solve this issue programmatically, I added the following code to the user configuration file under .emacs.d/user/user.el.

(menu-bar-mode -1) (menu-bar-mode 1) " --


Check if your IP is exposing any ports. If you see 404 page, nothing is exposed (


Escaping strings in Bash using !:q

TIL this trick, via Pascal Hirsch on Twitter. Enter a line of Bash starting with a # comment, then run !:q on the next line to see what that would be with proper Bash escaping applied.

bash-3.2$ # This string 'has single' "and double" quotes and a $ bash-3.2$ !:q '# This string '\has single'\ "and double" quotes and a $' bash: # This string 'has single' "and double" quotes and a $: command not found

How does this work? James Coglan explains:

    The ! character begins a history expansion; !string produces the last command beginning with string, and :q is a modifier that quotes the result; so I'm guessing this is equivalent to !string where string is "", so it produces the most recent command, just like !! does

Created 2020-10-01T13:32:02-07:00, updated 2020-10-01T13:41:23-07:00 · History · Edit



capture first frame of video:

ffmpeg -i inputfile.mkv -vf "select=eq(n\,0)" -q:v 3 output_image.jpg





select a region

M-x calc-grab-region (or C-x * g) M-x calc-vector-sum, M-x calc-vector-mean, M-x calc-vector-sdev, etc. q M-x calc-copy-to-buffer


To see all the files the package installed onto your Debian/Ubuntu/Pop_OS system, do this:

dpkg-query -L <package_name>


google-chrome --disable-gpu --disable-software-rasterizer


whenever moving to a new computer, postalias /etc/aliases may need to be rerun.


throttle an amdgpu to 70% of max power:

bc <<< "`cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/power1_cap_max` * 0.7"

xargs -n1 printf "%d"sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/power1_cap


cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/power1_cap_max

sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0/device/hwmon/hwmon4/power1_cap


bibsonomy backup

according to instructions on ("Bookmark Exporter")


cd ~/soft/bibsonomy-python ./ YOUR_USERNAME YOUR_APIKEY


to copy an applet and run it locally:

javap -p -v *.class

grep "= class"grep -v 'java/'perl -ne '/\/\/ (.*)/; print "wget http://WEBSITE_PATH/$1.class\n"'

NOTE: the produced wget line won't work if there is a '$' in a classname. In that case, i manually escape it with a backslash before the $. If there are a bunch of these with ascending numbers, you can generate the escaped version with:

for i in {1..8}; do echo wget http://WEBSITE_PATH/CLASSNAME
\$${i}.class; done

now to run it:

appletviewer HTML_FILE_NAME

'appletviewer' is in Ubuntu package openjdk-8-jdk. I assume javap is in there too.

If the appletviewer window says "Start: applet not initialized", look at the commandline for the exception trace. You probably forgot to download one of the other class files.


when upgrading popos using the GUI in Settings, the progress bar got to half of Downloading and then stalled. My internet is plakey so i figured the download stalled and it froze. I couldn't find a way to cancel so i rebooted, but then apt-get showed it was in an inconsistent state which was a little hard to fix (the trick was to use aptitude instead of apt-get, and to remove some packages that were blocking a downgrade, because aptitude was somehow able to deal with tricky dependency downgrade situations better than apt-get). So maybe 'Downloading' actually does more than download? If so, it should say something like 'Downloading and installing, don't turn off your computer'. I haven't reported that because i guess it's possible that my computer was already in an inconsistent state. But also, i think popos upgrader really does stall if the internet connection goes down and then comes back up again later, so that needs to be fixed too. Anyhow, the next time i tried, i did:

pop-upgrade release upgrade

from the commandline (see ). However when my internet went down, that stalled and froze too. Cntl-C doesn't seem to quit it. However you can do 'sudo killall pop-upgrade', but that kills the daemon too. But you can restart the daemon by doing 'sudo pop-upgrade daemon' in another terminal window, and the you can do 'pop-upgrade release upgrade' again. Btw the daemon can't be killed by Cntl-C, but can be killed by Cntl-Z.

after OS upgrading, if you are on the 'develop' branch of spacemacs, spacemacs is messed up. To fix:

cd ~/.emacs.d git fetch git reset --hard origin/develop

Also your open buffers ("desktop") seems to be lost (if you care about that, i think it might be stored in ./.cache/.emacs.desktop; mb back that up before upgrading?)

after OS upgrading, if you use lieer, you may have to reinstall it. For me, it's in the ~/soft directory, so i do:

cd ~/soft pip3 install .


sudo iwconfig wlp6s0 power off


  1. ########
  2. "countdown" and "stopwatch" functionality
  3. thanks terdon -- from

function countdown(){ date1=$((`date +%s` + $1)); while [ "$date1" -ge `date +%s` ]; do echo -ne "$(date -u --date @$(($date1 - `date +%s`)) +%H:%M:%S)\r"; sleep 0.1 done } function stopwatch(){ date1=`date +%s`; while true; do echo -ne "$(date -u --date @$((`date +%s` - $date1)) +%H:%M:%S)\r"; sleep 0.1 done }


wifi card

qrencode -t utf8 'WIFI:T:WPA;S:network;P:password;;'


git diff --color-words


recently changed files (sort of like RecentChanges?) in a git repo:

git log --pretty=format: --name-only --since="5 days ago"

sort uniq

--- diff <(cd /foo/bar/; ls) <(cd /foo/baz; ls)


to copy data off an Android phone whose screen is so broken as to be unreadable, but where the touch screen still accepts input fine (and everything else still works):


find $1 -name "*" -type f -print0

  while read -d $'\0' f; do mv -v "$f" "${f// /_}"; done

for f in *.jpg; do convert -quality 50% -resize 50% "$f" `basename --s=.jpg $f`_sm.jpg; done


/usr/bin/adb kill-server sudo /usr/bin/adb start-server


windows laptop:

shutdown /s


  1. thanks xonix

gawk -b 'BEGIN { INTMASK=lshift(1,32)-1 SIGNMASK=lshift(1,31) split("36364689",M,) for(;;t++)printf"%c",(\ (and((t*and(M[1+and(rshift(t,13),7)]+48,15))/12,128))\ +(iand(ior(idiv((ixor(rshift(t,12),rshift(t,12)-2)%11*t),4),rshift(t,13)),127))) } function idiv(n,d) { return (n-n%d)/d } function toint(v) { return (v >= 0) ? and(v, INTMASK) : and(compl(-v), INTMASK)+1 } function fromint(v){ return (and(SIGNMASK,v)>0) ? -(and(compl(v), INTMASK)+1) : v } function ixor(a,b) { return fromint(xor(toint(a),toint(b))) } function ior (a,b) { return fromint( or(toint(a),toint(b))) } function iand(a,b) { return fromint(and(toint(a),toint(b))) }'

aplay -f u8 -r 44100

--- to search for a computersy word in my homedir while ruling out various computersy subdirectories:

locate WORD

grep USERNAME grep -v config grep -v local grep -v emacs grep -v /bin grep -v /var grep -v /src grep -v /usr grep -v /lib grep -v /etc grep -v cache grep -v grub grep -v desktop grep -v mozilla grep -v archive grep -v Downloads grep -v sdk grep -v unison


git clone -c "core.sshCommand=ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_example -F /dev/null" cd example/ git pull git push

If the repo already exists, run:

git config core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_example -F /dev/null"

The configuration is saved in .git/config

-- from

--- python



cat /proc/acpi/wakeup

sudo -s echo GPP0 > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo GPP8 > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo SWUS > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo SWDS > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo GP12 > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo GP13 > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo XHC0 > /proc/acpi/wakeup echo BXBR > /proc/acpi/wakeup

  1. note: that's not idempotent

ls /sys/class/wakeup/wakeup*/device/power/wakeup /sys/class/wakeup/wakeup*/device/physical_node/power/wakeup

xargs -n1 -I '{}' bash -c 'echo "disabled" > {}'
  1. see also


git log --invert-grep --author=bshanks

git log --date=format:'%a %b %e, %Y' --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(cyan)%cd%C(reset) %C(blue)%an%C(reset) %C(green)%d%C(reset)' --graph ---


1. EOF polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if ( == "org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount-system" && subject.isInGroup("users")) { return polkit.Result.YES; } }); EOF


  1. set difference, see

grep -vxF -f setA setB


git merge-tree `git merge-base master bob/master` master bob/master


echo powersave

echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/boost
tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor > /dev/null
tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq > /dev/null



lspci lsusb lshw free vmstat top atop

ls /proc/cpuinfo


to disable auto shutdown due to high CPU temp (almost always a bad idea eg THIS CAN FRY YOUR COMPUTER):


:w !sudo tee % Save a file you edited in vim without the needed permissions

--- cat ~/.ssh/

ssh user@server "cat