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Table of Contents for Programming Languages: a survey

Part : Formal stuff

Note on academia research: academia is great but:

upshot: lots of hidden gems but huge time committment to find them and read them. Can't trust language in papers that claims that this or that is important for you to know.

retrospective papers and blog posts by designers of great languages

preferentially read academic works that are designed to be read easily, rather than only to get past reviewers:

review papers textbooks talk slides introductory-ish encyclopedic works

note: if you ARE a programming languages academic, reading only these will be insufficient; you also have to keep up with some current literature, so that you are well-placed to make a new contribution.


universal combinatorial logic (not turing universal):

" Proposition 3 (Post) A necessary and sufficient condition that a set of operations form a basis for the nonzeroary Boolean operations is that it contain operations that are respectively nonaffine, nonmonotone, nonstrict, noncostrict, and nonselfdual " --

NAND and NOR are universal


unconventional computer implementations:


Chapter ?: CS theory 101 Chapter ?: Models of computation (Turing-equivalent systems) (also, models of concurrent computation) Chapter ?: Sub-Turing models of computation Chapter ?: Halting Chapter ?: Semantics