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oot module design principals

the language should protect you from your coworkers


ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison likes both Standard ML’s and OCaml’s module systems

racket has "a component (or module) system as expressive as ML's,[12], Flatt, M.; Felleisen, M. (1998). "Units: Cool Modules for Hot Languages". Programming Language Design and Implementation.

racket "The next major revision was named Version 200, which introduced a new default module system that cooperates with macros.[19] In particular, the module system ensures that run-time and compile-time computation are separated to support a "tower of languages."[20] Unlike units, these modules are not first-class objects." Flatt, M. (2002). "Composable and Compilable Macros". International Conference on Functional Programming.

ML functors

what are modules?

package management

everyone seems to love npm (Node's package manager), should learn from it.

modules and files

modules are files; like Python

OOP access modifiers

starting a field/method name with '_' makes it protected

oot module design todos

oop vs modules: Objects vs modules as units of reuse?

@deprecated annotaton