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" carrja99 1 day ago


I'd have to say the biggest thing that npm has over module systems found in java, ruby, python etc. is the complete isolation of transitive dependencies. It is nice to use two dependencies and not waste a day or two because:

In all the languages you mentioned it becomes a pain because you can only use one version of module C, meaning either module A or B simply will not work until you find a way around it.

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" dragonwriter 1 day ago


> Semantic versioning's raison d'être is to prevent these sorts of issues.

Semver may surface them by making it very clear (assuming all involved libraries use semver) where they can occur, but, if you have a package management/loading system that only allows one version of a particular package to be loaded, obviously can't do anything to prevent the situation where different dependencies rely on incompatible versions of the same underlying library.

Sure, with semver it won't happen if A depends on C v.1.0.1 and B depends on C v.1.4.3 (as A and B can both use C v.1.4.3), but it will still happen if A depends on C v.1.0.1 and B depends on C v.2.0.0.)

To actually avoid the problem, you need to isolate dependencies so that they aren't included globally but only into the package, namespace, source file, or other scope where they are required.

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" No1 1 day ago


NPM's way of managing dependencies still can waste a day or two (or more) of your time. For example, get a C object from B, then pass it into A.

Things are even more twisted when you have a half dozen versions of C floating around in your node_modules, and the problem isn't in your code, but a dependency of a dependency.

Another issue I've run into is patching a bug in a module, and then having to figure out how to get that patch into all of the other versions that cropped up in node_modules.

NPM is one way to solve the modules problem, but it's no panacea. "

" k3n 1 day ago


That's great, but it's not without cost. Here, the cost is you end up with deeply-nested directory nodes (which breaks Jenkins ability to properly purge the directory after a job). Node modules are also extremely liberal in the number of files they create -- even a "simple" app using just a few common modules could end up with 1k+ extra files. This can produce problems in your IDE, as well as with your source control or continuous delivery systems, among other things.

So, it solves some headaches, and creates others.

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npm shrinkwrap


nobleach 1 day ago


While I like using NuGet? packages with C#, I'm not really wild about how they can get magically linked in to a project, and then required. I had nunit and fluent assertions become inextricable from a project I was working on even after all the tests were removed. Just a total mind-f*ck. Python when using pip is a whole lot better but I've had some issues finding things there too. Ruby... it depends. Are we talking Rails gemfile or "gem install $package"? Conflicting versions can become an issue. Java with Gradle has been pretty cool so far. NPM as a whole, has just worked. Packages are referenced in ONE place (package.json) I can do an "npm install $package --save" during development and it gets included automatically. "


clintonb11 1 day ago


I agree. PIP in python is great, but has some extra overhead and difficulty with it, like having to setup virtual environments for each project. NPM by default installs to the local project only and with a quick --save will put it in package.json dependencies (similar to requirements.txt with pip). Node package management is awesome because it is so simple.


rhelmer 1 day ago


Virtual environments are optional though, right? You could have one big virtualenv for all projects, or simply install things into the system path (although I wouldn't recommend either)

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PuercoPop? 1 day ago


I should just probably say, clearly you haven't seen Common Lisp's defpackage, modules are actually first class objects there and are completely decoupled from the file system.

But most importantly as Barbara Liskov mentions in this video[1] we don't know what is a module exactly or how to use them yet. Which is an specific statement aligned with Alan Kay's famous "We don't know how to design systems so let's not turn it into a religion yet."[2]

tl;dr; 1) Innovation is good. 2) Javascript's module is a half assed implementation of Common Lisp's defpackage. (Don't get me wrong is still way better than Python's abhorrent ninja goto: import)

[1]: [2]:

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coolsunglasses 1 day ago


You have not used a good module system. Clojure's namespace system for example is really nice.


rafekett 1 day ago


Have you used ML?

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nadaviv 1 day ago


ES6's generators and the `yield` keyword plays very nicely with callback-based code, doesn't require any changes to the underlying libraries and gives you a much nicer syntax to work with.



JoshGlazebrook? 1 day ago


I've been looking at another library like the one you linked. Essentially the "yield" keyword can be compared to "await" in C#.

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CyruzDraxs? 1 day ago


It was easier until we discovered even cleaner ways, and most of the Javascript community began to adopt them. But node chose to stick to the "old" ways. (Not really old, but not as shiny and new as the alternatives)

I feel like promises don't need to be part of core though. It's easy enough to wrap the standard library in userland and just have other things depend on the wrappers.

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e12e 1 day ago


This seems to parallel some of the work VPRI is doing, eg from:

STEPS Toward Expressive Programming Systems, 2010 Progress Report Submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) October 2010 Alan Kay et al

"If computing is important—for daily life, learning, business, national defense, jobs, and more — then qualitatively advancing computing is extremely important. For example, many software systems today are made from millions to hundreds of millions of lines of program code that is too large, complex and fragile to be improved, fixed, or integrated. (One hundred million lines of code at 50 lines per page is 5000 books of 400 pages each! This is beyond human scale.) What if this could be made literally 1000 times smaller — or more? And made more powerful, clear, simple, and robust? This would bring one of the most important technologies of our time from a state that is almost out of human reach—and dangerously close to being out of control—back into human scale.


Previous STEPS Results

The first three years were devoted to making much smaller, simpler, and more readable versions of many of the prime parts of personal computing, including: graphics and sound, viewing/windowing, UIs, text, composition, cells, TCP/IP, etc. These have turned out well (they are chronicled in previous NSF reports and in our papers and memos). For example, essentially all of standard personal computing graphics can be created from scratch in the Nile language in a little more than 300 lines of code. Nile itself can be made in a little over 100 lines of code in the OMeta metalanguage, and optimized to run acceptably in real‐time (also in OMeta) in another 700 lines. OMeta can be made in itself and optimized in about 100 lines of code."

More: "


"Modules are about name control and only secondarily, if at all, about types." --