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v_lisivka on May 8, 2019 [–]

I use just plain text file opened in plain text editor with following conventions:

  1. Topic [ ] A task. @tag #ticket [ ] A subtask. [ ] A sub-sub-task. [+] Completed task. [-] Failed task. [.] Partially completed task. WIP. [!] Urgent task. [^] High priority task.


@ prefix for tags is for CONTEXTS or PEOPLE (you can think of a person as a type of context)


gitlab issue ontology ideas

gitlab default labels:



gitlab Scoped labels: mutually exclusive sublabels

gitlab label priority (binary function on labels)

" If you sort by Priority, GitLab? uses this sort comparison order:

    Items with milestones that have due dates, where the soonest assigned milestone is listed first.
    Items with milestones with no due dates.
    Items with a higher priority label.
    Items without a prioritized label."

State State (open or closed) Health status (on track, needs attention, or at risk) Confidentiality Tasks (completed vs. outstanding)

" Health status ultimate gold Version history

To help you track the status of your issues, you can assign a status to each issue to flag work that’s progressing as planned or needs attention to keep on schedule:

    On track (green)
    Needs attention (amber)
    At risk (red)"

related issues: can be just "related", or "blocking" or "blocked by"

Planning and tracking Milestone Due date Weight

weight in gitlab is a nonnegative integer (but i would like just any integer, with 0 being the default weight, so that you can go both above and below the default)

" Milestones in GitLab? are a way to track issues and merge requests created to achieve a broader goal in a certain period of time.

Milestones allow you to organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, with an optional start date and an optional due date. "

" Special milestone filters

When filtering by milestone, in addition to choosing a specific project milestone or group milestone, you can choose a special milestone filter.

    None: Show issues or merge requests with no assigned milestone.
    Any: Show issues or merge requests that have an assigned milestone.
    Upcoming: Show issues or merge requests that have been assigned the open milestone that has the next upcoming due date (i.e. nearest due date in the future).
    Started: Show issues or merge requests that have an open assigned milestone with a start date that is before today."

Multiple issue boards


backlog, todo, in progress, in review, done, canceled priority: none, super high, high, med, low



tasks, subtasks, task relations: blocking, blockedby, related

group tasks into: task/subtask; tasks under milestone; tasks under project/department; tasks under "epic"/cross-department project


ready for development, in development, ready for review, ready for deploy


unclear backlog planned in progress completed


new open team_help stalled rejected resolved deleted

open resolved abandoned


new wip done deferred not started, outlining, wip, reviewing, done ready for review, changed requested, approved not drafted, in draft, in review, ready to publish, published planning, in beta, A/B testing not started, waiting, wip, done, on hold

suggestion: color states by Red = least done (leftmost state) to Blue = most done (rightmost state)?? Or mb green = done??

assignee, due date, priority, point of contact

new open pending(=waiting for client) on-hold(waiting) solved closed

maturity levels: planned minimal viable complete lovable see gitlab's defns: " Planned: Not yet implemented in GitLab?, but on our roadmap. Minimal: Available in the product, but may not be ready for production use, yet. Viable: Significant use at GitLab? the company. CM Scorecard at least 3.14 for the job to be done (JTBD) when tested with internal users. No assessment of related jobs to be done. Complete: GitLab? the company dogfoods it exclusively. At least 100 customers use it. CM Scorecard score at least 3.63 for the identified JTBDs when tested with external users. Lovable: CM score of at least 3.95 for the JTBD (and related JTBDs, if applicable) when tested with external users. "

note: when they talk about scores, they mean average scores on a UI questionnaire from 1 thru 5

(see also NASA TRLs)


bug feature chore (is chore = recurring task?) process_improvement refactor


unscheduled, ready for development, in dev, ready for review, ready for deploy, completed backlog, to be prioritized, low impact, high impact, out of scope unstarted, started, done

not started, draft, edit, done low, normal, high, urgent open, pending, solved (like "not started, wip, done", but for support tickets) question, incident, problem, task, suggestion, other on track, at risk, off track, hold (green, yellow, red, blue) active, inactive, new, open, stalled, resolved, rejected open, overdue, completed open tasks: overdue, today, tomorrow. all tasks: open, completed new, followup, under review, demo, negotiation, won, lost analyst, competitor, customer, integrator, investor, partner, press, prospect, reseller, other how you met: networking, college, employer, hobby, service people, friends, family suggested, approved, wip, completed ---

for updates:

title, current status (on track, at risk, off track, hold), summary, what's been accomplished, what's blocked


due soon, overdue, aged, next action single action list, someday/maybe, projects

--- has: ideas, coming soon, and then an entry for each of the next 4 quarters (they have the current quarter too but it's empty, so i'm guessing that stuff was moved to 'coming soon'; so the next 4 is really what they got)

they have about 7 things in each of 'ideas' and 'coming soon', and about 10-25 items in each of the next quarters.

anyone with a trello account can vote but no one can otherwise edit it



(backlog, i guess), bugs for this week, doing, waiting for test/review, ready for merge, staging unshippable, jellydonut-20


" I use, and have VIM highlight "[ ]", "[x]", "[>]", "[v]", and "[-]" for bullet-journal-like TODO, DONE, Deferred, Dropped, and FAILED, respectively. " -- Ask HN: Solo devs, how do you plan your development?


gmail (prioritization ontology) appears to have 2 booleans:

starred (mapped to Maildir's 'flagged' by lieer) important

--- categories according to:

imbox (important inbox), the feed (things like newsletters), paper trail (things like receipts), reply later (stuff you gotta answer), set aside (e.g. reference for later stuff), all files (file attachements), labels, 'screened out' (stuff that 'the screener' filtered out -- this isn't junk mail, it's just stuff that wasn't so important)

another key thing they did was have 'stickies' which are short notes shown next to emails in the index. And 'clips' which are highlights/facts from an email (like an address or account number) which appear in a list of 'clips' over all emails



must have/should have/could have: kind of like my active/later/zzz


"Apple provides four QoS? levels, and a fifth which leaves it up to macOS to decide. When writing the code, the developer uses names for the levels of QoS?, ranging from background (lowest) to userInteractive (highest)."

i think the others are these (i count 5, not 4, but mb 'default' is 'leaves it up to macOS to decide'?):

" static let userInteractive: DispatchQoS? The quality-of-service class for user-interactive tasks, such as animations, event handling, or updates to your app's user interface. static let userInitiated: DispatchQoS? The quality-of-service class for tasks that prevent the user from actively using your app. static let `default`: DispatchQoS? The default quality-of-service class. static let utility: DispatchQoS? The quality-of-service class for tasks that the user does not track actively. static let background: DispatchQoS? The quality-of-service class for maintenance or cleanup tasks that you create. static let unspecified: DispatchQoS? The absence of a quality-of-service class. "

"User-interactive tasks have the highest priority on the system. Use this class for tasks or queues that interact with the user or actively update your app's user interface. For example, use this class for animations or for tracking events interactively. "

"User-initiated tasks are second only to user-interactive tasks in their priority on the system. Assign this class to tasks that provide immediate results for something the user is doing, or that would prevent the user from using your app. For example, you might use this quality-of-service class to load the content of an email that you want to display to the user. "

"Default tasks have a lower priority than user-initiated and user-interactive tasks, but a higher priority than utility and background tasks. Assign this class to tasks or queues that your app initiates or uses to perform active work on the user's behalf."

"Utility tasks have a lower priority than default, user-initiated, and user-interactive tasks, but a higher priority than background tasks. Assign this quality-of-service class to tasks that do not prevent the user from continuing to use your app. For example, you might assign this class to long-running tasks whose progress the user does not follow actively. "

"Background tasks have the lowest priority of all tasks. Assign this class to tasks or dispatch queues that you use to perform work while your app is running in the background."


sandGorgon 6 hours ago [–]

if someone from github is looking at this, can u please include Gitlab's "Scoped Labels" in this -

it seems that the new issues are going to operate on the basis of labels (as it should). Scoped/Nested labels are a godsend. For example, I can tag an issue with a label "UI::App::Android" and i should be able to filter on the basis of "UI::App" and get all issues.

One of the things i still notice about the boards is that it is created on the basis of status. Gitlab's boards are created on milestones/status...or LABELS.

Most importantly, dragging tickets across boards will change the labels. This is far more powerful than just hardcoding them on statuses.


neilv 52 minutes ago [–]

The custom scoped labels in GitLab? are very nice, and I found great uses for them.

I threw away all the default labels for now, and juggle just two custom sets of scoped labels: `urgency` and `kanban` (which column on the board).

All `urgency` labels are color-coded (red, orange, green, blue), and also ordered (for when viewing in the Issues List, rather than on the Board). I was using only the `urgency` labels before I added the Board and `kanban`.

`kanban` labels are all gray, and tie in with the Closed property of an Issue: non-Closed `kanban` labels can be `backlog`, `waiting`, `doing` (each of which have a Board column); Closed can be `done`, `abandoned`, `duplicate` (all of which are in the Closed column of the Board).

I'm mostly liking this, though still missing Gantt models and views sometimes, even in very dynamic/agile/responsive/reactive tasking. For example, even just yesterday, a few Blocked-by relationships are not obvious on the Board, as they're piling up in the `kanban::waiting` column. (And finishing those tasks was an extra relief, so the Board was back to intelligible.)


Lorin 5 hours ago [–]

Scoped labels are the primary thing keeping me on GitLab?


-- [1]

"Create issues, break them into tasks, track relationships, add custom fields, and have conversations. Visualize large projects as spreadsheets or boards, and automate everything with code." -- [2]


planning, building, behind, done not started, planning, building, complete

everyday goals planning fun

calendar journaling todos

personal professional health

travel vacation

recipies reading list

health finance life skills travel work

resources planning activities writing

proposed in progress in review needs invoice done

deadlines invoices notes travel

product marketing ux research important

fitness productivity

gear was 'in-progress', 'eyes' review, 'ship' deploying, and green check for done.



mindsets writings

concepts interests

sources people

health goals projects pkm


Obsidian is a two-person team who make a note-taking tool; they are praised for their dev velocity/results/responsiveness. Their roadmap is a Trello with 5 columns: Long-term, Short-term, Working on, Done (available in next release), Shipped.


---'s roadmap has 3 statuses:


'Y: pending X' is a good way to say 'task Y hasn't started yet because it's waiting for X to complete first'


My Day (tasks explicitly selected into My Day)

select into My Day from: From Yesterday

Upcoming (today and tomorrow)

Recently Added


My Day Important Planned Flagged Email Tasks

--- has superhero rankings: X,S,A,B,C,D

this suggests that when prioritizing stuff, you'll need at least two levels above what you think is the highest

note that use of S is common in some ranking lists:


mozilla bugzilla: " Type This field describes the type of a bug.

defect regression, crash, hang, security vulnerability and any other general issue. enhancement new feature, improvement in UI, performance, etc. and any other request for user-facing changes and enhancements in the product; not engineering changes task refactoring, removal, replacement, enabling or disabling of functionality and any other engineering task "



case study: how Mozilla treated a bug via Bugzilla ( ):

bug fields: title the other fields are in field categories: categories tracking people references details phabricator revisions attachments


Product: Firefox Component: Session Restore Version: Firefox 92 Platform: Desktop All Type: defect (range is defect, enhancement, task) Priority: P1 (ranges from P1 to P5; for bugs: P4 is reserved for bots, and the others are: P1 fix in this release cycle, P2 fix in (next release cycle?), P3 backlog, P5 will not fix, but will accept a patch. For enhancements: P1 we definitely want this, P2 we want this, P3 not a bad idea but not near-term roadmap material P4 not a bad idea but not important to us P5 we basically never want this; if someone implements it we'll consider it but will probably reject the patch if it's complex. See ) Severity: S1 (ranges from S1 to S4 plus N/A; see )



(VERIFIED is in field 'status' and FIXED is in field 'resolution'. For open bugs, Status ranges over UNCONFIRMED, NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED, and Resolution is (null? 'open'?). For closed bugs, Status ranges over RESOLVED, VERIFIED, and Resolutions range over FIXED INVALID WONTFIX MOVED DUPLICATE WORKSFORME INCOMPLETE. see )

Milestone: 95 Branch

Tracking Flags: Tracking Status firefox-esr78 --- unaffected firefox-esr91 --- unaffected firefox93 --- wontfix firefox94 + verified firefox95 + verified


Assignee: Gijs Reporter: david Triage Owner: dao CC: ▸ 18 people including you


Regressed by: 490136


Keywords: dataloss, regression Votes: 2 Bug Flags: RyanVM? in-testsuite +

ID Title Status Reviewers D128884 Bug 1730021 - fix restoring sessions that closed all tabs, r?Standard8,dao published mconley dao Standard8


various attachments. All attachments have a hyperlink called 'Details'. One patch has a hyperlink called 'Review' and another one has hyperlinks called 'Diff' and 'Splinter Review'.

partial timeline:

see also ,




when you it is decided that you won't or can't do a task, so it goes into a closed state without being DONE:


some synonym web searches i havent looked thru yet for words similar to NIX SKIP PASS VOID CUT:


queued unsched readyfordeveleopment, in development, readyforreview, ready for deploy, completed backlog ready in progress done requested (task state) mb have a "roadmap" task status


pending urgent important flagged starred highlight

upcoming anytime someday

work home


active paused done cancelled


On deck, pending project portfolio


today/anytime/someday now/soon/later/zzz

--- has " (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "STARTED(s)" "TODO(t)" ; next action "TOBLOG(b)" ; next action "WAITING(w@/!)" "SOMEDAY(.)" "

" "DONE(x!)" "CANCELLED(c)")
        (sequence "PROJECT" "|" "DONE(x)")
        (sequence "LEARN" "TRY" "TEACH" "|" "COMPLETE(x)")
        (sequence "TOSKETCH" "SKETCHED" "|" "POSTED")
        (sequence "TOBUY" "TOSHRINK" "TOCUT"  "TOSEW" "|" "DONE(x)")
        (sequence "TODELEGATE(-)" "DELEGATED(d)" "|" "COMPLETE(x)")))

(setq org-todo-keyword-faces '(("TODO" . (:foreground "green" :weight bold)) ("DONE" . (:foreground "cyan" :weight bold)) ("WAITING" . (:foreground "red" :weight bold)) ("SOMEDAY" . (:foreground "gray" :weight bold)))) "

" org-agenda custom commands There are quite a few custom commands here, and I often forget to use them. =) But it's good to define them, and over time, I'll get the hang of using these more! Key Description . What am I waiting for? T Not really an agenda command - shows the to-do tree in the current file b Shows business-related tasks o Shows personal tasks and miscellaneous tasks (o: organizer) w Show all tasks for the upcoming week W Show all tasks for the upcoming week, aside from the routine ones g … Show tasks by context: b - business; c - coding; w - writing; p - phone; d - drawing, h - home 0 Show common contexts with up to 3 tasks each, so that I can choose what I feel like working on ) (shift-0) Show common contexts with all the tasks associated with them 9 Show common contexts with up to 3 unscheduled tasks each ( (shift-9) Show common contexts with all the unscheduled tasks associated with them d Timeline for today (agenda, clock summary) u Unscheduled tasks to do if I have free time U Unscheduled tasks that are not part of projects P Tasks by priority p My projects 2 Projects with tasks "

" I wanted a view that showed projects with a few subtasks underneath them. Here's a sample of the output: "



gitlab has just 2 issue states, open and closed. everything else is labels


what's a shorter synonym for 'soft deadline'? things i can think of:

so far i like 'finish date' the best

so we'd have:





some stuff from notes-organization-organizOtherPplTips:

TODO and DOING, along with PARKING. accept/defer/reject/apply Accepted, Rejected, or Under Review Similarly, I use, and have VIM highlight "[ ]", "[x]", "[>]", "[v]", and "[-]" for bullet-journal-like TODO, DONE, Deferred, Dropped, and FAILED, respectively. "I use github projects with a Research/Maybe, Todo, In Progress, Testing, and Done columns. Each" TODO/WORKING/DONE/CANCELED

Followup: stuff that I'm blocked on (e.g. maybe I'm waiting on someone, maybe I have to let something run for some time, etc) Doing: stuff I'm actively working on To Do: stuff I plan to do in the near term Inbox: everything starts here Backlog: stuff I want to eventually do Anything I finish I archive.

I have a file called todo.txt, with the current tasks at the top, and everything else below that. It is in version control. As I finish stuff, I delete it out of the file. I add new stuff towards the top if I want to do it soon, towards the bottom if I want to save it for later. For things which are just ideas, I have a second file called brainstorm.txt.

I use a todo.diff - so the text editor color codes my lines started with `+` and `-`

I also use a text file to keep a daily development note, like a blog post but keep it in the project’s root just for me to see what’s I’ve done and what I’m planning to do in the next day.

I actually settled on 2 text markdown files. One for short term and one for long term tasks and notes. I usually have a list pending tasks and a list of done tasks in each file somewhere (usually at the top). Sometimes I include some very detailed notes in there too, giving each one it's own h2 title (##) and new sections almost always get added to the top of the file rather than the bottom. I also never delete anything, but I have an '## Archive' section at the bottom where I'll periodically move stuff to. I'll also rearrange the sections sometimes to make them all hang together better.


owner, "Every team must have a single ordered queue of tasks" “Todo”, “Doing” and “Done” tracker vs database vs help desk rec.d by Critical Issues/ Bugs/ Features/ Improvements (although almad doesn't like issue types like Enhancement/Bug/Task/Documentation) backlog/bugs/in progress/critical/done (critical > in progress > bugs > backlog; note that 'in progress' features trump bugs but not critical)

(setq org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "

" "DONE(d)")
              (sequence "WAITING(w@/!)" "HOLD(h@/!)" "|" "CANCELLED(c@/!)" "PHONE" "MEETING"))))

classification of documentation:

             serve our study | serve our work
tutorial how-to guide
explanation reference



some icon ideas for some task management stuff that i saw on a website:
