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Category theory is the study of paths through graphs, and the equational theory of paths in particular graphs (e.g. in some graphs you may wish to assert that path "A" is the same as the composition of path "B" with path "C") with the following complications:

The edges in category theory are called 'morphisms'.

This abstraction is useful for representing things like function composition (let the nodes in the graph be the domain and codomain of the function, let the edges in the graph be functions. Function composition is path concatenation; identity functions are self-loops) and homo- and iso- morphisms between structures, and automorphisms. It allows a number of facts about these application areas to be generalized to a more abstract setting. Often times it takes a property that you might typically express using a statement about elements of sets and shows you how to express it in terms of function composition, leaving a set as an opaque object and not referring to its elements. However there are also many categories whose morphisms are not homomorphisms, for example the category of the <= relation on natural numbers.

If you like thinking about homomorphisms, and about graphs, then you will probably like category theory. claims that an interpretation of the Yoneda lemma is "the collection of all ways to relate an object to other objects is isomorphic to the object itself", that is, objects "are what they are because of how they relate to other things".

See also notes-math-universalAlgebra.
