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Life, Life Goals, Values, and Strategies

Orion's Arm has an interesting idea of "five basic life areas": family, social, work, education, leisure.


bagua eight aspirations [1]:

thirty-six stratagems (not really a classification, but i dont know where else to put this right now and i want to remember it)

34 Clifton StrengthsFinder? Themes (paraphrased from [2]):


list of values used in Lincoln-Douglas debate (any LD debater can make up new values so this cannot be a comprehensive list):

accessible acceptance accountability accuracy achievement aliveness altruism and/or sacrifice agreement and/or consensus agreeableness ambition attainable attention non-attention art and/or meaning autonomy authority and/or respect for authority basic physical needs: air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sleep, (clothing?) beauty belongingness benevolence capability caution church and/or organized religion confidence cooperation collective good completion community compassion competence consent conscientiousness convenience and/or ease and/or effortlessness courage and/or valor democracy discretion diversity dominance effort effectiveness efficiency egalitarianism empowerment esteem equality fairness fame non-fear formality informality fraternity family flexibility free expression freedom and/or liberty friendship golden rule glory growth (quantitative) growth (in the sense of fundamental change, changing the nature of the system) happiness non-harm health helpfulness honesty and/or truth and/or clarity and/or trustworthiness honor and/or courage hospitality human dignity humility inclusiveness independence individualism influence integrity and/or virtue intelligence and/or wisdom justice kindness knowledge law leisure life many lives long life love and/or passion majority rule mastery measurable meritocracy morale might nature humanity and/or humanism intimiacy loyalty openness openness to new things order peace perfection play pleasure politness power propriety pragmatic predictability prestige privacy productivity progress property protection prudence purity and/or sanctity socialization time alone support support from the powerful support from many quality of life real realistic reciprocity relevant respectability responsibility fulfilling committments richness satisfaction security and/or safety self-actualization self-control and/or self-restraint self-knowledge self-sufficiency sex simplicity spirituality speed status strength success and/or results and/or achievement sustainability stability and/or certainty temperance on-timeness, timeliness tolerance tradition transparency unity and/or solidarity uniqueness and/or individuality unpredictability wholeness work

mercy forgiveness, everyday kindness

"each of the six Confucian virtues: virtue (徳 toku?), benevolence (仁 jin?), propriety (礼 rei?), sincerity (信 shin?), justice (義 gi?) and knowledge (智 chi?)." --

" The manifesto makes recommendations for Chinese culture to accept scientific and technological advances, but more clearly lays out lessons for the West to learn.[17] The list includes five elements that, according to the manifesto, “the west must also learn from the East if it is to carry out its task as the world’s cultural leader.” The cultivation of a world culture, as well as promoting Chinese culture to the world’s stage are primary goals of the manifesto and in order for either cultures to succeed they must engage in authentic communication. The manifesto dictates that the West needs the spirit and capacity of sensing the presence of what is at every particular moment, and of giving up everything that can be had. The second element is the all-embracing understanding or wisdom, third is the feeling of mildness and compassion. Fourth is how to perpetuate its culture, and the fifth that the “whole world is like one family.” [18] The signers of the manifesto asserted that by accepting New Confucianism in accordance with aspects of Western culture, the future of mankind can transform to be a more open, inclusive and creative culture.[19] "

li, yi, lian, and chi "li (ritual/decorum), yi (rightness or duty), lian (integrity or honesty), and chi (sense of shame)" "Li means 'regulated attitude.' Yi means 'right conduct.' Lian means 'clear discrimination.' Chi means 'real self-consciousness" "the "Four Social Controls" (propriety, rectitude, honesty and a sense of shame) and the "Eight Virtues" (Loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, love, faithfulness, justice, harmony and peace)" from [3]

five constants of confucianism [4]:

Xin has also been translated as fidelity [5] or truthfulness [6]. Li is often translated as propriety. Zhi is sometimes translated as wisdom.

note: the value of 'honesty' is hard to hold for rebel organizations, which must often operate in secret


todo: read:

todo: copy to ./oldOpinionsFromWebsite/somePrincipalsOfGovernance.txt

already done: