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profitsharing fiefdom

Back in 'the old days', an institution is organized to maximize autonomy while also maximizing quality. This was done by structuring it as a federation of independent individuals ("masters"), who would each be responsible for finding things to work on and for doing the work. The fruits of the labor of each master would mostly go to that master, although a little bit would be 'taxed' to support central organizational overhead. The central organization would provide administrative and a few other centralized services, as well as prestige (because the centralized brand is the sum of the brands of the members). Of course, there were also apprentices, who worked under the masters, working on what the masters told them to. They were salaried and would not share in any further fruits of the labor, but that was okay as they would eventually become masters themselves; they were 'paying their dues'.

The problem comes when, as the institution grows, they allow the ratio of apprentices to masters to grow and grow. A critical threshold is reached when a competitive intermediate rank is created. The intermediate rank is above apprentice but below master; but crucially, they are given neither the autonomy nor the profitsharing of the master. The intermediate rank is described as somewhat independent, but is ultimately dependent upon the master for their job.

Sometimes the intermediate rank is justified as "First we have to train the apprentices, and only after they have been trained can we begin to evaluate them to see what they do with it". This would be fine if it were the whole story, but often the real reason is a reluctance to expand the number of masters in proportion to the amount of work to be done. Here's how to tell: Are there many more apprentices and intermediates than masters? Is it rare to see masters working on projects themselves without a team of apprentices and intermediates on the same project? Would a master who refused to take on apprentices and intermediates be considered unproductive, as opposed to merely shirking a duty to train the next generation? Do masters frequently delegate quality control to intermediates? Do masters who have large teams of productive apprentices and intermediates accumulate institutional power due to the sum productivity of their subordinates? Is there a real danger that some masters will hold back good apprentices and intermediates because they are concerned about the loss of productivity to their team when they move on? Is the average time spent as apprentice and intermediate longer than would be realistically needed to decide if they are qualified for promotion? Is there a sense that the principal barrier to promotion to master is not the readiness of the candidate but rather waiting for a spot to open up? Does the population of intermediates grow with the amount of work to be done, whereas the population of masters is limited by other factors?

The system was always exploitative in that the master has an incentive to overwork the apprentice (because the master benefits from the rewards of accomplishment within their group but does not suffer the effects of overwork). However, before the creation of the intermediate rank, this was seen as a necessary evil because no one wanted to trust a mere apprentice. Note: this is just a fairy tale history; in real life there were often intermediate ranks such as "journeyman" even in the 'old days'.

In addition to this moral failing, the new system has become less attractive to apprentices. Before, those who sought autonomy would be attracted to this career path; after paying one's dues, one becomes autonomous. The situation of the apprentice may have been unpleasant, but the end was in sight. Now, those who seek autonomy are repelled by it; years of labor, and the best one can achieve is to be promoted to intermediate, upon which the whole unpleasant cycle merely repeats.

A metric for how far the antipattern has progressed is to look at the average age at which a person attains autonomy (that is, the rank of master). The result to be avoided is a system in which, by the time one achieves autonomy, one is old. The goal should be for individuals to achieve autonomy before they have reached 'middle age', whatever that means.

In addition to these failings, the system can be inefficient. In cases where this pattern arises in a guild-like setting rather than a profit-maximizing setting, the masters are selected based on their skill in their craft. Their skill as a manager is not considered. This means that the intermediate and apprentice ranks are likely to be mismanaged by their masters a substantial proportion of the time. Since the intermediate and apprentice ranks are most of the people, they provide most of the labor, meaning that a substantial proportion of the labor is likely wasted.

Another inefficiency is in training. People imagine that the master would be a better trainer of apprentices than a intermediate rankee, because the master knows more. But actually, the person who has just recently learned material themselves is the best trainer; masters tend to forget what it was they didn't use to know, and hence tend to be bad at explaining things in a manner comprehensible to novices, as well as at devising a complete and balanced curriculum.

Besides the motivational benefits, a supposed strength of autonomous systems are innovation; if you didn't care about that, then it would be better to have a central authority tell the masters what to work on, to realize the synergies of having the various masters working on related things which are part of one big programme. But, in the fiefdom system, another inefficiency is in innovation. The apprentice immediately sees where the system could be improved, but for each valid idea they have five infeasible ones due to their lack of understanding. After they acquire understanding, they are still somewhat likely to be burning with enthusiasm to change the world and make their name; now is the time that they should be maximally empowered, immediately after apprenticeship. However, if the time from apprentice to master is overly long, then by the time the apprentice becomes master, they cannot remember their ideas for change; those ideas that they do have which rely on the intuitive understanding of youth of new technologies and new social systems are decades out of date; they are no longer burning with enthusiasm; and they have perhaps become enamored of a subspecialty that they have developed over the years, and loathe to throw that away to work on something new.

The end result is ironic; a system that used to be praised for its autonomy, in which individuals, once deemed competent, each chose for themselves which work to take, and each enjoyed the fruits of their own work, has devolved into one that is highly hierarchical, in which the vast majority of labor is done within fiefdoms, many of which are highly exploitative.

Many consulting partnerships (master = partner, apprentice = associate, intermediate = director), and some fields of academia (master = professor, apprentice = grad student, intermediate = postdoc), are examples of this antipattern.

The antidote to this antipattern is not to create the intermediate rank, and instead to elevate apprentices directly to masters. Be sure and make it possible for young masters to voluntarily choose to collaborate with the elder masters, in a manner similar to the old intermediate rank, if they wish to learn from them.

You might say, "But we can't afford to pay that many masters. There aren't enough available master positions." This is incorrect. Those intermediates are getting paid somehow in the status quo. You can afford to pay them the same amount they are being paid now, only also giving them the autonomy to choose/find their own work, and giving them the revenue/profit-sharing if any. It is okay if more senior levels of masters have a higher level of base compensation; the key is that all masters have the same level of autonomy in finding work.

Less radically, keep the intermediate position, but make it non-competitive, and make the criteria such that it can be achieved within a couple of years; so that what you are calling 'apprenticeship + intermediate' is really just equivalent to a slightly longer apprenticeship, possibly involving multiple masters.

Alternately, dispense with the fiction of autonomy, and create an institutional framework in which (a) the intermediates are not exploited as much as in the fiefdom model; do this by (i) having organization-wide processes to select, train, promote, and reward the apprentices and intermediates, rather than leaving everything up to their one master, (ii) paying the masters less and the intermediates more, and (b) the masters do not choose their own work, but rather are accountable to a central authority.

hierarchical inversion

When the person with 'natural authority' is in the employ of one without it, yet both are doing the same kind of work on the same task. Note that i do NOT mean the situation in which a manager employs a team of specialists -- in this case the manager is not doing the same kind of work as the specialist.

I mean a situation such as for example, when a consultant is hired to do a task while at the same time training a team of people to do that task in the future. The people will be best trained if they do as much of the task as possible themselves without relying on the consultant; but since they are the employers of the consultant, they will feel entitled to demand that the consultant does as much of the task as possible so that they don't have to; they will ask the consultant questions at every opportunity and not actually learn to do the task for themselves.

competitive committee approval for small innovation projects

A system in which innovative projects must compete for funding by making elaborate proposals to a distant committee.

There are four problems with this. First, the innovative personnel end up spending a significant fraction of their time proposing to work rather than working (both the proposers' and readers' time is wasted). Second, it seems to me that if 1 proposer has thought about the project a lot and think it's such good idea that they want to work on it personally, and if a committee of 5 somewhat more experienced people think it's a bad idea after reading about it a little, there's a good chance that it's a good idea. Third, when a proposal is rejected it will often be modified until it is accepted, after which basically the same project is done in the end; in which case the process was just a waste of time. Fourth, since the system is competitive, eventually people won't be able to propose their projects until after the project is halfway done (because at this time they can make a better case for it, having already explored most of the angles, and perhaps collected evidence showing that the project is useful -- that is, i'm saying that proposals which are based on half-finished projects will have a huge advantage over other proposals) -- this implies that they are spending half the funding earmarked for an approved proposal working on their next prototype, so the system isn't really controlling what they are working on anyways.

There's two good things about this system; first, in the course of thinking of how to explain their idea, the proposer(s) improve it; second, by forcing the committee members to take time to read all these ideas, information about what is being worked on and who is working on it spreads. But these don't outweigh the disadvantages.

The antidote is simply to empower a person who would be entrusted to sit on that committee to just fund a project by themselves. A more radical antidote is to pay innovative and competent people a salary, tell them to work on what they want, and then give them a bonus at the end if their project turns out to be useful.

I'm not talking about innovative projects which take hundreds of people to complete; obviously such a large expenditure of resources will require some approval. I'm talking about projects with about 1 to 9 people (one- or two-pizza teams). I'm also not talking about a situation where there is a clear roadmap, with a critical path, for some organizational goal, and the people in question need to be working on that roadmap, rather than expending effort on other projects.