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Python has reference counting, which frees most memory immediately as soon as it can be, but which never frees reference cycles. To catch the reference cycles, they have garbage collection on top of this. for some reason that they sort of explain but not really that i dont understand, having to do with their preexisting extension API, they cannot use a traditional garbage collector, which marks objects reachable from the root, but instead they just search for UNreachable objects, i dont understand this part.

Lua has an incremental garbage collector.

Apparently writing external modules in Python requires unwanted interaction with Python's reference counting/garbage collections ( : " Compared to other language's binding mechanisms, Lua's C API effectively provides a shield between the internals of the Lua VM and the outer world. One does not have to care about internal structures of the Lua VM or even the garbage collector (how many refcounting bugs do your Python bindings have?).")

I like the idea of combining reference counting with an incremental garbage collector. Not sure how to do it. Should think about whether and how to gain Lua's lack of need for extensions to interact with refcounting, and whether and how to avoid whatever design decision Python used that prevented them from using traditional GC.

upon suggestion of an incremental GC for Lua, this guy argued for a Python-esque approach: so did this guy;

and later provides more arguments (many of which are not applicable to a non-copying incremental GC):

this post notes that inferno/limbo uses a Python-esque system:

this guy suggests that if refcounting is used, as an optimization objects on the stack are omitted: . This guy likes it but notes that it makes finalizer semantics more complex: . This post suggests that if that optimization is used, there is a language API that allows one to manually trigger garbage collection (and hence finalization) on objects on the stack:

this post argues against a Python-esque model and for a pure incremental garbage collector, although it also seems to say that something like reference counting should be an optimization detail, and the only important issue is how much overhead the incremental garbage collector has in the write barrier:

"I am willing to believe reference counting would relieve pressure on the M&S algorithm, but we are talking about a generational optimisation for Lua so this should become less of a problem. I think the issue here is whether the write barrier implementation for the generational incremental GC is a bigger overhead than just using RC."

this guys also argues against it: he notes among other things that naive reference counting, like stop-the-world garbage collectors, have unbounded pause times. he notes that incremental garbage collectors can have bounded pause times. he talks about read barrier and write barrier-based GCs.

here's an interesting suggestion:

i would extend the previous suggestion to say that, like disabling interrupts, there could be a language API to allow Jasper code to tell the language to stop automatic garbage collections, and to only run the collector on demand.

excellent glossary:

good intro that also discusses what sort of annoying constraints the various GCs place on the rest of your language implementation:

this blog post likes Lua's GC better than Python's, likes that you can turn automatic GC off, and implicitly suggests that refcounting+GC might make the GC part even faster:

on the complexity of the don't-reference-count-on-the-stack optimization:

random technical points:

some random links in this post:

here's Go's garbage collector:

it's stop the world and zero-cost, so i dont think we want that one. it also doesn't support weak refs.

points out that incremental reference counting is also complicated: --

could allow programmer to assign integer 'finalizer levels' to objects. a cycle of objects with finalizers will be garbage collected from least to most iff their 'finalizer levels' are all distinct.




jerf 2 days ago


It's easier to start from a GC'ed language, and use escape hatches when you need them, then to start without GC and then realize that your program has become a mess because you don't have it.

Many GC'ed languages have such escape hatches. Those that don't, well, don't start writing performance-critical code in them would be my recommendation "


" 2) Pointers everywhere. Pointers, pointers and yet more pointers, and more than that still. So datastructures in java will never match their equivalent in C++ in lookup speeds. Plus, in C++ you can do intrusive datastructures (not pretty, but works), which really wipe the floor with Java's structures. If you intend to store objects with lots of subobjects, this will bit you. As this wasn't bad enough java objects feel the need to store metadata, whereas C++ objects pretty much are what you declared them to be (the overhead comes from malloc, not from the language), unless you declared virtual member functions, in which case there's one pointer in there. In Java, it may (Sadly) be worth it to not have one object contain another, but rather copy all fields from the contained object into the parent object. You lose the benefits of typing (esp. since using an interface for this will eliminate your gains), but it does accelerate things by keeping both things together in memory. "


so should be able to directly embed a subobject in a parent object, without an extra pointer. also should be able to do things like intrusive linked lists


what is the metadata that the above quote (from ) says that Java needs to store with each object? do we need to do that?




interesting that Apple chose automatic reference counting for Objective-C on iOS ( ) despite Apple's preference for speed in iOS ( ), although garbage collection is supposedly better for throughput.

otoh seems to think that garbage collection is only at a huge disadvantage in very memory-constrained situations, in the future, perhaps CPUs will speed up less than memory will become cheaper, leading to less memory-constrained situations?


did i ever note this? garbage collection for young generations and reference counting for old ones:


notes that often ref counts can be omitted, e.g. when a pointer is moved (e.g. upon a function call), or when one object is part of a larger object (i think, mb i got that wrong)


so far i am leaning towards something like Inferno's thing:


Then I found this quote from Ken Thompson (, and it crystalized my little rant about GC:

Thompson, talking about the Limbo language in Inferno:

    In addition, the language implementation -- and again I don't want
    to take any credit -- doesn't have big mark-and-sweep type garbage
    collection. It has reference counting: If you open something and
    then return, it's gone by reference count. Thus, you don't have
    high and low watermarks because 99 percent of the garbage goes
    away as soon as it is dereferenced. If you store a null in a
    pointer, it chases the pointer and all that stuff goes.
    If you make cycles, there is a background distributed
    mark-and-sweep algorithm that just colors the next step a little
    bit at a time. It doesn't have to be very aggressive because there
    is not much garbage around in most applications: People really
    don't leave dangling loop structures that require this kind of
    algorithm. So you can devote just one percent of your time in the
    background looking for garbage without these monster
    mark-and-sweep things.
    So, again, it's pragmatic. It's not the theoretical
    top-of-the-line garbage collection paper. It's just a way of doing
    it that seems to be very, very effective.

end Thompson quote " --

see also

also note that i want to defer reference chasing so that if one free causes a cascade, there isn't a long pause

also, probably want a non-moving GC if any so that you can give pointers to external functions via FFI without pinning


maybe in addition to a 'turn off background GC' command, have a 'do this part fast' boundary type, e.g. sort of like turning off interrupts


another idea with destructor cycles is not to guarantee that the object will be destructed immediately after the destructor call (but only in the case of a destructor cycle)

-- the new Python system for dealing with finalizers and cyclic reference loops looks good:



rust is cool:

" The ~ sigil represents a unique handle for a memory allocation on the heap:

{ an integer allocated on the heap let y = ~10; } the destructor frees the heap memory as soon as `y` goes out of scope

Rust includes syntax for heap memory allocation in the language since it's commonly used, but the same semantics can be implemented by a type with a custom destructor. 8 Ownership

Rust formalizes the concept of object ownership to delegate management of an object's lifetime to either a variable or a task-local garbage collector. An object's owner is responsible for managing the lifetime of the object by calling the destructor, and the owner determines whether the object is mutable.

Ownership is recursive, so mutability is inherited recursively and a destructor destroys the contained tree of owned objects. Variables are top-level owners and destroy the contained object when they go out of scope. A box managed by the garbage collector starts a new ownership tree, and the destructor is called when it is collected.

the struct owns the objects contained in the `x` and `y` fields struct Foo { x: int, y: ~int }

{ `a` is the owner of the struct, and thus the owner of the struct's fields let a = Foo { x: 5, y: ~10 }; } when `a` goes out of scope, the destructor for the `~int` in the struct's field is called

`b` is mutable, and the mutability is inherited by the objects it owns let mut b = Foo { x: 5, y: ~10 }; b.x = 10;

If an object doesn't contain garbage-collected boxes, it consists of a single ownership tree and is given the Owned trait which allows it to be sent between tasks. Custom destructors can only be implemented directly on types that are Owned, but garbage-collected boxes can still contain types with custom destructors. 9 Boxes

Many modern languages represent values as pointers to heap memory by default. In contrast, Rust, like C and C++, represents such types directly. Another way to say this is that aggregate data in Rust are unboxed. This means that if you let x = Point { x: 1f, y: 1f };, you are creating a struct on the stack. If you then copy it into a data structure, you copy the entire struct, not just a pointer.

For small structs like Point, this is usually more efficient than allocating memory and indirecting through a pointer. But for big structs, or mutable state, it can be useful to have a single copy on the stack or on the heap, and refer to that through a pointer. 9.1 Owned boxes

An owned box (~) is a uniquely owned allocation on the heap. It inherits the mutability and lifetime of the owner as it would if there was no box:

let x = 5; immutable let mut y = 5; mutable y += 2;

let x = ~5; immutable let mut y = ~5; mutable

The purpose of an owned box is to add a layer of indirection in order to create recursive data structures or cheaply pass around an object larger than a pointer. Since an owned box has a unique owner, it can only be used to represent a tree data structure.

The following struct won't compile, because the lack of indirection would mean it has an infinite size:

struct Foo { child: Option<Foo> }

    Note: The Option type is an enum that represents an optional value. It's comparable to a nullable pointer in many other languages, but stores the contained value unboxed.

Adding indirection with an owned pointer allocates the child outside of the struct on the heap, which makes it a finite size and won't result in a compile-time error:

struct Foo { child: Option<~Foo> }

9.2 Managed boxes

A managed box (@) is a heap allocation with the lifetime managed by a task-local garbage collector. It will be destroyed at some point after there are no references left to the box, no later than the end of the task. Managed boxes lack an owner, so they start a new ownership tree and don't inherit mutability. They do own the contained object, and mutability is defined by the type of the managed box (@ or @mut). An object containing a managed box is not Owned, and can't be sent between tasks.

let a = @5; immutable

let mut b = @5; mutable variable, immutable box b = @10;

let c = @mut 5; immutable variable, mutable box

let mut d = @mut 5; mutable variable, mutable box

A mutable variable and an immutable variable can refer to the same box, given that their types are compatible. Mutability of a box is a property of its type, however, so for example a mutable handle to an immutable box cannot be assigned a reference to a mutable box.

let a = @1; immutable box let b = @mut 2; mutable box

let mut c : @int; declare a variable with type managed immutable int let mut d : @mut int; and one of type managed mutable int

c = a; box type is the same, okay d = b; box type is the same, okay

but b cannot be assigned to c, or a to d c = b; error

10 Move semantics

Rust uses a shallow copy for parameter passing, assignment and returning values from functions. A shallow copy is considered a move of ownership if the ownership tree of the copied value includes an owned box or a type with a custom destructor. After a value has been moved, it can no longer be used from the source location and will not be destroyed there.

let x = ~5; let y = x.clone(); y is a newly allocated box let z = x; no new memory allocated, x can no longer be used

Since in owned boxes mutability is a property of the owner, not the box, mutable boxes may become immutable when they are moved, and vice-versa.

let r = ~13; let mut s = r; box becomes mutable

11 Borrowed pointers

Rust's borrowed pointers are a general purpose reference type. In contrast with owned boxes, where the holder of an owned box is the owner of the pointed-to memory, borrowed pointers never imply ownership. A pointer can be borrowed to any object, and the compiler verifies that it cannot outlive the lifetime of the object.

As an example, consider a simple struct type, Point:

struct Point { x: float, y: float }

We can use this simple definition to allocate points in many different ways. For example, in this code, each of these three local variables contains a point, but allocated in a different location:

let on_the_stack : Point = Point { x: 3.0, y: 4.0 }; let managed_box : @Point = @Point { x: 5.0, y: 1.0 }; let owned_box : ~Point = ~Point { x: 7.0, y: 9.0 };

Suppose we want to write a procedure that computes the distance between any two points, no matter where they are stored. For example, we might like to compute the distance between on_the_stack and managed_box, or between managed_box and owned_box. One option is to define a function that takes two arguments of type point—that is, it takes the points by value. But this will cause the points to be copied when we call the function. For points, this is probably not so bad, but often copies are expensive. So we’d like to define a function that takes the points by pointer. We can use borrowed pointers to do this:

fn compute_distance(p1: &Point, p2: &Point) -> float { let x_d = p1.x - p2.x; let y_d = p1.y - p2.y; sqrt(x_d * x_d + y_d * y_d) }

Now we can call compute_distance() in various ways:

compute_distance(&on_the_stack, managed_box); compute_distance(managed_box, owned_box);

Here the & operator is used to take the address of the variable on_the_stack; this is because on_the_stack has the type Point (that is, a struct value) and we have to take its address to get a value. We also call this borrowing the local variable on_the_stack, because we are creating an alias: that is, another route to the same data.

In the case of the boxes managed_box and owned_box, however, no explicit action is necessary. The compiler will automatically convert a box like @point or ~point to a borrowed pointer like &point. This is another form of borrowing; in this case, the contents of the managed/owned box are being lent out.

Whenever a value is borrowed, there are some limitations on what you can do with the original. For example, if the contents of a variable have been lent out, you cannot send that variable to another task, nor will you be permitted to take actions that might cause the borrowed value to be freed or to change its type. This rule should make intuitive sense: you must wait for a borrowed value to be returned (that is, for the borrowed pointer to go out of scope) before you can make full use of it again.

For a more in-depth explanation of borrowed pointers, read the borrowed pointer tutorial. 11.1 Freezing

Borrowing an immutable pointer to an object freezes it and prevents mutation. Owned objects have freezing enforced statically at compile-time.

let mut x = 5; { let y = &x; x is now frozen, it cannot be modified } x is now unfrozen again

Mutable managed boxes handle freezing dynamically when any of their contents are borrowed, and the task will fail if an attempt to modify them is made while they are frozen:

let x = @mut 5; let y = x; { let z = &*y; the managed box is now frozen modifying it through x or y will cause a task failure } the box is now unfrozen again




some discusson on nimrod's GC:

