- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooko%27s_triangle
- http://www.communitywiki.org/LocalNames
- namecoin: http://dot-bit.org/Main_Page
- http://dot-bit.org/Personal_Namespace
- relative (local, non-global) naming can be transitive, e.g. 'go to Foo and ask him how to resolve the name Bar; then go there (to Foo.Bar) and ask him how to resolve Baz'.
- so mathematical category theory applies
- an ordered set of name servers (ordered for priority of name resolution) is an important concept that needs a name.
- two locations accessible to each other in a space with relative directions (like relative naming) are always connected by the composition law of relativity (my term), that is, if you go 'north' to get to place C from place B, and if you go 'east' to get to place B from place A, then, starting from place A, one direction list to get to place C must be 'east', 'north'. E.g. this tells you that if you know how to name place C relative to another place that you know how to name relative to a starting point, you can construct a direct name for place C from that starting point.
- north south east way are relative directions (geometry)
- universal algebra/category theory also talks about when you have different perspectives that talk about the same objects (or homomorphisms of), with the preservation of relations and functions being key
See also [Self-ideas-computer-multiverse].