
Difference between revision 5 and current revision

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Material already "learned" in class that should be reviewed (this has first priority because the reward per unit time is better since I already half understand this stuff):

Vaughn Pratt stuff: algebraic logic i read a little bit on airplanes, etc CS353 handouts chapters 1-3
Vaughn Pratt stuff: category theory Graphs with paths. Also, a very general framework for universal algebra i read a little bit on airplanes, etc CS353 handout, chapter 4
Vaughn Pratt stuff: Chu spaces i don't understand them intuitively yet, but anything Vaugn likes must be cool not started CS353 Chu Space quarter class notes, also
Chuck's physics bookThe mathematics of modern physics in one concise package on first chapter
Review linear algebra not started
harvard's intro math courses \
Review modern algebra not started
(Re)read Endertonin middle of book
Review linear systems theory and intro control theory not started
Review the reader from graduate linear systems class not started
Review statistical signal processing not started
Read Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists by Pierce not started
Mine that combinatorics paper Learn the details of the stuff in the paper once

New material:

Differential geometry not started Need to learn in order to understand grandfather's thesis!
Algebraic geometry not started
Differential topology not started
Algebraic topology not started
Set theory and transfinite stuff not started
Statistics not started
Grandy's thesis Learn enough math to understand my grandfather's thesis not started "Homothetic Correspondences Between Riemannian Spaces" by E. Baylis Shanks
cohomology Learn about cohomology (and homology and homotopy to boot)not started
homotopy type theory started
network science, extremal properties of graph metrics started
game theory not started

the books that chuck recommended