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The hippocampus and temporal sequence learning

a review of the primary literature

\begin{center}\emph{Cite and summarize the primary literature on the role of the hippocampus in the storage and retrieval of sequence memories (learning of a temporal sequence of stimuli)}\end{center}

Hippocampal lesions


\RawSienna{$\to$ problems remembering sequences}


\RawSienna{$\to$ problems keeping track of sequences as they occur}

A closer look at Fortin et al '02


Wouldn't it be nice if we could look inside the hippocampus after learning and see if any memories of sequences are in there?


Reply of sequences found during sleep

Hippocampus is not the \underline{only} structure involved with sequences


\Mahogany{Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT)}:

implicit sequence learning w/o hippocampus

Other structures that may learn sequences:

Generalizations of temporal sequence learning

Evidence of hippocampal involvement in sequence memory


there is machinery specialized to sequence memory in the hippocampus

Generalizations of temporal sequence learning cont'd

Generalizations of temporal sequence learning cont'd

Generalizations of temporal sequence learning cont'd

Computational models of hippocampal sequence learning

The theta multiplexed model


% ==== The theta multiplexed model cont'd ====

Brain regions involved in working memory oscillate at two rates at once; a low-frequency theta oscillation (5-8 Hz) is subdivided into about seven subcycles by high frequency gamma oscillations (20-60 Hz). Perhaps this is a multiplexed short-term memory buffer; each of the seven subcycles holds one memory. So, during each theta cycle, the brain runs through each of the stored working memories.


The theta multiplexed model cont'd


The theta multiplexed model cont'd

Sequence readout with a synchronized decoder wave: phase determines which sequence location is read:

Element A selected


Element C selected


The theta multiplexed model cont'd

Element C selected


No element selected

(decoder wave in antiphase with carrier wave)


The theta multiplexed model cont'd

Sequence readout with a slightly slower decoder wave (using precession):


The theta multiplexed model cont'd

\RawSienna?{\textbf{Explains theta phase precession in hippocampus:}}


The wave shown in the decoder wave. The rat is replying a sequence of nearby places into it's short-term memory. At first, as it is at location A, the "C" place cell is activated (because it's nearby C). Perhaps it remembers sequence A,B,C,D,E. Then, it moves to location B. The "C" place cell now replays sequence "BCDE A". etc

More about theta oscillation

More about theta phase precession

Theta phase precession is a phenomenon relating the theta rhythm, the firing of individual neurons, and place fields. Consider the phase of each spike of the place cell in relation to the hippocampal theta oscillation. Theta phase precession is a phenomenon where the phase of neural firing moves earlier each theta cycle as the animal moves through the place field.

Some postulated functions of theta rhythm and theta phase precession:

The theta multiplexed model cont'd

Theta phase coding lets you do other cool stuff, too. For example, sequence comparison during readout (no extra "compare" op needed):


The theta multiplexed model cont'd

Provides some intriguing answers to some questions:

\RawSienna?{Q: Why does working memory hold 7 +- 2 items?}

A: There's room for about seven gamma cycles inside each theta cycle.

The theta multiplexed model cont'd

\RawSienna?{Q: Why is possibly transient frequency-locking observed between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, the cingulate cortex, and the prefrontal cortex?}

A: Phase coding means transmitting information in the phase of individual spikes, as compared to an underlying oscillation. If there is a phase-coded signal being transferred between the hippocampus and one of these other areas, then both sender and receiver must be frequency-locked in order to be able to compare the phases of the spikes to the same underlying oscillation.

