
Well, it took me over an hour to get the "hello world" Boost.Python example to compile!

(this Hello World: )

The problem seems to be that Debian puts the Boost things in a different filesystem layout than it comes with, and Boost can't handle that. There is a Debian "bjam" package, but only in Unstable, so I guess it isn't really ready yet or something. I kept getting an error that bjam wanted to find "bootstrap.jam", which, after doing a search on Debian's web page, I saw wasn't included in any Debian package.

Finally I caved and downloaded the Boost .tar.gz from the Boost project itself. This seems to be working. I had to do these additional steps that the tutorial doesn't mention, though:

export PYTHON_INCLUDES=/usr/include/python2.3 export PYTHON_ROOT=/usr/lib/python2.3 export PYTHON_VERSION=2.3

and then i did

bjam -d2 -sTOOLS=gcc -sGXX\g++-3.0 -sGCC=gcc-3.0 test