
Big, long societal projects that are important but currently overlooked:

rewrite computer programming languages to make them quicker to type: * an dialect of C++ which is quicker, with things like foreach, etc * human-level AI

phenotropic computing/better methods of programming in general * graphical programing, or in general languages expressed not in the string paradigm but as something else (2d languages, etc) * languages in which you tell the computer what you want done, not how to do it

better methods of teaching/better curricula in general (i.e. why do we teach calculus in high school, anyway?)

better languages

better forms of government, economics

better use of dimensions

make Unix easier to use

     rationalize filesystem	-- easy to remember names
		 kill should actually kill (w/o args at least, not send a signal)
		 "jobs" numbers vs. process nums; confusing to decide which one to kill
     standard suite of easy to use command names
     undelete command (implemented at filesys level, not shell level)
     better rm -i: don't ask about EVERY file separately!
     disallow filenames with weird, scary characters (or which begin with a dash, etc) -- these are confusing to remove/move	    

equal rights amendment to the constitution

cleaning up the constitution