
Table of Contents for Programming Languages: a survey

Most frequently used/popular instructions

distribution by instruction length: 1 4.77% 2 17.67% 3 18.72% 4 12.28% 5 13.78% 6 15.60% 7 13.30% 8 2.46% 9 0.01% 10 1.02% 11 0.41%

top 20 instructions: mov 35% push 9.99941228328% call 6.01175433441% cmp 4.62415515721% add 4.31295915369% pop 4.08257419924% lea 3.85953570379% test 2.79400528945% je 2.74316779312% xor 2.44255069057% jmp 2.22421392889% jne 2.19541580958% ret 1.45224801646% inc 1.36320893329% sub 1.32677049662% fld 1.29180135175% and 1.10843373494% fstp 1.03967087864% shl 0.84748751102% or 0.738172200999% Others 10.5436379665%

number of operands: 0 3% 1 37% 2 60%

addressing modes: immediate 20% register 56% absolute address 1% indirect address 23%

instruction formats (note the destination comes first in the following): register-memory 35.4% register-register 26.5% register-immediate 16% memory-register 15.2% memory-immediate 6.8%

" The most popular instruction is MOV (35% of all instructions). Note that PUSH is twice more common than POP. These instructions are used in pairs for preserving EBP, ESI, EDI, and EDX registers across function calls, and PUSH is also used for passing arguments to functions; that's why it is more frequent. CALLs to functions are also very popular.

More than 50% of all code is dedicated to moving things between registers and memory (MOV), passing arguments, saving registers (PUSH, POP), and calling functions (CALL). Only 4th instruction (CMP) and the following ones (ADD, LEA, TEST, XOR) do actual calculations.

From conditional jumps, JE and JNE (equal and not equal) are the most popular. CMP and TEST are commonly used to check conditions. The percentage of the LEA instruction is surprisingly high, because MS VC++ compiler generates it for multiplications by constant (e.g., LEA eax, [eax*4+eax]) and for additions and subtractions when the result should be saved to another register, e.g.:

LEA eax, [ecx+04] LEA eax, [ecx+ecx]

The compiler also pads the code with harmless forms of LEA (for example, the padding may be LEA edi, [edi]). As is easy to see, the top 20 instructions include all logical operations (AND, XOR, OR) except NOT.

Though LAME encoder uses MMX technology instructions, their share in the whole code of the program is very low. Two FPU instructions (FLD and FSTP) appears in the top 20.

But what about other instructions? It turns out that multiplication and division are very rare: IMUL takes 0.13%, IDIV takes 0.04%, and both MUL and DIV do 0.02%. Even string operations such as REPZ SCASB or REPZ MOVSB are more common (0.32%) than all IMULs and IDIVs. On the contrary, FMUL is more common than FADD (0.71% versus 0.27%). "

Table 3:Most used x86 DOS application

mov reg reg shl push add inc pop jz les shl 2 arg mov reg mem mov reg mem

Rank instruction # of MOP execution frequency 1 mov r16 r16 1 12.5% 2 shl r16 1 6.8% 3 push r16 2 5.1% 4 add r16 r16 1 5.1% 5 inc r16 1 4.1% 6 pop r16 2 4.0% 7 jz i8 1 3.6% 8 les r16 m16d8 4 3.3% 9 shl r16 i8 1 3.0% 10 mov r16 m16d0 1 2.9% 11 mov r16 m16d8 1 2.7% 12 jge i8 1 2.0% 13 wait 1 1.8% 14 cmp m16d16 i8 2 1.7% 15 jnz i8 1 1.6% 16 dec r16 1 1.5% 17 jmpn i8 1 1.5% 18 cmp m16d16 r16 2 1.5% 19 jl i8 1 1.3% 20 calln i16 ? 1.3% 21 mov r16 i16 1 1.2% 22 mov r8 r8 1 1.1% 23 mov r16 m16d16 1 1.1% 24 jle i8 1 1.0% 25 or r16 r16 1 1.0% 26 cmp r16 m16d8 2 1.0% 27 mov m16d0 r16 1 0.9% 28 mov r8 m8d0 1 0.9% 29 retn ? 0.8% 30 push m16d8 3 0.7% 31 cmp r16 m16d0 2 0.7% 32 jae i8 1 0.7% 33 cmp r16 i8 1 0.7% 34 stosb 2 0.6% 35 mov m16d8 r16 1 0.6% 36 scasb 3 0.6% 37 mov m16d16 r16 1 0.6% 38 movsw 4 0.6% 39 sub r16 r16 1 0.6% 40 movsb 4 0.6% 41 cmp m8d0 i8 2 0.5% 42 retf ? 0.5% 43 jb i8 1 0.5% 44 xchg r16 r16 1 0.4% 45 xor r16 r16 1 0.4% 46 add r16 i8 1 0.4% 47 clc 1 0.3% 48 cmp r8 m8d0 2 0.3% 49 jmpn i16 1 0.3% 50 jg i8 1 0.3% 51 cmp i16 r16 1 0.3% 52 stosw 2 0.3% 53 loop i8 2 0.3% 54 imul r16 r16 i16 1 0.3% 55 cmp m16d0 i8 2 0.3% 56 add r16 m16d8 2 0.3% 57 cmp r16 m16d16 2 0.3% 58 or r8 r8 1 0.3% 59 imul r16 r16 i8 1 0.3% 60 les r16 m16d0 4 0.3% 61 mov m8d0 r8 1 0.3% 62 fld m32d0 3 0.3% 63 xor r16 m16d16 2 0.2% 64 cmp r8 i8 1 0.2% 65 leave 3 0.2%

TOTAL 90.8%

Table 4: Most used x86 Windows95 applications

push mov reg mem jz pop mov reg reg inc mov reg mem xor jnz calln

Rank instruction # of MOP execution frequency 1 push r32 2 8.4% 2 mov r32 m32d8 1 7.1% 3 jz i8 1 5.7% 4 pop r32 1 4.2% 5 mov r32 r32 1 4.0% 6 inc r32 1 3.0% 7 mov r32 m32d0 1 2.9% 8 xor r32 r32 1 2.7% 9 jnz i8 1 2.7% 10 calln i32 ? 2.2% 11 cmp r32 r32 1 2.2% 12 mov r16 m16d8 1 2.1% 13 test r32 r32 1 2.1% 14 retn i32 ? 1.9% 15 jl i8 1 1.9% 16 mov r8 m8d8 1 1.7% 17 cmp r32 i32 1 1.6% 18 add r32 r32 1 1.5% 19 add r32 i8 1 1.3% 20 cmp m32d32 i8 2 1.3% 21 jz i32 1 1.3% 22 lea r32 m32d0 1 1.3% 23 lea r32 m32d8 1 1.3% 24 cdq 1 1.3% 25 mov m32d8 r32 1 1.3% 26 cmp r8 i8 1 1.2% 27 sub r32 r32 1 1.2% 28 cmp m32d8 i8 2 1.1% 29 jmpn i8 1 1.1% 30 sub r32 m32d8 1 1.1% 31 and r32 i8 1 1.0% 32 test r8 i8 1 0.9% 33 jnz i32 1 0.9% 34 mov r16 m16d0 1 0.8% 35 mov r8 m8d0 1 0.8% 36 mov m16d8 r16 1 0.7% 37 cmp m32d0 i8 2 0.7% 38 mov m32d0 r32 1 0.7% 39 jae i8 1 0.7% 40 mov r32 m32d32 1 0.6% 41 movzx r32 r32 1 0.6% 42 call m32d0 ? 0.6% 43 sub r32 i8 1 0.5% 44 mov r32 i32 1 0.5% 45 shr r32 i8 1 0.5% 46 movsw 4 0.5% 47 jle i8 1 0.5% 48 imul r32 r32 i32 1 0.5% 49 movsb 4 0.4% 50 jg i8 1 0.4% 51 and r8 i8 1 0.4% 52 and r16 i16 1 0.4% 53 push m32d8 3 0.4% 54 cmp r16 i16 1 0.4% 55 sub r32 i32 1 0.4% 56 movzx r8 m8d0 1 0.4% 57 mov m8d0 r8 1 0.3% 58 dec r32 1 0.3% 59 test r8 r8 1 0.3% 60 jmpn i32 1 0.3% 61 retn ? 0.3% 62 call r32 ? 0.3% 63 cmp m32d0 r32 2 0.3% 64 push i8 2 0.3% 65 cmp m16d8 r16 2 0.3%

TOTAL 90.5%

Table 5: Micro-operation frequencies

Rank Micro-operation Frequency 1 ld 19.7% 2 mov 9.6% 3 st 9.5% 4 subin 5.5% 5 movm (masked mov) 4.7% 6 shl 4.5% 7 asidn 4.1% 8 cmp 3.6% 9 addin 3.5% 10 add 3.4% 11 inc 2.9% 12 cmpi 2.7% 13 jiz 2.5% 14 wrseg 2.3% 15 ji 2.1% 16 shli 1.8% 17 movi 1.3% 18 jinl 1.2% 19 dec 1.2%

ld mov st subin movm (masked mov) shl asidn cmp addin add inc cmpi jiz 20 jinz 1.1%

(bayle: i have no idea what movm and asidn do; see below for some of the others)

" The micro operations are based on the superscalar model Table 5 lists the most used micro operations. The most significant micro operations are ld (load from memory), st (store to memory) and mov (register-to- register data movement).


Optimization for frequently executed instructions: PUSH and POP "

The subin MOP subtracts the register sp with an immediate value (2) and stores the result back to the register sp "

PUSH = subin; st POP = ld; addin

" SHL is simply shift left. SHL is cool because it's a quick way to multiply (amongst other things) a value by 2,4,8, etc because every time you SHL you double the value. "

" measurements on the VAX show that these addressing modes (immediate, direct, register indirect, and base+displacement) represent 88% of all addressing mode usage. • similar measurements show that 16 bits is enough for the immediate 75 to 80% of the time • and that 16 bits is enough of a displacement 99% of the time. " --

Table 6.1. Dynamic Instruction Execution Frequencies for important Forth primitives.

NAMES FRAC LIFE MATH COMPILE AVE CALL 11.16% 12.73% 12.59% 12.36% 12.21% EXIT 11.07% 12.72% 12.55% 10.60% 11.74% VARIABLE 7.63% 10.30% 2.26% 1.65% 5.46% @ 7.49% 2.05% 0.96% 11.09% 5.40% 0BRANCH 3.39% 6.38% 3.23% 6.11% 4.78% LIT 3.94% 5.22% 4.92% 4.09% 4.54% + 3.41% 10.45% 0.60% 2.26% 4.18% SWAP 4.43% 2.99% 7.00% 1.17% 3.90% R> 2.05% 0.00% 11.28% 2.23% 3.89% >R 2.05% 0.00% 11.28% 2.16% 3.87% CONSTANT 3.92% 3.50% 2.78% 4.50% 3.68% DUP 4.08% 0.45% 1.88% 5.78% 3.05% ROT 4.05% 0.00% 4.61% 0.48% 2.29% USER 0.07% 0.00% 0.06% 8.59% 2.18% C@ 0.00% 7.52% 0.01% 0.36% 1.97% I 0.58% 6.66% 0.01% 0.23% 1.87%

0.33% 4.48% 0.01% 1.87% 1.67%

AND 0.17% 3.12% 3.14% 0.04% 1.61% BRANCH 1.61% 1.57% 0.72% 2.26% 1.54% EXECUTE 0.14% 0.00% 0.02% 2.45% 0.65%

Instructions: 2051600 1296143 6133519 447050

Table 6.2. Static Instruction Execution Frequencies for important Forth primitives.

6.3.2 Static instruction frequencies

NAMES FRAC LIFE MATH COMPILE AVE CALL 16.82% 31.44% 37.61% 17.62% 25.87% LIT 11.35% 7.22% 11.02% 8.03% 9.41% EXIT 5.75% 7.22% 9.90% 7.00% 7.47% @ 10.81% 1.27% 1.40% 8.88% 5.59% DUP 4.38% 1.70% 2.84% 4.18% 3.28% 0BRANCH 3.01% 2.55% 3.67% 3.16% 3.10% PICK 6.29% 0.00% 1.04% 4.53% 2.97% + 3.28% 2.97% 0.76% 4.61% 2.90% SWAP 1.78% 5.10% 1.19% 3.16% 2.81% OVER 2.05% 5.10% 0.76% 2.05% 2.49% ! 3.28% 2.12% 0.90% 2.99% 2.32% I 1.37% 5.10% 0.11% 1.62% 2.05% DROP 2.60% 0.85% 1.69% 2.31% 1.86% BRANCH 1.92% 0.85% 2.09% 2.05% 1.73% >R 0.55% 0.00% 4.11% 0.77% 1.36% R> 0.55% 0.00% 4.68% 0.77% 1.50% C@ 0.00% 3.40% 0.61% 0.34% 1.09%

0.14% 2.76% 0.29% 0.26% 0.86%

Instructions: 731 471 2777 1171

 Table 6.3. Dynamic Instruction Execution Frequencies for RTX 32P Instruction types.
                     FRAC      LIFE      MATH       AVEOP                  57.54% 46.07% 49.66% 51% CALL                19.01% 26.44% 19.96% 22% EXIT                10.80% 12.53% 16.25% 13% OP+CALL              0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% OP+EXIT              0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% CALL+EXIT            0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% OP+CALL+EXIT         0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% COND                 5.89% 9.95% 6.56% 7% LIT                  6.76% 5.01% 7.57% 6% LIT-OP               0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% VARIABLE-OP          0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0% VARIABLE-OP-OP       0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0%

Instructions: 8381513 1262079 940448

OP-OP 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0%

local-variable loads: 34.5% local-variable stores: 7% loads from memory: 20.2% stores to memory: 4% compute (integer/floating point): 9.2% branches: 7.9% calls/returns: 7.3% push constant: 6.8% misc stack ops: 2.1% new objects: 0.4% all others: 0.6%

memory reference: 34% (LOAD (load and push to top of stack) 18%, STOR (store from top of stack) 7%, LDX (load into index register) 3%) immediate: 17% branches: 16% stack ops: 16% privileged memory reference: 5% field & bit: 5% linkage & control: 5% shifts: 1%

Table 3. Distribution of memory references (note: by addressing mode) address type nominal use of address mode percent of LOADs, percent of STORs DB+ global scalar 7 7 DB+, I, X global array 3 10 Q- LOAD: value parameter 20 Q- STOR: return value 17 Q-, I reference parameter scalar 4 5 Q-, I, X array parameter 5 6 Q+ local scalar 27 44 Q+, I, X local array 7 4 S- temporary 2 1 P+- constant 12 not allowed direct array (no indirection) 13 6

note: the DB register points to globals; X is the index register; the Q register points to locals; S points to the stack; P is the program counter; I presumably means indirection/dereferencing.

branches: 68% conditional upon status flags 19% unconditional 13% conditional upon the first bit on top of the stack

81% of conditional branches and 86% of unconditional were direct P-relative; the rest are indirect (the operand specifies a location L which itself contains a 16-bit displacement from L; L plus the displacement is the branch target)

branch distances (of direct branches only): distance % of direct BR % of direct BCC 128-225 5 64-127 3 32-63 3 16-31 42 20 8-15 10 30 4-7 12 26 2-3 15 23 1 9


Stackops. The stack operators are those whose operands are implicitly at the top of the stack. Their operation was demonstrated by Ackermann's function. One result of the measurement was that 5 percent of all instructions executed were paired stackops. Paired stackops reduce memory traffic to the CPU and improve the code com- pression otherwise inherent in the stack architecture. Of the most common stackops, only one is an arithmetic operator as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Dominant stackops.

DUP 3% Duplicate top of stack STAX 3% Store top of stack in index reg and delete ZERO 2% Push a zero onto the top of stack CMP 1% Compare top two words, set conditon code XCH 1% Exchange top two words DECA 1% Subtract one from the top of stack

Again, percentages are expressed as a fraction of all instructions executed. Much of the use of DUP could probably be eliminated by including a nondestructive STOR instruction, which does not pop the stack, but merely copies it to the specified DB-, Q-, or S-relative location. "

" Immediates. One quarter of the immediate group were executions of LDXI (load X immediate).


Table 6. Dominant immediates (aside from LDXI).

CMPI 3% Compare immediate value with TOS ADDI 2% Add immediate value to the TOS LDI 2% Load immediate value to the TOS SED 2% Enable, disable external interrupts ANDI 1% And immediate with the TOS

Table 7. Ten most frequent instructions in a multiprogramming benchmark.

LOAD 18% Load word onto the top of stack BCC 10% Branch on status condition STOR 7% Store word off the top of stack LDXI 4% Load immediate value into index register DUP 3% Duplicate the top of stack STAX 3% Store top of stack into index register BR 3% Unconditional branch CMPI 3% Compare immediate value with top of stack LDX 3% Load index register from memory EXF 3% Extract bit field from the top of stack

addressing mode usage (3 programs avg, 17% to 43%):

Register deferred (indirect): 13% avg, 3% to 24%) scaled 7% avg, 0% to 16% memory 3% avg, 1% to 6% misc 2% avg, 0% to 3%

"data addressing modes that are important: displacement, immediate, register indirect. Displacement size should be 12 to 16 bits. Immediate size should be 8 to 16 bits"


Typical Operations

Data Movement load/store (from/to memory) memory-to-memory move register-to-register move input/output (from/to I/O device) push/pop (to/from stack)

Arithmetic integer (binary + decimal) or FP add, subtract, multiply, divide

Logical not, and, or, set, clear

Shift shift left/right, rotate left/right

Control (Jump/Branch) unconditional, conditional

Subroutine Linkage call, return

Interrupt trap, return

Synchronization test&set (atomic read-modify-write)

String search, translate "


Addressing Modes Addressing mode Example Meaning Register Add R4,R3 R4 R4+R3 Immediate Add R4,#3 R4 R4+3 Displacement Add R4,100(R1) R4 R4+Mem[100+R1] Register indirect Add R4,(R1) R4 R4+Mem[R1] Indexed Add R3,(R1+R2) R3 R3+Mem[R1+R2] Direct or absolute Add R1,(1001) R1 R1+Mem[1001] Memory indirect Add R1,@(R3) R1 R1+Mem[Mem[R3]] Auto-increment Add R1,(R2)+ R1 R1+Mem[R2]; R2 R2+d Auto-decrement Add R1,-(R2) R2 R2-d; R1 R1+Mem[R2] Scaled Add R1,100(R2)[R3] R1 R1+Mem[100+R2+R3*d]



Top ten 80x86 instructions Rank Instruction % total execution 1 load 22% 2 conditional branch 20% 3 compare 16% 4 store 12% 5 add 8% 6 and 6% 7 sub 5% 8 move reg-reg 4% 9 call 1% 10 return 1%

Total 96%

From five SPECint92 program "

" Support these simple instructions, since they will dominate the number of instructions executed: load, store, add, subtract, move register-register, and shift Compare equal, compare not equal, compare less, branch (with a PC-relative address at least 8 bits long), jump, call, and return "

" Use fixed instruction encoding if interested in performance, and use variable instruction encoding if interested in code size "

" Operand Size Usage

Frequency of reference by size

0% Doubleword (64-bit): integer: 0% floating point: 69%

Word: integer: 74% floating point: 31%

Halfword: integer: 19% floating point: 0%

Byte: integer: 7% floating point: 0%

Support these data sizes and types: 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit integers and 32-bit and 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers

" --

A Few of the Most Frequent Instructions Complier % Sum VlsiCheck? % Sum Jump If !=0 10.30 10.3 Load Local Double-Word 7.04 7.04 Load LO 8.96 19.26 Load LO 6.39 13.43 Read Field 7.50 26.76 Store Local Double-Word 5.15 18.58 Load Immed 16-bit 5.51 32.27 Recover Stack Item 4.93 23.51 Add 4.94 37.21 Load Immed 8-bit 4.60 28.11 Read Indirect 4.6 41.81 Load Immed. 0 3.92 32.03 Recover Stack Item3.51 45.32 Read Indirect 3.11 35.14 Index Off Pointer Load GO 2.99 48.31 Jump If !=O 3.03 38.17

for two programs, a compiler (complier in chart; sic) and VlsiCheck?

" Statistics For "Standard" Partition Compiler VlsiCheck? Group % Sum Group % Sum LdlStore? 32.97 32.97 LdlStore? 35.15 35.15 RIW 19.59 52.57 RIW 14.14 49.29 CondJumps? 16.82 69.39 Stack Ops 12.23 61.52 Ld Immed 11.43 80.82 ALU Ops 10.76 72.28 ALU Ops 8.14 88.96 Ld Immed 10.53 82.81 Stack Ops 3.87 92.84 CondJumps? 8.42 91.23 Xfers 3.55 96.39 Xfers 5.31 96.54 Jumps 2.25 98.64 Jumps 1.75 98.29 Mise 1.35 99.99 Mise 1.67 99.96 Processes 0.01 100.0 Processes 0.04 100.0

Branches, Xfers, and Jumps Compiler VlsiCheck? Group % Sum Group % Sum CondJumps? 16.82 16.82 CondJumfs? 8.42 8.42 Xfers 3.55 20.37 Xfers 5.3 13.73 Jumps 2.25 22.62 Jumps 1.75 15.48

The tables ·and figures below show the most frequently executed instructions within each group of the Standard Partition. For the sake of brevity, only the first three or four instructions in each group are shown. Note that within each group only a few instructions account for most of the activity in that group, and that bounds and NIL checking (in Stack Ops group) cost only 5.14% of all instructions, even in a program like VlsiCheck?, that extensively reads and writes memory.

Opcode mnemonics are provided in the appendix.

Compiler VlsiCheck? Instr Group Over all Sum Instr Group Over all Sum

LdlStore?=32.97% Over All LdlStore?=35.15% Over All LLO 27.16 8.96 8.96 LLDB 20.04 7.04 7.04 LGO 9.06 2.99 11.95 LLO 18.17 6.39 13.43 LL1 7.29 2.40 14.35 SLDB 14.65 5.15 18.58 LL2 5.02 1.76 20.34

R/W=19.59% Over All R/W=14.14% Over All RF 38.23 7.49 7.49 RILP 21.96 3.11 3.11 RO 23.68 4.64 12.13 RO 13.00 1.84 4.95 RXLP 6.86 1.34 13.47 RDBL 10.38 1.47 6.42 RSTR 9.66 1.37 7.79

CondJumps?= 16.82% Over All Stack Ops = 12.23% Over All JZNEB 61.18 JZNEB 61.57 10.29 10.29 PUSH 40.30 4.93 4.93 JZEQB 7.87 1.32 11.61 NILCKL 21.78 2.66 7.59 JEQB 5.71 .96 12.57 BNDCK 10.37 1.33 8.92 NILCK 9.42 1.15 10.07

Ld Immed = 11.43% Over All ALU Ops=10.76% Over All LIW 47.31 5.41 5.41 MUL 24.16 2.60 2.60 LIB 13.95 1.59 7.00 ADD 21.62 2.33 4.93 LIO 13.49 1.54 8.54 SUB 12.98 1.40 6.33 LIl 9.79 1.12 9.66 INC 11.33 1.22 7.55


Appendix: Instruction Descriptions LLi, LGi, SLi, SGi Load or Store from the Local or Global Frame the i th variable LLB, LLDB, SLB, SLOB RF Ri Load or Store from the Local or Global Frame given a byte offset "0" indicates a double- word quantity Read a bit field from a 16-bit value Read the i th word from the pointer on the top of the stack RXLP,RILP Read a value, indexed or indirect with post indexing JZNEB, JZEQB, JEQB Conditional branches with a byte offset for the PC LIW, LIB, Li Load immediate values (word, byte, small constant) RECOVER Recover the previous top of stack by incrementing the stack pointer without modifying the contents of the stack MUL, ADD, SUB, INC Arithmetic operations BNDCK, NILCK, NILCKL Boundary and pointer check instructions



Statistics For "Memory Components" Partition Compiler VlsiCheck? Group % Sum Group % Sum Mem1 19.18 19.16 Meml 10.94 10.94 Mem2 16.78 35.94 Mem2 24.81 35.75

Statistics For "Instruction Length" Partition Compiler VlsiCheck? Group % Sum Group % Sum Length1 55.22 55.22 Length1 56.72 56.72 Length2 38.64 93.86 Length2 41.66 98.38 Length3 6.14 100.0 Length3 1.62 100.0 Average Length 1.51 1.45


there's more data in that paper that i didn't bother to copy to here

" Statistics about Control Flow Change


" Performance effect of various levels of optimization measurements from Chow[1983] for 12 small FORTRAN and PASCAL programs

Optimizations performed Percent faster Procedure integration only 10% Local optimizations only 5% Local optimizations + register allocations 26% Global and local optimizations 14% Local and global optimizations + register allocation 63% Local and global optimizations + procedure integration + register allocation 81%


Addressing mode usage frequencies:


displacement: 32 immediate: 43 register deferred: 24 scaled: 16 memory indirect: 1


displacement: 55 immediate: 17 register deferred: 3 scaled: 16 memory indirect: 6


displacement: 40 immediate: 39 register deferred: 11 scaled: 5 memory indirect: 1

immediate size: 50% to 60% fit within 8 bits, 75% to 80% fit within 16 bits

" Linux C library on x86:

Instruction usage breakdown (by popularity): 42.4% mov instructions 5.0% lea instructions 4.9% cmp instructions 4.7% call instructions 4.5% je instructions 4.4% add instructions 4.3% test instructions 4.3% nop instructions 3.7% jmp instructions 2.9% jne instructions 2.9% pop instructions 2.6% sub instructions 2.2% push instructions 1.4% movzx instructions 1.3% ret instructions ...

This makes a little more sense broken into categories:

Load and store: about 50% total 42.4% mov instructions 2.9% pop instructions 2.2% push instructions 1.4% movzx instructions 0.3% xchg instructions 0.2% movsx instructions

Branch: about 25% total 4.9% cmp instructions 4.7% call instructions 4.5% je instructions 4.3% test instructions 3.7% jmp instructions 2.9% jne instructions 1.3% ret instructions 0.4% jle instructions 0.4% ja instructions 0.4% jae instructions 0.3% jbe instructions 0.3% js instructions

Arithmetic: about 15% total 5.0% lea instructions (uses address calculation arithmetic) 4.4% add instructions 2.6% sub instructions 1.0% and instructions 0.5% or instructions 0.3% shl instructions 0.3% shr instructions 0.2% sar instructions 0.1% imul instructions

So for this piece of code, the most numerically common instructions on x86 are actually just memory loads and stores (mov, push, or pop), followed by branches, and finally arithmetic--this low arithmetic density was a surprise to me! You can get a little more detail by looking at what stuff occurs in each instruction:

Registers used: 30.9% "eax" lines (eax is the return result register, and general scratch) 5.7% "ebx" lines (this register is only used for accessing globals inside DLL code) 10.3% "ecx" lines 15.5% "edx" lines 11.7% "esp" lines (note that "push" and "pop" implicitly change esp, so this should be about 5% higher) 25.9% "ebp" lines (the bread-and-butter stack access base register) 12.0% "esi" lines 8.6% "edi" lines

x86 does a good job of optimizing access to the eax register--many instructions have special shorter eax-only versions. But it should clearly be doing the same thing for ebp, and it doesn't have any special instructions for ebp-relative access.

Features used: 66.0% "0x" lines (immediate-mode constants) 69.6% "," lines (two-operand instructions) 36.7% "+" lines (address calculated as sum) 1.2% "*" lines (address calculated with scaled displacement) 48.1% "\[" lines (explicit memory accesses) 2.8% "BYTE PTR" lines (char-sized memory access) 0.4% "WORD PTR" lines (short-sized memory access) 40.7% "DWORD PTR" lines (int or float-sized memory) 0.1% "QWORD PTR" lines (double-sized memory)

So the "typical" x86 instruction would be an int-sized load or store between a register, often eax, and a memory location, often something on the stack referenced by ebp with an immediate-mode offset. Something like 50% of instructions are indeed of this form! "