

" You might already have a language in mind that you want to use. Technically speaking, mal can be implemented in any sufficiently complete programming language (i.e. Turing complete), however, there are a few language features that can make the task MUCH easier. Here are some of them in rough order of importance:

    A sequential compound data structure (e.g. arrays, lists, vectors, etc)
    An associative compound data structure (e.g. a dictionary, hash-map, associative array, etc)
    Function references (first class functions, function pointers, etc)
    Real exception handling (try/catch, raise, throw, etc)
    Variable argument functions (variadic, var args, splats, apply, etc)
    Function closures
    PCRE regular expressions

In addition, the following will make your task especially easy:

    Dynamic typing / boxed types (specifically, the ability to store different data types in the sequential and associative structures and the language keeps track of the type for you)
    Compound data types support arbitrary runtime "hidden" data (metadata, metatables, dynamic fields attributes)

Here are some examples of languages that have all of the above features: JavaScript?, Ruby, Python, Lua, R, Clojure. " -- 'codygman' compares various language implementations of mal using 'cloc' to see which implementations were shortest.

the shortest were:

CoffeeScript?, Clojure, OCaml, Ruby, Python

the full table was (omitting support files) was:

    Language                     files          blank        comment           code
    Rust                            17            294            155           3919
    C                               18            446            383           3356
    C#                              19            472            235           3314
    Visual Basic                    17            322            131           2945
    Java                            17            322            134           2872
    Go                              17            299            147           2636
    Bourne Shell                    16            304            241           2308
    Perl                            19            263            165           2167
    Haskell                         17            328             99           1951
    MATLAB                          25            176            114           1880
    Javascript                      23            263            145           1873
    PHP                             17            242            118           1791
    Scala                           16            219            113           1731
    Lua                             18            227             87           1715
    Python                          18            218            143           1393
    Ruby                            17            165             87           1219
    OCaml                           15            105             98           1154
    Clojure                         17            247            117           1011
    CoffeeScript                    17            193            126            989

(Forth is missing)

the thread discusses this and gives reasons why some of the longer implementations could have been shorter.

--- rule #5 has an interesting suggestion in the context of syntax for writing assertions, where 'e' is an assertion condition (a boolean expression): "The syntax #e turns the assertion condition e into a string that is printed as part of the error message."

eg you should be able to pass around 'expressions' (which are raw ASTs, which can contain unbound variables, not necessarily written as anonymous functions with an explicit varspec), and you should be able to serialize these into strings


one Java metaprogramming interface in Java core:


this guy claims macros are not a readability problem:

orthecreedence 2 hours ago

After programming in CL for several years, I can honestly say that when encountering new syntax that people have introduced in an app, it's no harder to follow along with it by reading the macro definition than encountering an unknown function. And when in doubt, you can just macroexpand the syntax and see what it's doing under the hood.



kevin_thibedeau 8 hours ago

I recently needed to make a cross platform assembler for a niche 8-bit micro that only has DOS tooling. After cloning it in a small bit of Python I was looking for a simple way to extend it with macros. It turns out that m4 works really well as an asm macro language and I now have advanced facilities like a code generating expression evaluator and high level control flow statements without any significant change to the core assembler. It blows the doors off what contemporary assemblers (nasm, masm, tasm) can do and hearkens back to the high point of high level assemblers when they peaked in the 70s.

