
A world government at first sounds like a good idea, but I think it is not.

The problem is that humans have not yet learned to design governmental institutions that do not have an unacceptably high risk of going bad.

Until we can design better governments, it is better to have a variety of different governments than to have just one. This way, when one government goes bad, at least we can say that a majority of the people in the world are not under its control.

If one government controlled the whole Earth, and that government went bad, it would be very hard for a revolution to occur.

In more general terms, if we have many governments, we have a measure of redundancy against failure.

However, I am in favor of multi-national institutions (things like the U.N.). It would be nice to have democratic institutions that spanned the entire world, although I would not want them to be governments themselves. Some efforts along these lines appear to be: