(redirected from notes-groupDecisionMaking-liquidRepublic-bylaws-reweightedScoreVoting)


Reweighted Score Voting procedure

Each voter submits a ballot which, for each candidate, indicates a score of either 0, 1, or 2 (0 is the default, used if they don't express anything for some candidate).

Each ballot is given an initial "weight" of 1.

Repeat the following P times, where P is the number of winners to be chosen:

1. The weighted scores on the ballots are summed for each candidate, thus obtaining that candidate's total score.

2. The candidate with the highest total score (who has not already won), is declared a winner.

3. When a voter "gets her way" in the sense that a candidate she rated highly wins, her ballot weight is reduced so that she has less influence on later choices of winners. To accomplish that, each ballot is given a new weight = 1/(1+SUM/2), where SUM is the sum of the scores that ballot gives to the winners-so-far.