
From time to time i look into lightweight markup languages. These are not 'interesting' per se to me, but they are a very useful convenience. Imo lightweight markup is a key UI feature of wikis. I've also written my own lightweight markup that compiles to LaTeX? for writing math in (EasyLatex?).

A problem is that, at least in the past, there has been no single markup language that dominated, and often the existing markup languages didn't support all desired features, so each wiki implmentation and everything else ended up inventing their own.

However, now Markdown and ReST? seem to be popular, Textile also somewhat, and Creole is at least some sort of standard.

The problem with markdown is its creator has not responded to calls for standardized modificions to it, so it has splintered. The main contenders seem to be MultiMarkdown?, Markdown Extra, and Pandoc Markdown.

" Markdown Extensions

Unlike reStructuredText, which is virtually identical across all its implementations, there are a wide variety of semi-compatible Markdown extension styles; the most popular are MultiMarkdown? and Markdown Extra (the latter implemented by PHP Markdown and Maruku, and partially by Python Markdown and Redcarpet); Pandoc has its own set of Markdown extensions, based on both Markdown Extra and reStructuredText; these Markdown extensions are the most similar to reStructuredText, while the Markdown Extra extensions have a smaller overlap, and the MultiMarkdown? extensions are only compatible with reStructuredText when they are also identical to parts of Markdown Extra. " --