
to highlight the difference between shannon information and the english word:

if, at time t=0, you call your current position the "origin", and you plant a flag there, and then move 1 meter to the left, and then call your friend to report your 3-D position with accuracy of 0.1 meters (and beforehand you and your friend understood that 0,0,0 was where you planted the flag), you say, "i'm at -1.0, 0.0, 0.0". The location you gave has a certain number of bits; and, in context, it gives your friend some information (for instance, he can guess that you could probably get to where the flag is very quickly). But your friend may not be able to come and find you, because s/he doesn't know where you are.

but if you take as your origin Greenwich, England (and assume that a flag is planted there), and then call your friend to report your 3-D position, it takes the same number of bits, but your friend has more information; now they can come and find you.

in English, we would say that giving your absolute position is "more informative" than giving only a relative displacement. But the number of bits required is the same. note that the English meaning is dependent on context.