
Table of Contents for Programming Languages: a survey

Chapter : targets, IRs, VMs and runtimes

note: HLL is an abbreviation for High Level Language.

IR is for Intermediate Representation.

The core language of a VM is usually called 'bytecode'. The instructions in this language are called 'instructions' or 'operations' or 'ops' or 'opcodes' or 'bytecodes'.


maximizing code density for embedded systems


register-based vs stack-based VMs

"It’s a bit easier to build a relatively efficient interpreter with a register-based machine...Having now done the code generation work for register and stack machines...Mostly, I found the register-based code generation a bit easier to do...on the JVM, the stack must be empty either side of a try/catch construct. So you have to do some work to spill the stack into locals if there’s anything already on it....I haven’t really come out of all this thinking register machines are overwhelmingly better than stack machines, though – but they are a bit easier on the code generation, which is nice. If you plan to put your call frames on the system stack, the stack approach seems more attractive from that angle. Once you decide you’re not doing that, you could go either way." --

Shi, Yunhe; Gregg, David; Beatty, Andrew; Ertl, M. Anton (2005-06-11). "Virtual Machine Showdown: Stack Versus Registers".

"And never forget that stack machines are superior to register machines when it comes to code density!" --

examples of stack-based VMs:

"if you look at the VMs that do successfully host multiple languages today, they’ve typically started by hosting one language really well." --

i guess the reason that writing instructions in stack-mode is so concise is that it's really just a useful shorthand for how the outputs of earlier instructions are plugged into the inputs of later ones, and that in the common case (executing a bunch of sequential instructions whose inputs depend on the output of the previous instruction) it's concise. when you get far away from this common case is when you get lots of ROTs and DUPs, in which case maybe registers are better.

another way of saying that: when you are computing expressions, you end up recursively computing subexpressions and then plugging the result into a larger expression. E.g. to compute 0.5*(f(x,y,u+v) + z), you compute z, then you compute u+v, then f(x,y,u+v), then f(x,y,u+v)+z, then 0.5*f(x,y,u+v)+z. You don't save usually save these intermediate results to use twice; e.g. if you compute 0.5*(2*f(x) + 2*f(x)) you might actually compute f(x) twice (or you may not, if you memoize). This is perfect for a stack machine. Whereas, if you did y = 2*f(x) and then 0.5*(y + y), that's more easily done on a register machine. The point is, for the best-case scenario on a stack machine, each intermediate result is used exactly once and is consumed immediately, except when other operands must first be computed as further inputs to the function that is consuming it, in which case it is consumed as soon as all of its coinputs are produced. If each function further produces exactly one output, then that output represents a subexpression and the stack machine represents the recursive computation of an expression.

Registers are for multi output, stack for single (== expressions)

todo not related to stack vs reg??:




JVM no tailcall!

spineless tagless G-machine see


Perl6 Rakudo, NQP, MoarVM?

PIR and Parrot -- seems to mostly have failed


VMs: pros and cons

Why do some languages target virtual machines? Why add another layer that isn't strictly necessary?


Additional pros if you target an existing virtual machine:



Common constraints on VMs for efficiency

A VM does not need to obey these constraints in order to fit the definition of a VM, but they are often seen for reasons of efficiency:

How intermediate?

Leans up vs. leans down

should they be designed to be similar to hardware CPU instruction set architecture (ISA)? e.g. most extant VMs are either stack machines or register machines; but why not just memory-to-memory?

simple vs. complex

data model, evaluation strategy of HLL, sometimes object model

two layers of VMs

interoperable vms expand into toolchains

Impedence mismatches when targetting an existing VM


supporting platform-dependent optimized primitives without bloating the VM language

Different platforms offer different optimized primitives. If the VM's language defined special facilities for the union of all of these, it would be very large indeed; this would also necessitate relatively large implementations of the VM because on each platform it would have to implement each of te defined facilities for . But if it does not define special facilities for some of these, then naive compilers targeting the VM language will transform operations that could be performed by optimized primitives into lengthly sequences of VM instructions, making it hard for a platform-specific runtime to figure out where the optimized primitives could be inserted.

What are some ideas for offering access to platform-dependent optimized primitives without bloating the VM language?

optimizer recognizes implementations of optimized primitives

A platform-specific optimizer, which could be part of a compiler or a runtime which is fed bytecode input, would try to recognize naive implementations of what on this platform could be rewritten in terms of optimized primitives, and rewrite them.

C. Guy Yarvin calls this "jets" at


Sections of the bytecode could support annotation, and then in the future annotations could be defined to say essentially, "this section is just doing X, if you have an optimized primitive for X please replace this section with that".


todo read this, mb put it here or mb in the computed goto section:

note: some platforms don't allow the execution of dynamically written code (e.g. Apple iOS)

" Apple forbids the inclusion of mechanisms that enable execution of arbitrary third-party code. This rule effectively bars the use of nonstandard runtimes, JIT engines, and bytecode interpreters " --

" 3.3.2 — An Application may not itself install or launch other executable code by any means, including without limitation through the use of a plug-in architecture, calling other frameworks, other APIs or otherwise. No interpreted code may be downloaded or used in an Application except for code that is interpreted and run by Apple’s Documented APIs and built-in interpreter(s). "

" 2.7 Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected

    2.8 Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected"

See [1].